MPX5067205: Sir Winston Churchill has been taken ill at his London home, following a cold he has had a cerebral thrombosis, his personal paysician Lord Moran has visited the 90 year old former Prime Minister, and a bulletin has been issued. Viscountess Asquith, the former Lady Violet Bonham Carter to see Sir Winston. January 1965 P016865 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5067249: Left to right: Joan Shaw, Gina Walker and Dorotny Corton, three office girls at Five Ways Stocking factory, who test all new types of stockings. They wear a pair of stockings for a fortnight under every day conditions and wash them at least two or three times and report on their condition and wearing to the firm. The firm are guided by their findings. Feburary 1944 P018465 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5067250: Fashion - 1970's: Transpants. Model Februa ry went for a stroll in the latest fashion to emerge from America and decided that it was definately not for her. Londoners got a preview of the see-through trousers that has got the American male population in a tizz. But February clearly thought they were too hot to handle. Her only word for the hot pants was "Phew!". August 1978 P017315 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5067262: Fashion - 1970's: Shocking pink body suit, its one shoulder decorated with a moving lipstick and pounting lips, £38, from Mandy Garrett, Designs, Studio 4, 5 Thurloe Square, London, SW7. Shimmertex handbag, which constantly changes colour as it moves. £7.50. June 1978 P017307 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5067263: Fashion - 1970's: Annette's Into Leather. Shapely Scottish lass Annette Lockey loves to wear leather and when she sets off on her holidays this year her suitcase will be crammed with various articles in the leather-line. Sexy: Annette models a leather leotard designed by Joe McDonald of Glasgow. June 1978 P017305 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5067560: In a major bid to shed new light on our remote ancestors BBC2 is sponsoring a 3 year bid to excavate in and around Silbury Hill, an enormous artificial hill at the side of the A4 near Avebury, six miles west of Marlborough, Wilts. David Attenborough, controller of BBC-2 explains the planned programme at a press conferance at BBC Television Centre, White City London, / Bridgeman Images