Gillian Swinton seen here wearing "The" hat from Paris and who is appearing in a new glamour show "Three Cheers," opening saturday night at the Casino Theatre, London . D1161 / Bridgeman Images
East African groundnuts scheme. Open air hospital at Kongwa - Sister Helen Porter with native mothers and babies. May 1952 O15017-003 / Bridgeman Images
Mechanised Mining. One of the pioneers of the modern system of "Intensive", or fully mechanised mining, the Lothian Coal Company, Newbattle, Midlothian, Scotland, 1946 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Barbara Bach plays the new Bond girl, Anya, in the latest of the hugely successful 007 films, "The Spy Who Loved Me" September 1976 P017271 / Bridgeman Images
Sun glasses feature - worn by model Nikki have writing on them saying "make love not war." Glass spectacles Sun glasses fashion 1968. March 1968 P018641 / Bridgeman Images