A mother mouse gets food for her babies by dipping her tail in a bottle of oil left in a tool shed. January 1950 O22286-002 / Bridgeman Images
Barbara Windsor during filming of an episode of "Carry on Laughing" called "Short Knight - Long Daze", 17th January 1974 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Peggy Satow took revenge on her husband's time consuming hobby. She had the satisfaction of smashing a bottle of champagne over the steam engine, Locomotion, at Beamish Museum that has been the love of her husband Mike for years / Bridgeman Images
Entertainers Stanley Lupino, Pat Kirkwood (Left), Sally Gray and Freddie Carpenter seen here rehearsing at the BBC TV Studios at Alexander Palace Circa. January 1938 OL305C / Bridgeman Images
Northern Ireland October 1969. The last of the Belfast barricades are removed by the army at Unity Walk flats. October 1969 Z10437-001 / Bridgeman Images