SRB6367624: Way to the ocean in the beach and lagoon of Fakarava, Tuamotus Archipelago French Polynesia, Tuamotu Islands, South Pacific, Summer vacation concept, Beautiful turquoise clear water and blue sky with some white clouds, Fakarava, an atoll in the west of the Tuamotu group, French Polynesia, 2020 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
SRB6367757: Old town and Faculty or University of Medicine in the background Montpellier France. The Guilhem dynasty ends with the incorporation of Montpellier into the Crown of Aragon, In the fourteenth century, the sale of Montpellier to the Kingdom of France represents a period of decline during the following two centuries with various religious conflicts (the Holy War), However, a man named Jacques Coeur will stand out during this period: he is an excellent businessman who, apart from managing the royal treasury, is dedicated to trade in the Mediterranean, restoring Montpellier to its economic development, Today, you can still visit his palace, In the 15th century, Montpellier underwent an essential evolution with the creation of four royal chairs at the University of Medicine awarded by oppositions, Simple doctors see their role as an educator progressively harmed and in fact disappeared in the 18th century, The Renaissance is characterized by a profound renewal of teaching, Montpellier becomes a high-level intellectual center, sponsored by Bishop Maguelone Guillaume Pellicier, a great humanist and friend of King Francis I, In the 17th and 18th centuries, thanks to Richelieu and Louis XIV, Montpellier became the capital of the Bas -Languedoc, New buildings appear in the city's infrastructure: private hotels, churches, hospitals, theaters, 2020 (photo) / Bridgeman Images