Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) Assets (603 in total)
Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Olympus: "Apollo and Diana", 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Carnival Scenes: "Show of a Charlatan", a scene with masks imitating an oil paiting, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Carnival Scenes: "Show of a Charlatan", a scene with masks imitating an oil paiting, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Putti, medallion with putti: "Two putti and a parrot", 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Guest Lodgings, the Room of the Putti, medallion with putti: "Three putti playing on a wooden horset", 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Palazzina (Small Building): view of the first room and its frescoes representing episodes from the Iliad: "Achilles in tears while his mother Thetis emerges from the sea to console him", detail, 1756-57 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Palazzina (Small Building): view of the first room and its frescoes representing episodes from the Iliad: "Cupid with arrows flying over a Venetian landscape", 1756-57 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Palazzina (Small Building): view of the first room and its frescoes representing episodes from the Iliad: "Cupid with arrows flying over a Venetian landscape", detail regarding the landscape, 1756-57 (detail), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Palazzina (Small Building): second room or room of Ariosto with frescoes representing episodes from "Orlando Furioso": "Ruggiero rescuing Angelica from the sea monster", 1756-57 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Palazzina (Small Building): second room or room of Ariosto with frescoes representing episodes from "Orlando Furioso": "Angelica takes care of Medoro's wounds", 1756-57 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
The Light of Intelligence overcomes the Darkness of Ignorance, 1743 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Triumph of Glory announced by Fame standing among the Cardinal Virtues, 1743 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of Armida, from Armida Abducting the Sleeping Rinaldo, from the Room of Jerusalem Delivered in the Palazzina, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Detail from The Sacrifice of Iphigenia, from the Entrance Hall in the Palazzina, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of The Greek Fleet in Aulis, from the Entrance Hall in the Palazzina, 1757 (freso), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of The Greek Fleet in Aulis, from the Entrance Hall in the Palazzina, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Angelica and Medoro Taking Leave of the Peasants, from the Room of Orlando Furioso in the Palazzina, 1757 (fresco), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Charles Borromeo meditating on the Crucifix, 1767 (oil on canvas), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
The Investiture of Bishop Harold as Duke of Franconia, c.1751-52 (oil on canvas), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Saint Anthony and the Christ Child supported by Angels (pen and ink), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
Cleopatra's Banquet, 1747-50 (fresco) (see also 176188 and 176768), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images
View of the Great Staircase and ceiling representing the Allegory of the Five Continents. 1753 (photography), Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista (Giambattista) (1696-1770) / Bridgeman Images