Livanova, Vera (1910-98) Assets (317 in total)

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Hail Our Wonderful Motherland, 1967 (poster)
Hail Our Wonderful Motherland, 1967 (poster)

AGC5958621: Hail Our Wonderful Motherland, 1967 (poster), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Raise the Banner of the Communist Brigades!, 1959 (gouache on paper)
Raise the Banner of the Communist Brigades!, 1959 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966739: Raise the Banner of the Communist Brigades!, 1959 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

House in Winter Sun, 1963 (gouache on paper)
House in Winter Sun, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966745: House in Winter Sun, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Give All Our Thoughts and Action to the Communist Constructive Endeavour!, 1966 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Give All Our Thoughts and Action to the Communist Constructive Endeavour!, 1966 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966746: We Shall Give All Our Thoughts and Action to the Communist Constructive Endeavour!, 1966 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Soviet-Romanian Friendship is Indestructible, 1964 (gouache on paper)
The Soviet-Romanian Friendship is Indestructible, 1964 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966749: The Soviet-Romanian Friendship is Indestructible, 1964 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour! 1917-1964, 1964 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour! 1917-1964, 1964 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966752: We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour! 1917-1964, 1964 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Towards Victory!, 1964 (gouache on paper)
Towards Victory!, 1964 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966754: Towards Victory!, 1964 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper)
Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966761: Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Kuba- Si! Yanki- No!, 1961 (gouache on paper)
Kuba- Si! Yanki- No!, 1961 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966765: Kuba- Si! Yanki- No!, 1961 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Waterpower Plant, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Waterpower Plant, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC2899694: Waterpower Plant, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life with Figures, 1968 (gouache on card)
Still Life with Figures, 1968 (gouache on card)

AGC2899695: Still Life with Figures, 1968 (gouache on card), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life with Persimmon, 1968 (oil on canvas)
Still Life with Persimmon, 1968 (oil on canvas)

AGC2899696: Still Life with Persimmon, 1968 (oil on canvas), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Greetings from the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, 1954 (colour litho)
Greetings from the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC2654419: Greetings from the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy Holidays!, 1958 (gouache on paper)
Happy Holidays!, 1958 (gouache on paper)

AGC3674783: Happy Holidays!, 1958 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Sign Up for a Loan, 1932 (w/c on paper)
Sign Up for a Loan, 1932 (w/c on paper)

AGC3725906: Sign Up for a Loan, 1932 (w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Planning the Operation, 1942 (pencil on paper)
Planning the Operation, 1942 (pencil on paper)

AGC3725911: Planning the Operation, 1942 (pencil on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Sign Up for a State Obligation, 3rd Five Year Plan, 1950s (colour litho)
Sign Up for a State Obligation, 3rd Five Year Plan, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940102: Sign Up for a State Obligation, 3rd Five Year Plan, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940104: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail Stalin's Constitution!, 1937 (colour litho)
Hail Stalin's Constitution!, 1937 (colour litho)

AGC940110: Hail Stalin's Constitution!, 1937 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1st Regional Show of Theatres of the Kolkhozes, or Collective Farms, 1935 (colour litho)
1st Regional Show of Theatres of the Kolkhozes, or Collective Farms, 1935 (colour litho)

AGC940112: 1st Regional Show of Theatres of the Kolkhozes, or Collective Farms, 1935 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Peace! Paix! Beke! Mir! Paz! Pokoj! Pace! Frieden!, 1963 (colour litho)
Peace! Paix! Beke! Mir! Paz! Pokoj! Pace! Frieden!, 1963 (colour litho)

AGC940117: Peace! Paix! Beke! Mir! Paz! Pokoj! Pace! Frieden!, 1963 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940121: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940129: Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

By 1960 we will Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Maize, 1955 (gouache on paper)
By 1960 we will Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Maize, 1955 (gouache on paper)

AGC940136: By 1960 we will Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Maize, 1955 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1917-1960: The Great Anniversary, 1960 (gouache on paper)
1917-1960: The Great Anniversary, 1960 (gouache on paper)

AGC940138: 1917-1960: The Great Anniversary, 1960 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1917-1956: Glory to the Great October Revolution!, 1956 (gouache on paper)
1917-1956: Glory to the Great October Revolution!, 1956 (gouache on paper)

AGC940143: 1917-1956: Glory to the Great October Revolution!, 1956 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Barlichenko's Cottage,
Barlichenko's Cottage,

AGC940149: Barlichenko's Cottage, "Happiness in the Home" Theatre Set Design, 1936 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho)
Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho)

AGC940160: Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Fires by Night, 1979 (gouache on paper)
Fires by Night, 1979 (gouache on paper)

AGC1064760: Fires by Night, 1979 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Ship Passing, 1979 (gouache on paper)
Ship Passing, 1979 (gouache on paper)

AGC1064761: Ship Passing, 1979 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Camp, 1979 (gouache on paper)
Camp, 1979 (gouache on paper)

AGC1064762: Camp, 1979 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hunters along the ice, 1970s (w/c on paper)
Hunters along the ice, 1970s (w/c on paper)

AGC1064765: Hunters along the ice, 1970s (w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Wild Horses in Kyrgystan, 1970s (gouache on paper)
Wild Horses in Kyrgystan, 1970s (gouache on paper)

AGC1064770: Wild Horses in Kyrgystan, 1970s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1947 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC939950: Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1948 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1948 (colour litho)

AGC939953: Everybody Participate in the Elections!, 1948 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (colour litho)
Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (colour litho)

AGC939958: Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

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