Livanova, Vera (1910-98)

Creator details

Livanova, Vera (1910-98)
Vera Matveevna Livanova was born in Moscow, 1910. Her style as a poster artist was shaped under the guidance of well-known masters of early Soviet art Aleksandr Deineka, Yuri Pimenov and Vladimir Tatlin. Livanova started her career as a professional artist in Perm doing theatre designs. After two years she moved to Kiev where she started working as a poster artist. In 1936, Livanova settled down in Moscow and in 1938 she became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists. From 1937 to 1968, she worked as a poster artist for the “Izogiz” and “Soviet Artist” publishing houses. Livanova’s posters focused on topics related to the rise of agricultural and industrial standards under the Soviet regime. Common topics were those connected with elections, anniversaries and other political events. Her posters show her mastery as a colourist.

Assets (317 in total)

Our Harvest for Stalin! We Will Grow 7-8 Billion Poods of Grain, 1938 (colour litho)
Freedom to Algeria!, 1961 (gouache on paper)
Hail the 8th of March, the International Communist Women's Day! We Congratulate the Soviet Women, the Happy Daughters of the Socialist Motherland!, 1939 (colour litho)
The Chemical Industry Will Give Us Abundance!, 1964 (colour litho)
Freedom to Africa! Down with Colonialism!, 1961 (colour litho)
Hail the Soviet Women!, 1958 (colour litho)
Communism  - That Is Soviet Power Plus Electrification of the Whole Country!, 1954 (gouache on paper)
The Power of the Soviets Is the Power of the People! The Constitution of the USSR, 1955 (colour litho)
Kuba - Si! Yanki - No!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Grain for the Motherland!, 1963 (colour litho)
Vote for Continuous Flourishing of Our Towns and Villages, 1957 (colour litho)
Greetings from Soviet Uzbekistan, 1940s (gouache on paper)

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