Livanova, Vera (1910-98) Assets (317 in total)

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Vote for a Candidate of the Communist or Non-Party Coalition, 1957 (gouache on paper)
Vote for a Candidate of the Communist or Non-Party Coalition, 1957 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966757: Vote for a Candidate of the Communist or Non-Party Coalition, 1957 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Congratulations on the 8th of March, 1955 (colour litho)
Congratulations on the 8th of March, 1955 (colour litho)

AGC2654420: Congratulations on the 8th of March, 1955 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody go Skiing!, 1936 (gouache on paper)
Everybody go Skiing!, 1936 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966759: Everybody go Skiing!, 1936 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy New Year !, 1958 (gouache on paper)
Happy New Year !, 1958 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966769: Happy New Year !, 1958 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy New Year!, 1958 (gouache on paper)
Happy New Year!, 1958 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966770: Happy New Year!, 1958 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Greetings from Soviet Tadzhikistan!, 1958 (gouache on paper)
Greetings from Soviet Tadzhikistan!, 1958 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966774: Greetings from Soviet Tadzhikistan!, 1958 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Red Flag, 1938 (gouache on paper)
Red Flag, 1938 (gouache on paper)

AGC3084580: Red Flag, 1938 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Sunbathing, 1925 (watercolour on paper)
Sunbathing, 1925 (watercolour on paper)

AGC3084586: Sunbathing, 1925 (watercolour on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Moscow Biscuits - Design Sketch for Packaging, 1938 (gouache on paper)
Moscow Biscuits - Design Sketch for Packaging, 1938 (gouache on paper)

AGC3084590: Moscow Biscuits - Design Sketch for Packaging, 1938 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Barlichenko's Cottage,
Barlichenko's Cottage,

AGC940148: Barlichenko's Cottage, "Happiness in the Home" Theatre Set Design, 1936 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Training of workers at the Defense (Workers Prepared to Defense), c.1930 (oil on canvas)
Training of workers at the Defense (Workers Prepared to Defense), c.1930 (oil on canvas)

FIA5366673: Training of workers at the Defense (Workers Prepared to Defense), c.1930 (oil on canvas), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Moscow 1932, 1932 (gouache & collage on paper)
Moscow 1932, 1932 (gouache & collage on paper)

AGC3725901: Moscow 1932, 1932 (gouache & collage on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Rain in Moscow Suburb, 1973 (colour litho)
Rain in Moscow Suburb, 1973 (colour litho)

AGC3725902: Rain in Moscow Suburb, 1973 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Moscow, 1932 (gouache on paper)
Moscow, 1932 (gouache on paper)

AGC3725903: Moscow, 1932 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Christmas Tree, 1934 (litho)
Christmas Tree, 1934 (litho)

AGC3725908: Christmas Tree, 1934 (litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life with Bouquet and Books, 1934 (colour litho)
Still Life with Bouquet and Books, 1934 (colour litho)

AGC3725909: Still Life with Bouquet and Books, 1934 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Church of Saint Nikolay the Miracle-Worker, Moscow, 1936 (w/c on paper)
The Church of Saint Nikolay the Miracle-Worker, Moscow, 1936 (w/c on paper)

AGC3725910: The Church of Saint Nikolay the Miracle-Worker, Moscow, 1936 (w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Peace, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Peace, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966740: Peace, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper)
Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper)

AGC2966743: Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Sculptor, 1936 (gouache on paper)
The Sculptor, 1936 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966758: The Sculptor, 1936 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

May 1, 1961 (gouache on paper)
May 1, 1961 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966762: May 1, 1961 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Leave the East to the Arabs!, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Leave the East to the Arabs!, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966764: Leave the East to the Arabs!, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

I Congratulate You on the Start of the New School Year; Study Well!, 1955 (gouache on paper)
I Congratulate You on the Start of the New School Year; Study Well!, 1955 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966772: I Congratulate You on the Start of the New School Year; Study Well!, 1955 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940122: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Moscow, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Moscow, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940131: Moscow, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Construction - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Construction - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940132: Construction - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)
Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)

AGC940152: Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1st of May, 1950s (colour litho)
1st of May, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940158: 1st of May, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho)
Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho)

AGC940161: Everybody to the Elections to the Supreme Soviets of the Union Republics and to the Local Soviets of Workers! February 27, 1955 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Moscow is the Heart of Our Motherland, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho)
800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Moscow is the Heart of Our Motherland, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC940162: 800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Moscow is the Heart of Our Motherland, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy New Year, Dear Children!, 1963 (colour litho)
Happy New Year, Dear Children!, 1963 (colour litho)

AGC939948: Happy New Year, Dear Children!, 1963 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Socialist Republic!, 1946 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Socialist Republic!, 1946 (colour litho)

AGC939954: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Socialist Republic!, 1946 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Let Us Grow the Production of Meat, Milk and Wool to the Year 1960 in the Following Scale (as a percentage of 1955): Meat 200%, Milk 195%, Wool 182%, 1960 (gouache on paper)
Let Us Grow the Production of Meat, Milk and Wool to the Year 1960 in the Following Scale (as a percentage of 1955): Meat 200%, Milk 195%, Wool 182%, 1960 (gouache on paper)

AGC939960: Let Us Grow the Production of Meat, Milk and Wool to the Year 1960 in the Following Scale (as a percentage of 1955): Meat 200%, Milk 195%, Wool 182%, 1960 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho)

AGC939963: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1917-1954: Forward Towards the Victory of Communism! Hail the XXXVII Anniversary of the Great October Revolution!, 1954 (colour litho)
1917-1954: Forward Towards the Victory of Communism! Hail the XXXVII Anniversary of the Great October Revolution!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC939976: 1917-1954: Forward Towards the Victory of Communism! Hail the XXXVII Anniversary of the Great October Revolution!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (colour litho)
We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (colour litho)

AGC939979: We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

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