Livanova, Vera (1910-98) Assets (317 in total)

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The USSR Constitution, 1945 (colour litho)
The USSR Constitution, 1945 (colour litho)

AGC939992: The USSR Constitution, 1945 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Soviet-Chinese Friendship, 1957 (gouache on paper)
Soviet-Chinese Friendship, 1957 (gouache on paper)

AGC939994: Soviet-Chinese Friendship, 1957 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Congratulate You, Dear Women!, 1965 (gouache on paper)
We Congratulate You, Dear Women!, 1965 (gouache on paper)

AGC939996: We Congratulate You, Dear Women!, 1965 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 19, 1954 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 19, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940005: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 19, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Peace, Millions of Working People are the Powerful Camp of Peace, We Shall Save our Children from the Horrors of War!, 1962 (colour litho)
Peace, Millions of Working People are the Powerful Camp of Peace, We Shall Save our Children from the Horrors of War!, 1962 (colour litho)

AGC940009: Peace, Millions of Working People are the Powerful Camp of Peace, We Shall Save our Children from the Horrors of War!, 1962 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

24th of August: Long Live the Anniversary of the Glorious liberation of Moldova from the Fascist Yoke, Order of the Supreme Commander, Army General Tolbukhin, Army General Malinovski, signed by: Supreme Commander Marshall of the Soviet Union Iosif Stalin, 1945 (colour litho)
24th of August: Long Live the Anniversary of the Glorious liberation of Moldova from the Fascist Yoke, Order of the Supreme Commander, Army General Tolbukhin, Army General Malinovski, signed by: Supreme Commander Marshall of the Soviet Union Iosif Stalin, 1945 (colour litho)

AGC940016: 24th of August: Long Live the Anniversary of the Glorious liberation of Moldova from the Fascist Yoke, Order of the Supreme Commander, Army General Tolbukhin, Army General Malinovski, signed by: Supreme Commander Marshall of the Soviet Union Iosif Stalin, 1945 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy New Year!, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Happy New Year!, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940020: Happy New Year!, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Day of Labour - a Step towards Communism!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
The Day of Labour - a Step towards Communism!, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940025: The Day of Labour - a Step towards Communism!, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Peace, Work, Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, Happiness!, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Peace, Work, Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, Happiness!, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC940027: Peace, Work, Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, Happiness!, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper)
8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper)

AGC940029: 8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail the Women who Fight for Peace!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Hail the Women who Fight for Peace!, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940033: Hail the Women who Fight for Peace!, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Dear Children, Be Happy in Your Souls, I Grew in the Deep Woods, to Bring You Joy!, 1964 (colour litho)
Dear Children, Be Happy in Your Souls, I Grew in the Deep Woods, to Bring You Joy!, 1964 (colour litho)

AGC940048: Dear Children, Be Happy in Your Souls, I Grew in the Deep Woods, to Bring You Joy!, 1964 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

12th of March 1950: Everybody to the Elections of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR!, 1950 (colour litho)
12th of March 1950: Everybody to the Elections of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR!, 1950 (colour litho)

AGC940053: 12th of March 1950: Everybody to the Elections of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR!, 1950 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

On the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper)
On the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940059: On the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Dam in Siberia, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Dam in Siberia, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940060: Dam in Siberia, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Excavator at The Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Excavator at The Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC940066: Excavator at The Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Car, 1930s (gouache on paper)
Car, 1930s (gouache on paper)

AGC940069: Car, 1930s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Ornament with Pigs, 1930s (gouache on paper)
Ornament with Pigs, 1930s (gouache on paper)

AGC940072: Ornament with Pigs, 1930s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC940073: Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940085: Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Let Us Greet the 41st Anniversary of the Great October Revolution with New Successes in Our Work!, 1958 (colour litho)
Let Us Greet the 41st Anniversary of the Great October Revolution with New Successes in Our Work!, 1958 (colour litho)

AGC940093: Let Us Greet the 41st Anniversary of the Great October Revolution with New Successes in Our Work!, 1958 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Harvest from the Virgin Lands - White Bread, Groats, Rye Bread, and Blinys!, 1954 (colour litho)
Harvest from the Virgin Lands - White Bread, Groats, Rye Bread, and Blinys!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940094: Harvest from the Virgin Lands - White Bread, Groats, Rye Bread, and Blinys!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Plant all Breeds of Strawberry Around the Soviet Cities!, 1954 (colour litho)
Plant all Breeds of Strawberry Around the Soviet Cities!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940098: Plant all Breeds of Strawberry Around the Soviet Cities!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Start Gardens in Your Kolkhozes: Fragrant Fruits Will Reward You for Your Labour!, 1954 (colour litho)
Start Gardens in Your Kolkhozes: Fragrant Fruits Will Reward You for Your Labour!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940099: Start Gardens in Your Kolkhozes: Fragrant Fruits Will Reward You for Your Labour!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Vote for the Continuous Flourishing of Our Socialist Motherland!, 1954 (colour litho)
Vote for the Continuous Flourishing of Our Socialist Motherland!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940101: Vote for the Continuous Flourishing of Our Socialist Motherland!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940105: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940106: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

USSR - a Grand Railroad Empire, 1940 (colour litho)
USSR - a Grand Railroad Empire, 1940 (colour litho)

AGC940109: USSR - a Grand Railroad Empire, 1940 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)
Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho)

AGC940123: Women and Children for Peace, 1950s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy Holidays Dear Women!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Happy Holidays Dear Women!, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940140: Happy Holidays Dear Women!, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)
Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)

AGC940150: Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Tree by Small Bridge, 1970s (gouache on paper)
Tree by Small Bridge, 1970s (gouache on paper)

AGC1064728: Tree by Small Bridge, 1970s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Riga Roofs, 1970s (gouache on paper)
Riga Roofs, 1970s (gouache on paper)

AGC1064768: Riga Roofs, 1970s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Tulips, 1975 (oil on canvas)
Tulips, 1975 (oil on canvas)

AGC2899697: Tulips, 1975 (oil on canvas), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Still Life with Pears, 1974 (oil on card)
Still Life with Pears, 1974 (oil on card)

AGC2899698: Still Life with Pears, 1974 (oil on card), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper)
Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper)

AGC2966744: Nude, 1957 (pencil on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

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