Livanova, Vera (1910-98) Assets (317 in total)

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Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (gouache on paper)
Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (gouache on paper)

AGC940012: Happy New Year! Be Good and Be Peaceful!, 1965 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

All to the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! Sunday March 14, 1954 (colour litho)
All to the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! Sunday March 14, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940018: All to the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! Sunday March 14, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

9th of May: The People's Victory Celebration, 1947 (colour litho)
9th of May: The People's Victory Celebration, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC940019: 9th of May: The People's Victory Celebration, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Happy 8th of March!, 1954 (gouache on paper)
Happy 8th of March!, 1954 (gouache on paper)

AGC940022: Happy 8th of March!, 1954 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper)
8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper)

AGC940030: 8th of March - Hail the Soviet Women!, 1959 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Collective Farm, 1930s (gouache on paper)
Collective Farm, 1930s (gouache on paper)

AGC940056: Collective Farm, 1930s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

North on the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper)
North on the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940058: North on the Enisei River, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Excavators in Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Excavators in Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC940063: Excavators in Siberia, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Moscow Soviet, 1950s (gouache on paper)
The Moscow Soviet, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940068: The Moscow Soviet, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC940074: Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 18 of March, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Industry, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Industry, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940076: Industry, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940079: Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940080: Siberian Landscape, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Enisei River, Rain, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Enisei River, Rain, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940082: Enisei River, Rain, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Divnogorsk Landscape, 1969 (gouache on paper)
Divnogorsk Landscape, 1969 (gouache on paper)

AGC940084: Divnogorsk Landscape, 1969 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Growth of the Public Communications Network - Telegraph, Post, Telephone, 1957 (colour litho)
Growth of the Public Communications Network - Telegraph, Post, Telephone, 1957 (colour litho)

AGC940091: Growth of the Public Communications Network - Telegraph, Post, Telephone, 1957 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant, 1970s (w/c & felt pen on paper)
The Construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant, 1970s (w/c & felt pen on paper)

AGC1064725: The Construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant, 1970s (w/c & felt pen on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Greet the Women, the Fighters for Peace! Hail the International Women's Day! March 8th, 1964 (colour litho)
We Greet the Women, the Fighters for Peace! Hail the International Women's Day! March 8th, 1964 (colour litho)

AGC940103: We Greet the Women, the Fighters for Peace! Hail the International Women's Day! March 8th, 1964 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

May 9, Victory Day of All Peoples! Our Case was Just, We Won, 1946 (colour litho)
May 9, Victory Day of All Peoples! Our Case was Just, We Won, 1946 (colour litho)

AGC940108: May 9, Victory Day of All Peoples! Our Case was Just, We Won, 1946 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Kolkhoz Workers! Grow Long-Term Herbs and Plants and Achieve Rich Harvests!, 1954 (colour litho)
Kolkhoz Workers! Grow Long-Term Herbs and Plants and Achieve Rich Harvests!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940119: Kolkhoz Workers! Grow Long-Term Herbs and Plants and Achieve Rich Harvests!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

May, Peace, Work, 1960s (colour litho)
May, Peace, Work, 1960s (colour litho)

AGC940124: May, Peace, Work, 1960s (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Man and Woman, Hammer and Sickle, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Man and Woman, Hammer and Sickle, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940125: Man and Woman, Hammer and Sickle, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940127: Sketch for Poster, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Motherland, Bloom!, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Motherland, Bloom!, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940128: Motherland, Bloom!, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Worker, Town of Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Portrait of Worker, Town of Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940130: Portrait of Worker, Town of Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Construction of Hydro Power Plant, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Construction of Hydro Power Plant, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940133: Construction of Hydro Power Plant, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Congratulations on the Great October Revolution!, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Congratulations on the Great October Revolution!, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940142: Congratulations on the Great October Revolution!, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper)
Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper)

AGC940144: Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)
Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)

AGC940153: Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1917-1947: All Power to the Soviets! The Soviet Banner, The People's Banner, Let It Take Us From Victory to Victory!, 1947 (colour litho)
1917-1947: All Power to the Soviets! The Soviet Banner, The People's Banner, Let It Take Us From Victory to Victory!, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC940159: 1917-1947: All Power to the Soviets! The Soviet Banner, The People's Banner, Let It Take Us From Victory to Victory!, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Develop the Virgin Lands, 1954 (poster)
Develop the Virgin Lands, 1954 (poster)

AGC5958616: Develop the Virgin Lands, 1954 (poster), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian Socialist Republic!, 1947 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian Socialist Republic!, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC939951: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian Socialist Republic!, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Let the Sun of Peace Shine, The Women's World Congress in Moscow, 1963 (colour litho)
Let the Sun of Peace Shine, The Women's World Congress in Moscow, 1963 (colour litho)

AGC939969: Let the Sun of Peace Shine, The Women's World Congress in Moscow, 1963 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Heroic Deeds of Our Pioneers, 1945 (colour litho)
The Heroic Deeds of Our Pioneers, 1945 (colour litho)

AGC939971: The Heroic Deeds of Our Pioneers, 1945 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Build a New Village!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Build a New Village!, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC939980: Build a New Village!, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail the 1st of May!, 1947 (colour litho)
Hail the 1st of May!, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC939989: Hail the 1st of May!, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

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