Livanova, Vera (1910-98) Assets (317 in total)

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Peace - That Is Life!, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Peace - That Is Life!, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940075: Peace - That Is Life!, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Agriculture, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Agriculture, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940077: Agriculture, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Dudinka, 1963 (gouache on paper)
Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Dudinka, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940083: Krasnoyarsk Hydro Power Plant, Dudinka, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

River with Mountains in Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)
River with Mountains in Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper)

AGC940086: River with Mountains in Divnogorsk, 1963 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

The Radio Has Solidly Entered the Everyday Life of Our People, 1957 (colour litho)
The Radio Has Solidly Entered the Everyday Life of Our People, 1957 (colour litho)

AGC940090: The Radio Has Solidly Entered the Everyday Life of Our People, 1957 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Flax has a Good Price - Grow More Flax for Our Country!, 1954 (colour litho)
Flax has a Good Price - Grow More Flax for Our Country!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940095: Flax has a Good Price - Grow More Flax for Our Country!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho)

AGC940100: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR! February 10, 1946 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Art Exhibition of the People's Republic of China, 1950 (colour litho)
Art Exhibition of the People's Republic of China, 1950 (colour litho)

AGC940113: Art Exhibition of the People's Republic of China, 1950 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

1917-1948: Hail the 31st Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1948 (colour litho)
1917-1948: Hail the 31st Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1948 (colour litho)

AGC940114: 1917-1948: Hail the 31st Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1948 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Shows Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution, 1947 (colour litho)
Shows Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC940116: Shows Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Rebuild the Schools, Hospitals and Clubs Ruined by the German Fascist Barbarians!, 1945 (colour litho)
We Shall Rebuild the Schools, Hospitals and Clubs Ruined by the German Fascist Barbarians!, 1945 (colour litho)

AGC940118: We Shall Rebuild the Schools, Hospitals and Clubs Ruined by the German Fascist Barbarians!, 1945 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Kolkhoz Workers, Harvest Machinery Workers! Fight for a Powerful Rise of Our Grain Agriculture, for Rich Harvests of All Agricultural Products!, 1954 (colour litho)
Kolkhoz Workers, Harvest Machinery Workers! Fight for a Powerful Rise of Our Grain Agriculture, for Rich Harvests of All Agricultural Products!, 1954 (colour litho)

AGC940120: Kolkhoz Workers, Harvest Machinery Workers! Fight for a Powerful Rise of Our Grain Agriculture, for Rich Harvests of All Agricultural Products!, 1954 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Communist Youth, with Hammer and Sickle - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)
Communist Youth, with Hammer and Sickle - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper)

AGC940134: Communist Youth, with Hammer and Sickle - sketch for poster, 1960s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Peace - Labour, 1950s (gouache on paper)
Peace - Labour, 1950s (gouache on paper)

AGC940135: Peace - Labour, 1950s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Potatoes!, 1955 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Potatoes!, 1955 (gouache on paper)

AGC940137: We Shall Fulfill and Over-fulfill the Five-Year Plan for Potatoes!, 1955 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper)
Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper)

AGC940145: Theatre Stage Design, 1930s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Barlichenko's Cottage,
Barlichenko's Cottage,

AGC940147: Barlichenko's Cottage, "Happiness in the Home" Theatre Set Design, 1936 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)
Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper)

AGC940151: Design for Soviet Monument, 1930s (gouache & w/c on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Russian propaganda poster for the Union A Moscow agricultural exhibition in 1950, 1950 (litho)
Russian propaganda poster for the Union A Moscow agricultural exhibition in 1950, 1950 (litho)

AGC940156: Russian propaganda poster for the Union A Moscow agricultural exhibition in 1950, 1950 (litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

First of May - Happy Holidays, Comrades!, 1955 (colour litho)
First of May - Happy Holidays, Comrades!, 1955 (colour litho)

AGC940157: First of May - Happy Holidays, Comrades!, 1955 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho)
800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC940163: 800 Years Anniversary of Moscow, Watch Films About Moscow, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Pioneers and Schoolchildren! Collect Seeds to Plant a Forest: Oak, Birch, Fir, Linden, Maple, Ash-tree, Apple-tree, Pear-tree, Cherry-tree, Hazelnut, Gold and Black Currant, Yellow and White Acacia, 1949 (colour litho)
Pioneers and Schoolchildren! Collect Seeds to Plant a Forest: Oak, Birch, Fir, Linden, Maple, Ash-tree, Apple-tree, Pear-tree, Cherry-tree, Hazelnut, Gold and Black Currant, Yellow and White Acacia, 1949 (colour litho)

AGC939955: Pioneers and Schoolchildren! Collect Seeds to Plant a Forest: Oak, Birch, Fir, Linden, Maple, Ash-tree, Apple-tree, Pear-tree, Cherry-tree, Hazelnut, Gold and Black Currant, Yellow and White Acacia, 1949 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

I Know That the City Will be Built, I Know that Our Garden Will Bloom, when We Have Such People in Our Soviet Land!, 1958 (colour litho)
I Know That the City Will be Built, I Know that Our Garden Will Bloom, when We Have Such People in Our Soviet Land!, 1958 (colour litho)

AGC939956: I Know That the City Will be Built, I Know that Our Garden Will Bloom, when We Have Such People in Our Soviet Land!, 1958 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 16, 1951 (gouache on paper)
Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 16, 1951 (gouache on paper)

AGC939962: Everybody Participate in the Elections to the Peoples' Courts! December 16, 1951 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Song about the Motherland, 1947 (colour litho)
Song about the Motherland, 1947 (colour litho)

AGC939970: Song about the Motherland, 1947 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (gouache on paper)

AGC939978: We Shall Honour the October Revolution with Labour!, 1964 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail the Mighty Party of communists, the party of Lenin-Stalin, Permanently in the Vanguard of Battle of the Soviet People, the Inspiration and Organiser of our Victories!, 1951 (colour litho)
Hail the Mighty Party of communists, the party of Lenin-Stalin, Permanently in the Vanguard of Battle of the Soviet People, the Inspiration and Organiser of our Victories!, 1951 (colour litho)

AGC939991: Hail the Mighty Party of communists, the party of Lenin-Stalin, Permanently in the Vanguard of Battle of the Soviet People, the Inspiration and Organiser of our Victories!, 1951 (colour litho), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Snowstorm, 1970s (gouache on paper)
Snowstorm, 1970s (gouache on paper)

AGC1064726: Snowstorm, 1970s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Tree by Night, 1970s (gouache on paper)
Tree by Night, 1970s (gouache on paper)

AGC1064727: Tree by Night, 1970s (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Russian provincial town, 1970s (tempera on paper)
Russian provincial town, 1970s (tempera on paper)

AGC1064767: Russian provincial town, 1970s (tempera on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Forward - 1st of May!, 1962 (gouache on paper)
Forward - 1st of May!, 1962 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966741: Forward - 1st of May!, 1962 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Young Communists, 1964 (gouache on paper)
Young Communists, 1964 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966742: Young Communists, 1964 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Potato Harvest, 1960 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Potato Harvest, 1960 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966750: We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Potato Harvest, 1960 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Corn Harvest, 1959 (gouache on paper)
We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Corn Harvest, 1959 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966751: We Shall Fulfill and Overfulfill the Plan for Our Corn Harvest, 1959 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Siberia, 1960 (gouache on paper)
Siberia, 1960 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966755: Siberia, 1960 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper)
Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper)

AGC2966760: Hail the 35th Anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!, 1952 (gouache on paper), Livanova, Vera (1910-98) / Bridgeman Images

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