Dilettanti Theatricals, or A Peep at the Green Room, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1803 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
"The Graces in a High Wind, a Scene taken from Nature in Kensington Gardens", pub. by Hannah Humphrey, 1810 (etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Death of Admiral Lord Nelson at the Moment of Victory! published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Pacific-Overtures, or A Flight from St. Clouds 'over the water to Charley' - a new Dramatic Peace now Rehearsing, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1806 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Le Cochon et ses Deux Petits, or Rich Pickings for a Noble Appetite, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
St. George's Volunteers Charging down Bond Street, after clearing the Ring in Hyde Park, & storming the Dunghill at Marybone, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Surrender of Ulm, or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right Understanding, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Nursery! with Britannia reposing in Peace, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1802 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
An Excrescence; A Fungus; Alias - A Toadstool upon a Dung-hill, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (etching with w/c), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
'Tirailleur Francais et Chevau leger de l'Armee de Pacha de Rhodes', published by Hannah Humphrey, 1799 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Fall of the Wolsey of the Woolsack, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Eruption of the Mountain, or The Horrors of the 'Bocca del Inferno' published by Hannah Humphrey in 1794 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Famous Battle Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, January 9th 1788, pub. 1788 (hand coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Search Night, or The State Watchmen Mistaking Honest-men for Conspirators, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Enchantments lately seen upon the Mountain of Wales, or Shon-ap-Morgan's Reconcilement to the Fairy Princess, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
London Corresponding Society, alarm'd, or Guilty Conscience, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching and aquatint), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Vices Overlook'd in the New Proclamation, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Loyal Souls, or A Peep into the Mess Room at St. James, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
John Bull Taking a Luncheon, or British Cooks, cramming Old Grumble-Gizzard with Bonne-Chere, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images