Gillray, James (1757-1815) Assets (983 in total)

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Dilettanti Theatricals, or A Peep at the Green Room, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1803 (hand-coloured etching)
Dilettanti Theatricals, or A Peep at the Green Room, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1803 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO189740: Dilettanti Theatricals, or A Peep at the Green Room, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1803 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

'Punch Cures the Gout, the Colic, and the Tisic' (coloured etching)
'Punch Cures the Gout, the Colic, and the Tisic' (coloured etching)

CHT235318: 'Punch Cures the Gout, the Colic, and the Tisic' (coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Coward Comforted, published by James Aitken, 1789 (coloured engraving)
The Coward Comforted, published by James Aitken, 1789 (coloured engraving)

NCO253708: The Coward Comforted, published by James Aitken, 1789 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

NCO89946: "The Graces in a High Wind, a Scene taken from Nature in Kensington Gardens", pub. by Hannah Humphrey, 1810 (etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

'The Valley of the Shadow of Death' by James Gillray, published 24 September 1808
'The Valley of the Shadow of Death' by James Gillray, published 24 September 1808

BRO43272: 'The Valley of the Shadow of Death' by James Gillray, published 24 September 1808, Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

United Irishmen Upon Duty, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (coloured engraving)
United Irishmen Upon Duty, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (coloured engraving)

TPG171799: United Irishmen Upon Duty, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Cupid, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1799 (hand-coloured etching)
Cupid, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1799 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO191258: Cupid, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1799 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

A Pair of Polished Gentlemen, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1801 (hand-coloured etching)
A Pair of Polished Gentlemen, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1801 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO192598: A Pair of Polished Gentlemen, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1801 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Death of Admiral Lord Nelson at the Moment of Victory! published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching)
The Death of Admiral Lord Nelson at the Moment of Victory! published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO189784: The Death of Admiral Lord Nelson at the Moment of Victory! published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Wet Under Foot, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1812 (hand-coloured etching)
Wet Under Foot, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1812 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190151: Wet Under Foot, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1812 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Pacific-Overtures, or A Flight from St. Clouds 'over the water to Charley' - a new Dramatic Peace now Rehearsing, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1806 (hand-coloured etching)
Pacific-Overtures, or A Flight from St. Clouds 'over the water to Charley' - a new Dramatic Peace now Rehearsing, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1806 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190177: Pacific-Overtures, or A Flight from St. Clouds 'over the water to Charley' - a new Dramatic Peace now Rehearsing, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1806 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Le Cochon et ses Deux Petits, or Rich Pickings for a Noble Appetite, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching)
Le Cochon et ses Deux Petits, or Rich Pickings for a Noble Appetite, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO189723: Le Cochon et ses Deux Petits, or Rich Pickings for a Noble Appetite, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Paul Barras and Napoleon I caricature, 1805 (engraving)
Paul Barras and Napoleon I caricature, 1805 (engraving)

XLF3791893: Paul Barras and Napoleon I caricature, 1805 (engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

St. George's Volunteers Charging down Bond Street, after clearing the Ring in Hyde Park, & storming the Dunghill at Marybone, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching)
St. George's Volunteers Charging down Bond Street, after clearing the Ring in Hyde Park, & storming the Dunghill at Marybone, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO191757: St. George's Volunteers Charging down Bond Street, after clearing the Ring in Hyde Park, & storming the Dunghill at Marybone, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

George III - caricature
George III - caricature

XLF3787992: George III - caricature, Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

'Farmer George and his Wife' : George III  caricature
'Farmer George and his Wife' : George III  caricature

XLF3787588: 'Farmer George and his Wife' : George III caricature, Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Surrender of Ulm, or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right Understanding, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching)
The Surrender of Ulm, or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right Understanding, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190155: The Surrender of Ulm, or Buonaparte and General Mack coming to a right Understanding, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1805 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Nursery! with Britannia reposing in Peace, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1802 (hand-coloured etching)
The Nursery! with Britannia reposing in Peace, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1802 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190467: The Nursery! with Britannia reposing in Peace, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1802 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

An Excrescence; A Fungus; Alias - A Toadstool upon a Dung-hill, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (etching with w/c)
An Excrescence; A Fungus; Alias - A Toadstool upon a Dung-hill, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (etching with w/c)

NCO190109: An Excrescence; A Fungus; Alias - A Toadstool upon a Dung-hill, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (etching with w/c), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The coming-on of the Monsoons, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1791 (coloured engraving)
The coming-on of the Monsoons, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1791 (coloured engraving)

NCO253706: The coming-on of the Monsoons, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1791 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

'Tirailleur Francais et Chevau leger de l'Armee de Pacha de Rhodes', published by Hannah Humphrey, 1799 (coloured engraving)
'Tirailleur Francais et Chevau leger de l'Armee de Pacha de Rhodes', published by Hannah Humphrey, 1799 (coloured engraving)

NCO256301: 'Tirailleur Francais et Chevau leger de l'Armee de Pacha de Rhodes', published by Hannah Humphrey, 1799 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

NCO89960: "The Pic-Nic Orchestra", pub. by Hannah Humphrey, 1802 (engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Triumphant Britons, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1780 (hand-coloured etching)
The Triumphant Britons, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1780 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO193154: The Triumphant Britons, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1780 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Fall of the Wolsey of the Woolsack, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching)
The Fall of the Wolsey of the Woolsack, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190498: The Fall of the Wolsey of the Woolsack, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Eruption of the Mountain, or The Horrors of the 'Bocca del Inferno' published by Hannah Humphrey in 1794 (hand-coloured etching)
The Eruption of the Mountain, or The Horrors of the 'Bocca del Inferno' published by Hannah Humphrey in 1794 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO191756: The Eruption of the Mountain, or The Horrors of the 'Bocca del Inferno' published by Hannah Humphrey in 1794 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Sleep-Walker, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1795 (hand-coloured etching0
The Sleep-Walker, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1795 (hand-coloured etching0

NCO190163: The Sleep-Walker, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1795 (hand-coloured etching0, Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Boxing match between Thomas Futrell and John Jackson, June 9th 1788 (etching)
Boxing match between Thomas Futrell and John Jackson, June 9th 1788 (etching)

XJF377289: Boxing match between Thomas Futrell and John Jackson, June 9th 1788 (etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

The Famous Battle Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, January 9th 1788, pub. 1788 (hand coloured engraving)
The Famous Battle Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, January 9th 1788, pub. 1788 (hand coloured engraving)

STC3025368: The Famous Battle Between Richard Humphreys and Daniel Mendoza, January 9th 1788, pub. 1788 (hand coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Search Night, or The State Watchmen Mistaking Honest-men for Conspirators, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching)
Search Night, or The State Watchmen Mistaking Honest-men for Conspirators, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190410: Search Night, or The State Watchmen Mistaking Honest-men for Conspirators, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Enchantments lately seen upon the Mountain of Wales, or Shon-ap-Morgan's Reconcilement to the Fairy Princess, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching)
Enchantments lately seen upon the Mountain of Wales, or Shon-ap-Morgan's Reconcilement to the Fairy Princess, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO193111: Enchantments lately seen upon the Mountain of Wales, or Shon-ap-Morgan's Reconcilement to the Fairy Princess, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

London Corresponding Society, alarm'd, or Guilty Conscience, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching and aquatint)
London Corresponding Society, alarm'd, or Guilty Conscience, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching and aquatint)

NCO190103: London Corresponding Society, alarm'd, or Guilty Conscience, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching and aquatint), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Vices Overlook'd in the New Proclamation, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792 (hand-coloured etching)
Vices Overlook'd in the New Proclamation, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO189718: Vices Overlook'd in the New Proclamation, published by Hannah Humphrey, 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Fine Bracing Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching)
Fine Bracing Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190125: Fine Bracing Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Windy Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching)
Windy Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190132: Windy Weather, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

Loyal Souls, or A Peep into the Mess Room at St. James, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching)
Loyal Souls, or A Peep into the Mess Room at St. James, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190152: Loyal Souls, or A Peep into the Mess Room at St. James, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

John Bull Taking a Luncheon, or British Cooks, cramming Old Grumble-Gizzard with Bonne-Chere, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching)
John Bull Taking a Luncheon, or British Cooks, cramming Old Grumble-Gizzard with Bonne-Chere, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching)

NCO190192: John Bull Taking a Luncheon, or British Cooks, cramming Old Grumble-Gizzard with Bonne-Chere, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images

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