The Loss of the Faro Bank, or The Rook's Pigeon'd, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1792 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Horrors of the Irish Union: Botheration of Poor Pat, or A Whisper across the Channel, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1798 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
John Bull taking Luncheon or British Cooks cramming Old Grumble Gizzard with Bonne Chere, pub 1798 (hand coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Farmer Giles and his Wife showing off their daughter Betty to their neighbours on her return from school, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1809 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
God Save the King- in a bumper, or An Evening Scene Three Times a Week at Wimbleton, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1795 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Apotheosis of the Corsican Phoenix, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1808 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Presages of the Millennium, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1795 (colour etching, engraving & aquatint), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Supplementary Militia Turning out for Twenty Days Amusement, or The French invade us, hay? damme, who's afraid? published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
"Advantages of Wearing Muslin Dresses! Dedicated to the Serious Attention of the Fashionable Ladies of Great Britain", pub. by John Miller and W. Blackwood (engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Rights of Man, or Tommy Paine, the little American Taylor, taking the Measure of the Crown for a new Pair of Revolution-Breeches, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1791 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Fashionable Mamma, or The Convenience of Modern Dress, published in 1796 (coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (1762-1830) published by Hannah Humphrey in 1802 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
'Hero's Recruiting at Kelsey's, or Guard-Day at St. James's', pub. by Hannah Humphrey, 1797 (coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Plum Pudding in Danger, or State Epicures taking un Petit Souper, pub. 26 February, 1805 (hand coloured engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
A New Way to Pay the National Debt, published by W. Holland in 1786 (hand-coloured etching & engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Jersey Smuggler detected, or Good Causes for Discontent: 'Marriage vows are false as Dicers oaths, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1796 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
"Following the Fashion: St. James's giving the Ton, a Soul without a Body, Cheapside aping the Mode, a Body without a Soul", pub. by Hannah Humphrey, 1794 (engraving), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
The Gordon-Knot, or The Bonny Duchess hunting the Bedford Bull, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1797 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images
Britannia in French Stays, or Re-Form at the Expense of Constitution, published by Hannah Humphrey in 1793 (hand-coloured etching), Gillray, James (1757-1815) / Bridgeman Images