Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) Assets (338 in total)
Morgan Le Fay was put to school in a nunnery, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Then was she girt with a noble sword where of the king had marvel, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Madam" said Sir Tristram, "this is a fair shield and mighty", from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Ah, Sir Boers, gentle knight, hav emercy on us all", from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"My knights, and my servants and my true children, which become out of my deadly life into spiritual life", from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
How Sir Launcelot and his kinsmen rescued the Queen from the fire, from 'Le Morte D'Arthur' published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Princess Ida: If it will be well to droop and pine and mope, to sigh 'Oh, Ida! Idah! All day long, the Prince Hilarian is very well, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Launcelot Observing a Sick Man Being Cured by Sangreal (Holy Grail) (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
'She stood and looked at him with her clear grey eyes', from 'The Heroes Medici' (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Griselda, innocent that all this was for her, had gone to fetch water from the well (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
The Yeoman of the Guard: "I didn't become a head jailer because I liked head jailing", Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images