Then in amaze she went back to her chamber, for she laid up the wise saying of her son in her heart, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Title page design, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
When she saw he would not abide, she prayed unto God, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Therefore thee behoveth now to choose one of us four, from 'Le Morte D'Arthur', publ. 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
And anon he raised off her helm, and smote his neck in sunder, from 'Le Morte D'Arthur', publ. 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Launcelot beheld the young squire and saw him seemly and demure as a dove, from 'Le Morte D'Arthur', publ. 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"His bowe he bente, and sette ther-inne aflo" (Maunciples Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Sir Gwain and Other Knights Leave Camelot to Recapture the Holy Grail (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Title page design, from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"This child with piteous lamentacioun" (The Prioresses Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Judith, by hir good conseil, delivered the citee of bethulie" (The Tale of Melibeus), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"But with glad chereto the yate is went" (The Clerks Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images