The Yeoman of the Guard: "Nay, sweetheart, be comforted. This Fairfax was but a pestilent fellow", Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Circe meanwhile had gone her ways and made fast a ram and a black ewe by the dark ship, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
And Helen came up, beautiful Helen, with the robe in her hands and spake and hailed him, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
By help of the handmaids, shameless things and reckless, the wooers came and trapped me, and chid me loudly, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Then joy and anguish came upon her in one moment, both her eyes filled up with tears, the voice of her utterance was stayed, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Jalous he was, and heeld hir narwe in cage" (The Knights Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"To shippe is brought this woful faire mayde (The Man of Lawes Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"A lusty playne, Habundant of vitaille" (The Clerkes Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images