Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) Assets (338 in total)
I can tell a woman's age in half a minute - and I do, scene from Princess Ida in 'Savoy Operas' by W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911) published 1909 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Now let us turn agayn to Januarie" (The Marchntes Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"And after this, he dide him switch pleasaunce" (The Frankkeleyns Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Almache answerde, chees oon of thise two" he (Second Noones Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
"Certes, for fals witnessing was Susanna in ful gret sorwe and peyne" (The Persones Tale), from The Canterbury Tales published by The Medici Society Limited, 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
The Queen Guenever made great sorrow for the departing of her lord and others, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
There he blew three deadly notes, and there came two damsels and armed him lightly, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
They fought for the love of one lady, and ever she lay on the walls and beheld them, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
They went into the country of Benoye and lived there in great joy, from Le Morte D'Arthur published by Medici Society Ltd 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Then Sir Launcelot saw her visage, but he wept not greatly but sighed, from 'Le Morte D'Arthur', publ. 1929 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Tugs and Rowing Boats Attempting to Save the Passengers of the Burning 'General Slocum' on 15th June 1904 (w/c on paper) (b/w photo), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
'With cat-like tread upon our prey we steal' illustration for 'The Pirates of Penzance' Savoy Operas, 1909 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Red and Yellow! Primary Colours! Oh South Kensington! scene from Patience in 'Savoy Operas' by W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911) published 1909 (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images