'He took Danae and her babe down to the seashore', from 'The Heroes Medici' (colour litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
Abyssinia, the New Outlet for German Commerce: Menelik the Magnificent at Home, from 'The Illustrated London News', 8th April 1905 (litho), Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
And lo, the women came up, for the high goddess Persephone sent them forth, wives and daughters of great men, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images
All her joints were loosened as she lay in the chair and the fair goddess the while was giving her gifts immortal, Flint, William Russell (1880-1969) / Bridgeman Images