MPX5088937: Charles the seven year old chimpanzee can be excused for taking a very special interest in this book. For he is friends with many of the characters in it. The book is called "Lions on the Lawn," and was written by Mary Chipperfield, who is showing it to Charles. Mary, daughter of Jimmy Chipperfield, and a member of the famous circus family, has lived with and trained animals all her life. July 1971 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5088989: Two die, but a woman lives as car is flattened. Rescue workers feared the worst at the scene of a crash on Monday night They expected that no one inside a family car crushed by a 30-ton lorry could possibly have survived. But onewoman did and she escaped with only a cut on her leg. Two other people in the car Ð a man and a woman Ð were killed. The accident happened at a motorway roundabout near Preston, Lancashire. The lorry toppled on to the car, a Vauxhall Viva with three people inside. The car was squashed until it was only about two feet high. A crane had to be brought to lift the lorry off the car. And then, as the rescue team tore at the wreckage, they heard a womanÕs voice and realized that someone was still alive. The occupants of the car are believed to be on holiday from South Africa. The lorry driver had to have hospital treatment for severe shock. May 1973 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089050: YouÕll get a ticket even if youÕre in the magic business, running around in coaches that turn into pumpkins, parking regulations have to be observed. Cinderella was therefore taking quite a chance when she parked her coach right next to a No Parking sign. Fortunately, the sign belonged to the Royal Opera house, Covent Garden. And thatÕs where Cinderella is appearing. December 1972 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089102: C.W.A. Scott, who achieved prominence as an aviator in 1931 when he flew from England to Australia in a De Havilland "Moth" taking 9 days 4 hours 11 minutes. In 1934 Scott won the England to Melbourne race with Campbell Black as co-pilot. The race was a thrilling one and the distance of 11,300 miles was covered in an hour less than 3 days. Circa 1935 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089123: Animals Dogs: He's scruffy looking... but lovable. He cost a few shillings when he was a little ball of wool. But to pensioner Selena Greenwood he's worth every penny of the £300 she has spent on him over the last 2 1/2yrs. Bobby you could call him an old English Sheepdog has spent the last 2 1/2 yrs living it up away from home ...with 5 star treatment at a boarding kennel because his mistress had no home for him after she came out of hospital. Now Bobby is being rehabilitated for soon he and his owner will be together again when she gets a home of her own. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089130: Some of the dogs taking part in the Richmond Dog Show next Saturday, were in need of a little training in department. The answer was to ask some of the girls from a Model Agency to help out. So today in Hyde Park they met. Shall we dance Because it was so cold model Nicky Howorth let "Pilgrim" the Afghan Hound wear her Maxi-Coat. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5089151: John, proving that flying is no Pushover. Student John Lavery was all ready for take-off in his home-made, pedal-powered "aircraft" on Sunday (21-2-71). But minutes later his hopes of a £10,000 aviation prize took a temporary nosedive. A gust of wind made the machine keel over - before it was even airborne. John, 19, and four fellow students are bidding for a prize offered by the Royal Aeronautical Society for the first man-powered flight over one mile. The trial run - in the Lancaster University car park-ended when the pram-wheeled undercarriage buckled as the "aircraft" veered off course. The attempt was part of the university's Rag Week activities. Our Picture Shows; John prepares for take-off. February 1971 / Bridgeman Images