The Prime Minister in the "Bear Pit" at Stockport. (6) An old lady is overjoyed at meeting the Prime Minister at such close quarters as she gazes at him as he drives into the "Bear Pit" at Stockport. October 1964 / Bridgeman Images
London, Scotland Yard: The telephone operators working the 999 emergency service in the new information room. December 1956 / Bridgeman Images
When the U.S.A air force had a sports day near London these two fellows thought they ought to loosen up their muscles a bit, before going on for their races. And so just a little exercise by the two on their own and in full dress too. May 1943 / Bridgeman Images
R.A.F. Pilots and air crews who have been wounded and disabled in action against the enemy are being well cared for by Princes Mary's R.A.F. Nursing Service at a hospital somewhere in England. One of the nurses attending a badly burnt case. April 1943 / Bridgeman Images
Workers collecting Kent cob nuts which have fallen from the trees to the ground. The collectors using sticks to rake the leaves and collect thousands of them
November 1926 / Bridgeman Images
Volunteer Labour in Hospitals.
15 year old Grammar schoolboy Robert Newport of Small Heath, Birmingham, a British Red Cross VAD helping patient Mr. David Austin to take a drink in Ward 3 at East Birmingham Hospital.
December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
Mr. George Bowman a Penrith businessman is preparing to duplicate the famous coach and four run over 393 miles from Edinburgh to London, 1970 / Bridgeman Images
This coach owned by the Duke of Northumberland has only been seen in public twice since it first turned out in 1825 for the coronation of Charles X of France, c.1950 / Bridgeman Images
The Venture coach on the road between Shotley Bridge and Blanchland, with, right, Will Payne, for many years its guard, 1950 / Bridgeman Images
Panto Dame the Queen of Hearts is the Vicar Rev. Brian Berry, his shapely wife Jillian is Dick the Principal boy, and four of the family of five take part in the seasonal pantomime, January 1969 / Bridgeman Images
Models Gillian Duxbury and Peter Glancy pose for a young lovers feature in the Daily Mirror Studio, 15th, April 1975 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
F. A. Cup. Southampton (1) vs. Chelsea (1). Mel Blyth (Southampton) climbs above Steve Finnieston (Chelsea). January 1977 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
F. A. Cup. Southampton (1) vs. Chelsea (1). Alan Ball (Southampton) tries to get past Ray Lewington and Gary Stanley (Chelsea). January 1977 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Wayne Newton looking very happy as he leans against a gleaming Rolls-Royce on his arrival at Heathrow Airport, April 1975 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images