XRA1671909: The Ambassadors of French Elegance in front of the Chinese Tower in Munich on 21 October 1961. The whole Munich was moved to the Hotel Bayerischer Ou Deroule On October 20, 1961 The Largest Elegance Gala in Federal Germany for the benefit of the French and German Red Cross, under the High Patronage of the Consul General of France En Baviere. On this occasion, the Invites were able to attend a presentation of the latest Parisian fashion, whose models were carried by the models of Lanvin Castillo. (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1671965: Presentation of France's New Models for Winter 1958. This is a Cape Destinee For The Fur. Sliding Shoulders in the way of a curtain allow you to wear it back or close it completely. Collier Collar Collar Moves Forward to Back Depending on the Cape Opening. July 26, 1958. Neg: D60070 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1672017: French Politicians Jacques Toubon (General Secretary of Rpr, Main Political Party of The Gaullist Right) and Jean-Claude Gaudin (General Secretary of Udf, French Political Party of The Centre Right) during A Press Conference About Legislative Elections, France, July 25, 1985 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images