MPX5085810: 20 year old John Sylvester was released today from Birmingham's Winson Green Prison, and met his bride-to-be, 17 year old Lillian Johnson to plan the last details of their wedding tomorrow. The couple first met when Lillian visited John in prison, he proposed at their second meeting and she accepted. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5085811: Orkney Island of Rousay Story: At the Orkney Island of Rousay, where 29 year old Christopher Soames has set out on a new life for himself and his wife Mary, and their children Sandy, 8 David, 5 and Elizabeth, 4. The pictures show Christopher at work: shooting ducks for food for the family. January 1970 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5085814: Mr. David Riche the hairdresser has designed a 4ft giraffe that can hold five wigs or top pieces. Pictures show Mr. Riche trying to pack the £40 giraffe in Christmas wrappings so that he can present it to his actress wife Tricia Money. Tricia kept dropping her wigs, so David designed this giraffe as well as a rabbit to hold them. The giraffe can be ridden by children. David trying to pack the giraffe. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5085875: 20 year old John Sylvester was released today from Birmingham's Winson Green Prison, and met his bride-to-be, 17 year old Lillian Johnson to plan the last details of their wedding tomorrow. The couple first met when Lillian visited John in prison, he proposed at their second meeting and she accepted. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images