ZUM4945410: Nov. 11, 1954 - Britain's oldest working actor celebrates his 85th Birthday. A.E Matthews - who is Britain's oldest working actor - was to be seen at his home at Bushay Heath today - where he celebrated his 85th. birthday. he will be appearing again this evening at the Duchess Theatre - in” The Manor of Northstead” / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4945463: Nov. 11, 1954 - N.Y. International Airport, Nov. 29 - Popular Comic Shelly Berman Jokingly Accepts An Accusing Finger For His Popular Airline Comedy Routine From TWA Hostesses Carol Smith, Left, And Adrienne Murphy Prior To Jetting His Way Via TWA To Los Angeles. Berman Will Return Tomorrow To Resume His Engagement At The Blue Angel. He's Scheduled To Appear On A TV Show Tonight In Los Angeles Where He Will Receive A Grammy Award For The Best Comedy Record Of The Year,” Inside Shelly Berman ' / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4945468: Nov. 11, 1954 - Russian Ballet dancers rehearse for London appearance to appear at the Albert Hall: Raissa Struchkova and her partner husband Alexander Lapauri of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater, were to be seen this morning rehearsing at the Palace Hotel Lancaster Gate - for their performances at the Royal Albert Hall / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4945494: Nov. 11, 1954 - Toulouse Lautrec Calls In: Looking Like A Perfect Counterpart Of Toulouse Lautrec, The Famous Moulin Rouge Painter, Armand Massis, A Belgian Actor, Is Being Welcomed By Henri Mary, Decorator Who Painted The Mural Scenes Of The World Famous Night Cabaret. A Great Admire Of Toulouse Lautrec, Armand Massis Disguised As The Crippled Artist Came Specially To Paris To Celebrate The 90th Anniversary Of Lautec's Birth / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4945657: Nov. 11, 1954 - The Army's” Voice” attends his last parade at Aldershot: The voice of R.S.M. Ronald Brittain rang out for the last time at Aldershot yesterday where he held his last parade before retiring after 37 years, during which time he has put 40,000 officer cadets through the mill / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4945913: Nov. 15, 1954 -” (Illegible)” Appointed State Secretary: ~ ~ ~ oynet, test pilot and M.P. who has been appointed ~ ~ retary for youth and sports. During the warm Moyniet ~ ~ ilot in the famous English Ni ~ Mandie-niemen F ~ ight Squadron. ~ 4 Wears ls and is now the youngest member of ~ Mendes ~ ~ ~'s Cabinet / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946027: Nov. 19, 1954 - 19-11-54 The “” Grandfather”” of all crooners and wife no. 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Vallee in London. Keystone Photo Shows: Rudy Vallee who is called the 'Grandfather' of all crooners, he is 54 seen with his wife, 26 year old Eleanor Norris at their London Hotel. ♪ They have been married five years ♪ / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946275: Dec. 08, 1954 - 8-12-54 “” Festoon”” sold for record price £37,800 guineas winner stays in England - “” Festoon”” the mare winner of the One Thousand Guineas and the Coronation Stakes was sold to Mr. Anthony Askew, nephew of Mr. J. Arthur Rank at the Newmarket Sales yesterday. This is a world record prize for a brood mare. Keystone Photo Shows: L-R after the sale at Newmarket yesterday: Mrs. Gerald Askew; Mr. Anthony Askew; Mr. Gerald Askew and Mrs. Anthony Askew / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946379: Dec. 11, 1954 - Flood in the Thames Valley. A Sea of Water.: Punts and boats were used to reach families cut off in the Windsor and Maidenhead areas of the Thames Valley this afternoon - which were hit by flood waters for the second time in ten days Photo shows Rivers boats perched high on the river side - as traffic makes its way through the flooded roads of Maidenhead this afternoon / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946478: Dec. 12, 1954 - Admiral Earl Mounbatten Arrives in London. Lady Pamela and the Pit Dog. Admiral the Earl Mounbatten who assumes the Post of First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff next March - arrived at London Airport this morning. His Mediterranean Command is being taken over by Admiral Sir Guy Grantham. Keystone Photo Shows: Lady Pamela Mounbatten is greeted by her pet dog who was taken to the airport to meet the family this morning / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946487: Dec. 12, 1954 - SINGING OF THE STEEL AGREEMENT IN LONDON. OSCAR SCHLITTER OF GERMANY.. The agreement between the British Government and the European Coal and Steel Community was signed in London this morning - at Lancaster House. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - German Federal Councillor OSCAR SCHLITTER signs the agreement - with on left M. RENE HASSIGLI of France / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946756: Dec. 12, 1954 - Oh! it's part of the welcome: This portrait of the Rev. W.G. White, 76 year old vicar, faces the main door of St. Mary's Church, Haughley, Suffolk.He said yesterday:” I want to make this point that you cannot stuck the snock at God”. The picture illustrates a Bible text: Be not deceived; God is not mocked -Galatians, Chapter VI. v 7 / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4946983: Dec. 12, 1954 - Six Year old London prodigy off on tour, Danielie Rehearses at London Home: Six year old Danielle Salaman, London's piano prodigy has been invited to give six recitals in Paris and Brussels with the possibilty of T.V. performances in both cities. At the concerts she will play Beethoven; Bach: Purcell and Handel. Panielle learned to write music scores before she could write words - and his already composed more than 40 pieces, including a” Happy Birthday” song for Prince Charles. Her ambition is to compose opera. Before she reached the age of five - Danielle had given recitals in England: France and Israel. Her parent are English. Keystone press shows Danielle Salaman rehearses at the piano in her London home / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4947247: Jan. 01, 1955 - Parliament Building In Bonn - Surrounded By Floods Headquarters Of West German Government Threaten: Photo shows The scene at Bonn this morning - showing the West German Parliament Building surrounded by the ever rising flood waters - which new threaten to initiate thousands of miles of land throughout Europe. West German Police are seen trying to keep out the waters / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4947391: Jan. 01, 1955 - Television's” Kissing Boy” arrives from Hollywood. He has a kiss for Hildegarde: Ron Randell - who took over for a short time from Eamon Andrews ad Chairman of Television's “What's My Line” and two created quite a sensation by kissing Barbara Kelly and other participants during the program arrived at London Airport from Hollywood this afternoon. He was met by Swiss Actress Hildegarde Christian who is to appear in” Rosalinda”. Ron Randell is being ~ ~ ~ ~ for who accuses him of” Mistreatment, failure to support her and desertion since November 1953. She is also suing for £35,700 loan / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4947415: Jan. 01, 1955 - British Cruiser on visit to Calcutta: Vice-Admiral C.F.W. Norris Commander - in - Chief, East Indies Station accompanied by Commander K.K. Mukherjee, Resident Naval Officer come ashore from H.M.S. newfoundland, the Colony Class Cruiser which is on a visit to Calcutta / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4942736: Oct. 10, 1954 - The Emperor and the Queen Dinner at Ethiopian Embassy: Photo shows Haile Selassie - the Emmanuel of Ethiopia - escorts H.M. The Queen Elisabeth IIAs she left the Ethiopian Embassy, London last night after the dinner held by the Emmanuel in honor of the Queen / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4856010: Jun. 27, 1953 - Two Ton Dicksie the Inquisitive elephant; Two ton Dicksie, a 12 year old African elephant at the London Zoo, is just as inquisitive as other little girls. On a day she watched with interest the peculiar entics of her keeps when he leaves her enclosure. It seemed to her that, when he shut the gate, he twiddled something on the other side. So one night Dicksie decided to do the same. There was a click, and there in her trunk was a padlock, Dicksie decided to push the gate. It opened and she strolled out along the public paths munching a hedgegrow at two. She then decided to pay a visit to her friend the gorilla, when along came someone she recognized Dicksie's own keeper, who gently taking her tusk led her back to her enclosure / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4856145: Jun. 29, 1953 - General Ridgway's Farewell visit to M. Auriol: General Matthew B. Ridgway wearing the Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honour which was handed to him by President Auriol during his farewell visit to Elysee Palace. M. Auriol and the new Premier Laniel are seen with him. / Bridgeman Images