FLO4570583: Bourgeois man of Paris, 15th century. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after a miniature in the manuscript Chronicles de Monstrelet in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolio V 6 from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4570595: King Louis XI of France, 1423-1483. In a short velvet casaque lined with fur and hose, with the chain of the Order of St. Michael. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after a portrait in oils from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4571147: Andre de Foix, Lord of Esparros, Viscount of Villemur, Lesparre, French soldier 1490-1547. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after a portrait in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolios from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4571151: Francoise de Foix, Countess de Chateaubriant, mistress to King Francis I of France, 1495-1537. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after a figure in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolios from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4571228: Antoinette de Bourbon, Duchess de Guise 1493-1583. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after an almanach from 1532 in Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4571231: King Henry II of France. Illustration drawn and lithographed by Leopold Massard from a portrait in Roger de Gaignieres' gallery (portfolio VIII 91). Handcoloured lithograph from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4572907: Uniform of a Colonel-General in the English Dragoons, Napoleonic era. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4572957: Runner - Livery of a English courier, Napoleonic era. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4572964: Costume of a English member of an Institute, Napoleonic era. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4573025: Evening dress, French women's fashions, Napoleonic era, 181. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673680: French peasant, 14th century. He wears a wide-brimmed hat, hooded mantlet, doublet, breeches and boots. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673734: Nobles playing the game of tape-cul, a variant of hand-chaude or blind-man's buff, 14th century. From an ancient manuscript entitled “” Plaisirs de la vie rustique”” in the Gaignieres collection. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673738: Falconer, 14th century. He wears a blue tunic, stockings in different colours, and a belt with a pair of wings attached. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673766: Costume of a farm plowing with plough, 12th century. He wears a short tunic over stockings, leather shoes with laces up the calf. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673770: English royal gardener in work wear, 14th century. He wears a black straw hat, guimpe or wimple, pink tunic, black belt and grey hose. He holds a pruning knife. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673794: Charlemagne, King of France, Caroligian Emperor, 742-814. He wears a white mitre and crown, green cape, steel armour, chainmail suit, iron spurs and black shoes. He holds a sword in scarlet and gold scabbard and iron orb. From a 14th century manuscript of the kings of the House of Bavaria. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673875: Two shepherds, 9th century. One carries a large horn with bouquin (mouthpiece) to assemble the flock, and the other carries a small hunting horn and pike. Both wear shorts tunics over trousers and shoes. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4673910: French infantry soldiers, 10th century. Their helmets, bucklers (shields), pikes and shoes are of an unusual design. From a manuscript by Prudentius in the Royal Library. Handcoloured copperplate drawn and engraved by Leopold Massard from “” French Costumes from KingClovis to Our Days,”” Massard, Mifliez, Paris, 1834., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4570842: Agnes of Savoy, countess of Longueville, 1445-1508. Handcoloured lithograph by Gautiere after an illustration by Alphone Leroy from a portrait in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolios from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4570964: King Francis I of France. Francois I, King of France, 1494-1547. He wears a white coat and black cassock over a tunic pourpoint. Drawn and lithographed by Leopold Massard after an original portrait in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolio VIII 1 and 2 from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4571067: Jacques de Chabannes, seigneur de la Palice, French military officer, 1470-1525. He wears a suit of armour with iron-plate tonlets with scarlet coat of arms over the shoulders. Handcoloured lithograph after a figure in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolios from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images
FLO4570223: John the Fearless, John I of Burgundy, John Without Fears, Count of Nevers, Duke of Burgundy, 1371-1419. Handcoloured lithograph by Leopold Massard after an original portrait in Roger de Gaignieres' portfolio Maisons Etrangeres XI 21 from Le Bibliophile Jacob aka Paul Lacroix's Costumes Historique de la France (Historical Costumes of France), Administration de Librairie, Paris, 1852., Massard, Leopold (1812-1889) / Bridgeman Images