XEE4187415: War of the Spanish Succession. The Battle of Denain, July 24, 1712: French dragons remove a redoubt from the bayonet from the Austro-Dutch army. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187284: The Passage of the Rhine (12 June 1672) by the troops of Louis XIV known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) during the Holland War. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187302: King Louis XIV known as The Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) visiting the works of the Versailles garden: the grove of the colonnade. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. (1853-1940). Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187278: Funeral of Henriette Anne (Henriette-Anne) of England (1644-1670), in the Basilica of Saint Denis (Saint Denis) on August 21, 1670: Jacques-Benigne (Jacques Benigne) Bossuet (1627-1704) pronounces the funeral prayer. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187262: The Royal Carrousel (tournament of knights), given in 1662, in front of the Palais des Tuileries in Paris under Louis XIV known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images