Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) Assets (390 in total)

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Fronde, July 4, 1652: The Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans de Montpensier, 1627-1693) had the cannon fired from the bastille ramparts in Paris on the troops of the king of France Louis XIV known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
Fronde, July 4, 1652: The Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans de Montpensier, 1627-1693) had the cannon fired from the bastille ramparts in Paris on the troops of the king of France Louis XIV known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.

XEE4187233: Fronde, July 4, 1652: The Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans de Montpensier, 1627-1693) had the cannon fired from the bastille ramparts in Paris on the troops of the king of France Louis XIV known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Marie de Medicis insults Cardinal de Richelieu in front of Louis XIII (1575-1643), 1901 (Illustration)
Marie de Medicis insults Cardinal de Richelieu in front of Louis XIII (1575-1643), 1901 (Illustration)

JLJ4620668: Marie de Medicis insults Cardinal de Richelieu in front of Louis XIII (1575-1643), 1901 (Illustration), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Marriage of King Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon (colour litho)
Marriage of King Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon (colour litho)

LLM2795501: Marriage of King Louis XIV and Madame de Maintenon (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

In 1712, Louis XIV called the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), who was shot down by his defeats during the War of the Spanish Succession, entrusted to the Marechal of Villars (Claude Louis Hector Duke of Villars, 1653-1734) his wish to stand before the enemy, to die in battle. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
In 1712, Louis XIV called the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), who was shot down by his defeats during the War of the Spanish Succession, entrusted to the Marechal of Villars (Claude Louis Hector Duke of Villars, 1653-1734) his wish to stand before the enemy, to die in battle. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.

XEE4187407: In 1712, Louis XIV called the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), who was shot down by his defeats during the War of the Spanish Succession, entrusted to the Marechal of Villars (Claude Louis Hector Duke of Villars, 1653-1734) his wish to stand before the enemy, to die in battle. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

First encounter between the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon (colour litho)
First encounter between the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon (colour litho)

LLM3622218: First encounter between the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Book X of Les Confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (gravure)
Illustration for Book X of Les Confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (gravure)

LLM3641321: Illustration for Book X of Les Confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (gravure), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637230: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637233: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637236: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637258: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu (1585-1642) as an old man, illustration from a life of Richelieu by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho)
Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu (1585-1642) as an old man, illustration from a life of Richelieu by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho)

CHT191855: Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu (1585-1642) as an old man, illustration from a life of Richelieu by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The Toilette, illustration from 'La Vie Parisienne', c.1890  (print)
The Toilette, illustration from 'La Vie Parisienne', c.1890  (print)

CHT221623: The Toilette, illustration from 'La Vie Parisienne', c.1890 (print), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Louis XIII continues his children's games with Charles d'Albert, Duke of Luynes (1578-1621), 1901 (illustration)
Louis XIII continues his children's games with Charles d'Albert, Duke of Luynes (1578-1621), 1901 (illustration)

JLJ4620692: Louis XIII continues his children's games with Charles d'Albert, Duke of Luynes (1578-1621), 1901 (illustration), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637242: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637246: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3637250: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The broken comb (gravure)
The broken comb (gravure)

LLM3620929: The broken comb (gravure), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)
Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving)

LLM3634110: Illustration for The Three Musketeers (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The Cardinal plays with his cats he particularly loved - in “” Richelieu”” by Maurice Leloir, deb. 20th century
The Cardinal plays with his cats he particularly loved - in “” Richelieu”” by Maurice Leloir, deb. 20th century

LSE4103659: The Cardinal plays with his cats he particularly loved - in “” Richelieu”” by Maurice Leloir, deb. 20th century, Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Madame de Warens, 21st March 1728 (engraving)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Madame de Warens, 21st March 1728 (engraving)

XRH2634791: Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Madame de Warens, 21st March 1728 (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Cardinal Richelieu dreamed of his plans for the future at the eveche of Lucon, 1901 (illustration)
Cardinal Richelieu dreamed of his plans for the future at the eveche of Lucon, 1901 (illustration)

JLJ4620469: Cardinal Richelieu dreamed of his plans for the future at the eveche of Lucon, 1901 (illustration), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), future king of France, still a child came out of a basin of the Palais-Royal (Palais Royal) in Paris where he was grave, in front of his brother, Philippe Duc d'Orleans (1640-1701), said Monsieur crying for fear. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), future king of France, still a child came out of a basin of the Palais-Royal (Palais Royal) in Paris where he was grave, in front of his brother, Philippe Duc d'Orleans (1640-1701), said Monsieur crying for fear. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.

XEE4187202: Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), future king of France, still a child came out of a basin of the Palais-Royal (Palais Royal) in Paris where he was grave, in front of his brother, Philippe Duc d'Orleans (1640-1701), said Monsieur crying for fear. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Louis XIV, known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), showing the gardens of the castle of Marly to the Jewish banker, Samuel Bernard (1651-1739), who hope to obtain from him a financial aid for the Spanish War of Succession. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
Louis XIV, known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), showing the gardens of the castle of Marly to the Jewish banker, Samuel Bernard (1651-1739), who hope to obtain from him a financial aid for the Spanish War of Succession. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.

XEE4187391: Louis XIV, known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), showing the gardens of the castle of Marly to the Jewish banker, Samuel Bernard (1651-1739), who hope to obtain from him a financial aid for the Spanish War of Succession. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Cardinal Richelieu riding in the streets of Paris
Cardinal Richelieu riding in the streets of Paris

LSE4095178: Cardinal Richelieu riding in the streets of Paris, Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The last performance of Moliere, in Le Malade Imaginaire (colour litho)
The last performance of Moliere, in Le Malade Imaginaire (colour litho)

LLM2795495: The last performance of Moliere, in Le Malade Imaginaire (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The Snuff-Box (engraving)
The Snuff-Box (engraving)

LLM962757: The Snuff-Box (engraving), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Cover illustration for'The Life of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu' (1585-1642) by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho)
Cover illustration for'The Life of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu' (1585-1642) by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho)

CHT191859: Cover illustration for'The Life of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal Richelieu' (1585-1642) by Theodore Camu, 1910 (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Feeding Time, 1881 (pencil and watercolour heightened with white)
Feeding Time, 1881 (pencil and watercolour heightened with white)

CH658707: Feeding Time, 1881 (pencil and watercolour heightened with white), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

History of France: War of the Succession of Mantua (1628-1631) during the Thirty-Year War, 1901 (illustration)
History of France: War of the Succession of Mantua (1628-1631) during the Thirty-Year War, 1901 (illustration)

JLJ4620291: History of France: War of the Succession of Mantua (1628-1631) during the Thirty-Year War, 1901 (illustration), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho)
Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho)

LLM5222037: Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho)
Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho)

LLM5222039: Illustration for Gil Blas (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

First Communion (aquatint)
First Communion (aquatint)

LLH5234173: First Communion (aquatint), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Reception of the Doge of Genoa, in La Galerie des Glaces, Versailles (colour litho)
Reception of the Doge of Genoa, in La Galerie des Glaces, Versailles (colour litho)

LLM2795502: Reception of the Doge of Genoa, in La Galerie des Glaces, Versailles (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

The burial (colour litho)
The burial (colour litho)

LLM3622228: The burial (colour litho), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

Rousseau visiting Madame Dupin (gravure)
Rousseau visiting Madame Dupin (gravure)

LLM3620961: Rousseau visiting Madame Dupin (gravure), Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

French king Louis XIV in his castle of Vaux Le Visomte, (Vaux-le-Vicomte) France, August 17, 1661 - Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
French king Louis XIV in his castle of Vaux Le Visomte, (Vaux-le-Vicomte) France, August 17, 1661 - Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.

XEE4162680: French king Louis XIV in his castle of Vaux Le Visomte, (Vaux-le-Vicomte) France, August 17, 1661 - Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images

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