Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940)

Creator details

Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940)

Assets (390 in total)

Nicolas Fouquet receiving english king Louis XIV in his castle of Vaux Le Vicomte, France, August 17, 1661 - Illustration by Maurice Leloir, private collection - Nicolas Fouquet (1615-1680) receiving Louis XIV dit Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis le Grand, 1638-1715) at the chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte (Vaux-Visomte), in 1661. Top: his coat of arms (a squirrel). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
Manon Lescaut, 1892 (oil on canvas)
Nicolas Fouquet receiving King Louis XIV at the Chateau de Vaux Le Vicomte, France, 17th August 17 1661 (w/c on paper)
Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673) performed “The Imaginary Malad” on the evening of his death on February 17, 1673 in the theatre hall of the Palais-Royal (Palais Royal) in Paris (Comedie francaise). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
The Secret Marriage of Louis XIV, known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) and Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise de Maintenon, known as Madame de Maintenon (1635-1719) with, behind the king, Henri de Mornay, Marquis de Montchevreuil (1622-1706) and Alexandre Bontemps (1626-1701), witnesses of the wedding. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
Louis XIV, participant in the “Ballet de la Nuit”, libretto by Isaac de Benserade (1612-1691), in a sunshine suit in the grand hall of the Little- Bourbon (Petite Bourbon) in Paris, February 23, 1653. (chromotypograph)
Sling: on the night of February 9, 1651, at the Palais-Royal (Royal Palace), Anne of Austria showed Louis XIV, known as Le King Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), king of France, sleeping at the Frondeurs, to reassure them about the presence of the king in Paris. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
The rise of King Louis XIV known as the Sun King (King Sun or Louis the Great, 1638-1715): toilet and dressing. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection.
French forces sent aid to Re, repelling Huguenots and English Protestants in 1627, 1901 (illustration)
A Literary Soiree, 1890 (colour litho)
Cardinal Richelieu founds French Academy at Institut de France in 1635, 1901 (illustration)
New edit, on June 2, 1626 introducing the death penalty for fighting in duel, 1901 (illustration)

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