XEE4187273: Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), king of France, visited the trenches protected by a helmet during the siege of Lille during the War of Devolution in 1667. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187334: Reparation made to Louis XIV known as the Sun King (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) by Francesco Maria Lercari Imperiale, Doge de Genes in the Galerie des Glaces of Chateau de Versailles, May 15, 1685. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187242: The Battle of the Dunes (near Dunkirk), 14 June 1658: victory of the French army commanded by Henri of the Tower of Auvergne Viscount of Turenne (1611-1675) over the Spanish army of Flanders commanded by Prince Louis II of Bourbon Conde (Bourbon-Conde), known as the Grand Conde (1621-1686), Duke of Enghien. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187370: War of the League of Augsburg: defeat of the English and Dutch fleets before Camaret (Battle of Camaret), June 18, 1694, who tried to destroy part of the French fleet at Brest to debark an occupation force in Brittany. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187382: Louis XIV (Sun King or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) proclaimed his grandson, the Duke of Anjou, king of Spain under the name Philip V (1683-1746), on 16 November 1700. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187294: Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Grand, 1638-1715), visits the Hotel royal des Invalides in Paris during its inauguration. At his side the minister of King Francois Michel Le Tellier, Marquis de Louvois (1641-1691) organizes the visit in front of the disabled soldiers. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187223: Arrived at the Sainte-Chapelle (Sainte Chapelle) for the proclamation of his majority of the King of France Louis XIV known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) on 7 September 1651 in Paris by the bed of justice during the events of the Fronde. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187269: The painter Charles Lebrun (Le Brun) (1619-1690), director of the manufacture, explained to Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715), king of France, during his visit to the Gobelins in Paris, the operation of a high-smooth metier for weaving tapestries on October 15, 1667. He was accompanied by Jean Baptiste (Jean-Baptiste) Colbert (1619-1683). Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images