XEE4187324: Bombardment and fire of the city of Algiers in 1682: Abraham Marquis Duquesne (between 1604 and 1610-88), an officer of the French navy, looks from his ship the effect produced by the bombs galiotes. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187247: Entered Paris by Louis XIV, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) and Queen Marie-Therese of Austria (Marie Therese, 1638-1683), wife of Louis XIV, infante of Spain and queen of France, in 1660. The cortege arrives through the gate of Saint Antoine and goes outside the Bastille prison in Paris. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images
XEE4187257: Louis XIV entered Paris, known as Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Grand, 1638-1715) in 1660. The cortege arrives through the gate of Saint Antoine and goes outside the Bastille prison in Paris. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Privee Collection., Leloir, Maurice (1853-1940) / Bridgeman Images