ZUM4862291: Jul 07, 1953 - Popular Cowboy film star - Complete with his horse - visit children's hospital: Gene Autry the Cowboy screen star who arrived in London yesterday for the start of his four weeks Empress Hall show paid a visit to the children's Ward of the West Middlesex Hospital this afternoon - complete with his famous horse” Champion”. During the visit he handed over a £90 T.V. set on behalf of the TV Comic's” Muffin Club” Fund / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4862305: Jul 07, 1953 - Popular Cowboy film star - Complete with his horse - visit children's hospital: Gene Autry the Cowboy screen star who arrived in London yesterday for the start of his four weeks Empress Hall show paid a visit to the children's Ward of the West Middlesex Hospital this afternoon - complete with his famous horse” Champion”. During the visit he handed over a £90 T.V. set on behalf of the TV Comic's” Muffin Club” Fund / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4862496: Jul 07, 1953 - Congratulations from his wife.. Seixas wins Men's Singles championship: Photo shows VIC Seixax of the United States receives a congratulatory kiss from his wife - after he had beaten Denmark's Kurt Neilson to win the Men's Singles Championship at Wimbledon this afternoon. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4862633: Jul 07, 1953 - Emergency Food Supply for Needy East Berlin Population. already in the early morning hours of Monday, July 27th, 1953, over 20,000 hungry and needy from East Berlin lined up before the individual town-halls of the City of Berlin where food is distributed to them. Many stood hours and hours to receive a package with fat or some cans. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4862842: Jul 07, 1953 - Emergency Food Supply for needy East Berlin population. Already in the early morning hours of Monday, July 27th, 1953, over 20.000 hungry and needy from East Berlin lined up before the individual town-halls of the city of Berlin where food is distributed ti them. Many stood hour and hours to receive a package with fat or some cans. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4863299: Jul 07, 1953 - Tina Onassis the world's largest tanker launched: In the presence of 40,000 on lookers, the world's largest tanker was launched to day at the Howardf docks. The tanker owned by shipping magnate Onassis was celebrated by the Onassis family - son Alexander (5) gave the start shot, Mrs. Tina Onassis (25 Athina Livanos) and daughter Christina started the bottle of champaigne. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4864094: Jul 08, 1953 - The Chinese dancer Jadine Wong:.. is speeding in full galopp on her” horse” through the film” Carnival” which is at present made by the King-Bros.Movie Picture Company in its English and German version in the studios of Munich-Geiselgasteig.Jadine Wong playing the part of a dancer in an amusement park is the only actress playing her part both versions, the English and the German one while Eva Bartok and Anne Barter divided the leading part among themselves.The picture will be brought out in Germany by the RKO-movie association. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4864275: Jul 10, 1953 - Gordon Pirie breaks the Six-Miles world record at the A.A.A. Championships at White City: Gordon Pirie, the British long distance runner, broke the world's record for the six-mile race at the A.A.A.A. championships at the White City this evening with a time of 28 mins 19.4 secs / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4864573: Jul 14, 1953 -” Neddy” shows that he appreciate his new hoe his mistress is to migrath: Seventeen year old Gillian Dupes of pinner is soon to migrate to Canada with her parents and he chief worry was what to do with her donkey” Neddy” and pony” Titch” both of which she had for ever six vars. The R.S.P.C.A. arranged en Sussex border for the rest of their days / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4864621: Jul. 16, 1953 - Vivien Leigh Attends Party: Vivien Leigh, is recovering so well from the recent illness which followed her collapse in Hollywood, that she was present with her husband, Sir Laurence Oliver, at a party at the home of Mr. Hugh Beaumont, head of Tennents. This is her first public appearance since her illness / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4864655: Jul. 16, 1953 - Schoolboy's Sloop is Launched. A 15-ft sloop, built in 14 months by boys of Leo Secondary School, Peckham, was officially launched today from the Festival Hall Pier. Many of the boys who took part in the construction of the crafts have now left school, but some of these boys and the reminder of those still at school were present at the launching.Keystone Photo Shows: The schoolboy's sloop being launched from Festival Hall Pier today. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4876279: Sep. 09, 1953 - 215 million dollar agreement signed between United States and Spain in Madrid; An agreement between the United States and Spain was signed at the Spanish Foreign Ministry in Madrid recently. Mr. James C. Dunn signed for the Spain. The agreement allows the United States to use English ports and airfields for sixteen years in return for which Spain receives 215 million dollars to aid her economy / Bridgeman Images