ZUM4877004: Sep. 09, 1953 - Introducing Britain's Guide-Missile Rocket of Tomorrow. First picture of the British Guide-Missile rocket - of the future, the supersonic projectile those speed and range are on the secret list. Around the rock's main body is a ring of booster rockets. It is manufactured by Armstrong Whitworth - and will be shown to the public for the first time at next week's Farnborough Air Show. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877008: Sep. 09, 1953 - Parisienne Ballerina Reherses: Cecile Tchernova, the Paris ballerina (from Rolande Peel Ballet), was this morning rehearsing at the Prime of Wales Theatre for the new Folies Bergere Revue,” Pardon My French”, which opens on Sept.24th. She is partnered during rehearsals only, by choreographer, Jean Guelis, leading dancer of Paris Opera and Metropolitan Opera, New York. Picture Shows: Cecile Tchernova and Jean Guelis, seen during this morning's rehearsal. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877350: Sep. 09, 1953 - Musical instruments and masks from Nigeria on show. fatality mask. drums, harps and other musical instruments from Nigeria - together with ritual masks and clothing are on show in the ceremonial follower of the Royal festival hall, orgiased by the British empire society for the blind / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877499: Sep. 09, 1953 - Christian Dior wins v. Officialdom: Inside view of the workshop at Christian Dior's in the avenue Montaigne where all the girls seamstresses resumed work this morning. Dior threatened to fire part of his personnel if the officials of the economic Ministry occupied part of his premises. The officials finally gave in and left Dior alone. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877726: Sep. 09, 1953 -” Kidnapped” Strip Tease Danger In London. Agent Detained In Brussels: Laya Raki the Half-German, Half-javanese night club and strip tease dancer who was reported to have been” kidnapped” in Dusseldorf was to be seen in London today. Laya, who is 23, laughed at the kidnap reports - and is in London to make T.V. films for agent Michael Howard / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877791: Sep. 09, 1953 - Delta research aircraft for Farnborough: This is the first in flight photograph of the Fairey Delta 2, which will make its first public appearance at teh 1955 S.B.A.C. Flying Display at Farnborough next week. Most advanced research aircraft yet built in Britain, the Fairey Delta 2 is capable of exceeding range of altitudes. Its 60 degrees sweptback delta wings represent the most advanced configuration yet flown and British aeroplane. It has a Rolls-Royce Avon turbojet and is fitted with a Fairey Powered Flying Controls. Pilot of the Fairey Delta 2 at Farnborough will be Peter Twiss, who made the first test flight in this aircraft in October 1954. Outstanding feature of the flying display will be a demonstration of the F.D. 2's” drop snoot”, in which the whole of the needle nose, including the cockpit, can be lowered by the pilot to improve forward view for take off and landing. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878044: Dec. 30, 1953 - London, England, U.K. - Sir WINSTON CHURCHILL and LADY CLEMENTINE at the Scala Theatre to see their daughter SARAH (as Peter) in the performance of 'Peter Pan'. PICTURED: Sarah in between her parents while talking to JULIA LOCKWOOD (as Wendy) standing next to ARRABELLA CHURCHILL, and on the floor, EMMA and JEREMY SOAMES. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878078: Sep. 09, 1953 - The only museum for tin-figures in Germany.. will be opened on Sunday (20.9) in the Plassenburg at Kulmbach after it had been destroyed by the war. Now there are again many show-case and 44 models which show cutting historical and cultural historical events all centuries, The tin figures are not only a hobby but they became in the meantime an important information material. Picture shows how the last works will be done at a model. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878546: Sep. 09, 1953 -” 725 M.P.H” Says Neville Duke, After World's air speed record attempt. Neville Duke made anew attempt on the world's air speed record this afternoon, in his swept-wing Hawker Hunter jet fighter. He made four runs ever the course off the Sussex coast - then did three victory rolls over Tangmere R.A.F Station. Duke said afterwards:” my average speed was about 725 m.p.h, although the official figures may be several miles either side of that”. A speed of 723 m.p.h. was necessary for a new record / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878729: Sep. 09, 1953 - Press Gets” Open House” on the Batory Owners of the 14,000 tons Polish Liner Bory - described by her former captain as a” ship of terror” - today invited newspapermen aboard the ship when she arrived in London - to prove that the ship has no secrets. The secretary of the company said” We have nothing to hide. Our policy has always been to hold out a hand of welcome.” Keystone Photo Shows: The new captain of the Batory - Capt. Meissner, seen addressing pressmen during today conference on board the Batory at Greenwich. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878807: Sep. 09, 1953 - Motor Cycling Championships At Monza; Eric Oliver and Fergus Anderson, both of Britain, won the world motor cycling championships for the side-car and 350 c.c. classes after riding in the Monza Grand Prix, Italy. Oliver won the 500 c.c. side-car event and Anderson was second to Enrico Lorenzetti (Italy) in the 350 c.c race. Geoffrey Duke, also of Britain, won the 500 c.c. event on an Italian Gilera machine to establish an unbeatable points lead for the world championship / Bridgeman Images