MPX5081633: Ray Ward aged 16 who played the title role in the West-End Hit Musical "Oliver" has given up acting to become a Postman. Today he was at London's West End Central Post Office as a messenger. Ray Ward having had a good lunch in the canteen comes back to the Chef to ask for more. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081638: Forestry Commission employees - brothers Eill and Charlie Kitcher (Leather Jerkin) are given a helping hand as the Christmas trees are cut for the festive season. Helping them cut trees near Brockenhurst in the New Forest, are local children - Simon Pulford (4), Timothy Anstey (4) (check coat), Jonathan White (4) (white collar to coat). December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081655: On a murky foggy December day between five to seven thousand Muslims of many nationalities assembled at a Islamic Cultural Centre in Regents Park to celebrate the Id-Ul-Fitr. Many marquees were put up for people to play in while the overspill knelt outside on prayer carpets, blankets and newspapers. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081707: About 1,000 striking members of the National Union of teachers took part in a march from Regent's Park to the Department of Education and Science in Curzon Street today, where a deputation presented a resolution and petitions to the minister Mr. Edward Short. The marchers in Portland Place. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081715: About 1,000 striking members of the National Union of teachers took part in a march from Regent's Park to the Department of Education and Science in Curzon Street today, where a deputation presented a resolution and petitions to the minister Mr. Edward Short. Mrs. Clarke a teacher at Charlton Boys Secondary School, wearing a maxi coat and pushing her 4 year old daughter Hannah. She is also pictured with her husband in the procession. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081729: About 1,000 striking members of the National Union of teachers took part in a march from Regent's Park to the Department of Education and Science in Curzon Street today, where a deputation presented a resolution and petitions to the minister Mr. Edward Short. The marchers in Oxford street showing the spirit of Christmas. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081739: For weeks, racing champion Graham Hill has been lying in plaster at University of College, Hospital, London following his accident. During the time he has spent in bed, he has finished writing a book published this week, titled "Life to the Limit". Today a cheerful Graham proudly displays the plasters, bare legs, and behind him a wall of good wishes. He also opens the biggest "Get Well" card ever. The words "They're Off" means something new today. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5081745: About 1,000 striking members of the National Union of teachers took part in a march from Regent's Park to the Department of Education and Science in Curzon Street today, where a deputation presented a resolution and petitions to the minister Mr. Edward Short. Children (pupils) of Fitzjohn Primary School, Hampstead in procession. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5098960: Dambusters Funeral Sgt. Charles E. Franklin. Attending the funeral of Sgt. Charles Franklin were - left to right: LAC Stan Whitwell, Bill Townsend, F/Sgt, (Pilot of O for Orange;) Mrs. Mary stopes Roe (Barnes Wallis's daughter) Flt Lt. George Chalmers (Radio Operator) and Sgt. Douglas Webb (front gunner), February 1975 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5098962: Penthouse Pets: Girls/Motorcycle/Bike: Penthouse Pets go into the racing Motorbike scene. The Penthouse Club who last year sponsored two racing cars, will this year in addtion sponsor two BMW Motorcycles. The two 900 cc R90S Machines each in its black and gold Penthouse livery will be competing at major national and international races. Its first appearance will be on March 28th, February 1975 / Bridgeman Images