ZUM4878880: Sep. 09, 1953 - SENATOR McCarthy GOES AFTER THE COMMUNITISTS... INVESTIGATION SUB-COMMITTEE IN SESSION... SENATOR JOSEPH McCarthy the well-known communist hunter - in New York to question men known session at the Federal Court where his investigations sub committee sat. The investigation of ABRAHAM UNGER a lawyer who was of the defence council for 11 top Reds who were convicted of violating the Smith Act, was the main business of the day - but as UNGER refused ordered a Guard to remove him from the session and said that he would file papers siting him for contempt. Unger challenged McCarthy's right to question him on his political beliefs, and did not claim the Fifth Amendment as a justification for his refusal to answer. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: DAVIS SHINE (Chief Consultant) SENATOR McCarthy, ROY COHN (Chief Counsel) and FRANK CARR in a huddle during the session. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4879472: Sep. 09, 1953 - The Elephant Takes a Turn With The Pram.. Circus On the Common: Picture Shows:” Mabel” one of the very tame- very well trained elephants at Chipperfield's Circus- which has been set up on Clapham Common takes a turn at pushing the pram - complete with the baby - fifteen months old May Chipper-field during her morning walk on the Common. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4879779: Sep. 09, 1953 - Sir Alexander Fleming Weds. Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin, who is 71, was married today to Mrs. Amalia Coutsouris, a Greek woman surgeon. The Wedding at Chelsea Register office is to be followed by a second ceremony at the Greek Orthodox Church, in Bayswater. Sir Alexander's first wife died in 1949. Keystone Photo Shows: The bride and groom leaving Chelsea Register office after the ceremony. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4880229: Sep. 09, 1953 - Preview of the National Radio Show The Robot Man; Photo Shows Signaiman Mellor of Manchester introduces a youngster to” Mr. Magnetto” a Robot which answers questions on radio topics - put to him by the public - seen at the preview today of the National Radio Show at Earl's Court. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4880941: Sep. 09, 1953 - Rail Crash At Bethnal Green. Four Coaches Derailed And Several Hurt An Eastern Region Train broke in two as it approached Bethnal Green Station and some of the coaches were derailed. The back-coach of the train, which was on the local line, crashed into a girder and mounted part of the station platform / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4881136: Sep. 09, 1953 - First Of 500 volunteers for medical duties with the W.R.A.F.V.R. Miss Pat Lynch: Miss Pat Lynch, aged 21, was the first of 500 volunteers required for medical duties with the Wrafvr, to control at the British Red Cross Headquarters at Grosvenor Crescent, London this morning. Reservists undergo one week's training at an R.A.F. Volunteer Reserve general service training in each of the other years / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4881146: Sep. 09, 1953 - In the western zone it is the best to stage. : The former manager of the opera of west Berlin, Ernst Legal who fled some times ago to West-Germany staged in the playhouse at Dusseldorf Carl Zuckmayer's rock-dance-play 'Katherine Knee' After a six months stay in west - Germany during which he staged plays Ernst Legal yesterday went back to West-Berlin to devote himself at his home his already began work of the reorganization of the 'Hugenotten' from Meyerbeer. Our picture show from left to right: Ernst Legal, Solveig Thomas (Katherine Knee) and Ulrich Haupt (lgnaz Scheel) / Bridgeman Images