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Nov. 19, 1954 - 19-11-54 The “” Grandfather”” of all crooners and wife no. 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Vallee in London. Keystone Photo Shows: Rudy Vallee who is called the 'Grandfather' of all crooners, he is 54 seen with his wife, 26 year old Eleanor Norris at their London Hotel. ♪ They have been married five years ♪
Nov. 19, 1954 - 19-11-54 The “” Grandfather”” of all crooners and wife no. 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Vallee in London. Keystone Photo Shows: Rudy Vallee who is called the 'Grandfather' of all crooners, he is 54 seen with his wife, 26 year old Eleanor Norris at their London Hotel. ♪ They have been married five years ♪

ZUM4946027: Nov. 19, 1954 - 19-11-54 The “” Grandfather”” of all crooners and wife no. 4 - Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Vallee in London. Keystone Photo Shows: Rudy Vallee who is called the 'Grandfather' of all crooners, he is 54 seen with his wife, 26 year old Eleanor Norris at their London Hotel. ♪ They have been married five years ♪ / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 06, 1954 - 6-12-54 Opening of the Newmarket sales - General view of the ring. Keystone Photo Shows: General view during the famous Bloodstock sales at Newmarket today at which many record prizes were paid
Dec. 06, 1954 - 6-12-54 Opening of the Newmarket sales - General view of the ring. Keystone Photo Shows: General view during the famous Bloodstock sales at Newmarket today at which many record prizes were paid

ZUM4946207: Dec. 06, 1954 - 6-12-54 Opening of the Newmarket sales - General view of the ring. Keystone Photo Shows: General view during the famous Bloodstock sales at Newmarket today at which many record prizes were paid / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 08, 1954 - 8-12-54 “” Festoon”” sold for record price £37,800 guineas winner stays in England - “” Festoon”” the mare winner of the One Thousand Guineas and the Coronation Stakes was sold to Mr. Anthony Askew, nephew of Mr. J. Arthur Rank at the Newmarket Sales yesterday. This is a world record prize for a brood mare. Keystone Photo Shows: L-R after the sale at Newmarket yesterday: Mrs. Gerald Askew; Mr. Anthony Askew; Mr. Gerald Askew and Mrs. Anthony Askew
Dec. 08, 1954 - 8-12-54 “” Festoon”” sold for record price £37,800 guineas winner stays in England - “” Festoon”” the mare winner of the One Thousand Guineas and the Coronation Stakes was sold to Mr. Anthony Askew, nephew of Mr. J. Arthur Rank at the Newmarket Sales yesterday. This is a world record prize for a brood mare. Keystone Photo Shows: L-R after the sale at Newmarket yesterday: Mrs. Gerald Askew; Mr. Anthony Askew; Mr. Gerald Askew and Mrs. Anthony Askew

ZUM4946275: Dec. 08, 1954 - 8-12-54 “” Festoon”” sold for record price £37,800 guineas winner stays in England - “” Festoon”” the mare winner of the One Thousand Guineas and the Coronation Stakes was sold to Mr. Anthony Askew, nephew of Mr. J. Arthur Rank at the Newmarket Sales yesterday. This is a world record prize for a brood mare. Keystone Photo Shows: L-R after the sale at Newmarket yesterday: Mrs. Gerald Askew; Mr. Anthony Askew; Mr. Gerald Askew and Mrs. Anthony Askew / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 11, 1954 - Flood in the Thames Valley. A Sea of Water.: Punts and boats were used to reach families cut off in the Windsor and Maidenhead areas of the Thames Valley this afternoon - which were hit by flood waters for the second time in ten days Photo shows Rivers boats perched high on the river side - as traffic makes its way through the flooded roads of Maidenhead this afternoon
Dec. 11, 1954 - Flood in the Thames Valley. A Sea of Water.: Punts and boats were used to reach families cut off in the Windsor and Maidenhead areas of the Thames Valley this afternoon - which were hit by flood waters for the second time in ten days Photo shows Rivers boats perched high on the river side - as traffic makes its way through the flooded roads of Maidenhead this afternoon

ZUM4946379: Dec. 11, 1954 - Flood in the Thames Valley. A Sea of Water.: Punts and boats were used to reach families cut off in the Windsor and Maidenhead areas of the Thames Valley this afternoon - which were hit by flood waters for the second time in ten days Photo shows Rivers boats perched high on the river side - as traffic makes its way through the flooded roads of Maidenhead this afternoon / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - Admiral Earl Mounbatten Arrives in London. Lady Pamela and the Pit Dog. Admiral the Earl Mounbatten who assumes the Post of First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff next March - arrived at London Airport this morning. His Mediterranean Command is being taken over by Admiral Sir Guy Grantham. Keystone Photo Shows: Lady Pamela Mounbatten is greeted by her pet dog who was taken to the airport to meet the family this morning
Dec. 12, 1954 - Admiral Earl Mounbatten Arrives in London. Lady Pamela and the Pit Dog. Admiral the Earl Mounbatten who assumes the Post of First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff next March - arrived at London Airport this morning. His Mediterranean Command is being taken over by Admiral Sir Guy Grantham. Keystone Photo Shows: Lady Pamela Mounbatten is greeted by her pet dog who was taken to the airport to meet the family this morning

ZUM4946478: Dec. 12, 1954 - Admiral Earl Mounbatten Arrives in London. Lady Pamela and the Pit Dog. Admiral the Earl Mounbatten who assumes the Post of First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff next March - arrived at London Airport this morning. His Mediterranean Command is being taken over by Admiral Sir Guy Grantham. Keystone Photo Shows: Lady Pamela Mounbatten is greeted by her pet dog who was taken to the airport to meet the family this morning / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - SINGING OF THE STEEL AGREEMENT IN LONDON. OSCAR SCHLITTER OF GERMANY.. The agreement between the British Government and the European Coal and Steel Community was signed in London this morning - at Lancaster House. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - German Federal Councillor OSCAR SCHLITTER signs the agreement - with on left M. RENE HASSIGLI of France
Dec. 12, 1954 - SINGING OF THE STEEL AGREEMENT IN LONDON. OSCAR SCHLITTER OF GERMANY.. The agreement between the British Government and the European Coal and Steel Community was signed in London this morning - at Lancaster House. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - German Federal Councillor OSCAR SCHLITTER signs the agreement - with on left M. RENE HASSIGLI of France

ZUM4946487: Dec. 12, 1954 - SINGING OF THE STEEL AGREEMENT IN LONDON. OSCAR SCHLITTER OF GERMANY.. The agreement between the British Government and the European Coal and Steel Community was signed in London this morning - at Lancaster House. KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - German Federal Councillor OSCAR SCHLITTER signs the agreement - with on left M. RENE HASSIGLI of France / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - Stars Attend Premiere Of The Film” One Good Turn” At The Odeon
Dec. 12, 1954 - Stars Attend Premiere Of The Film” One Good Turn” At The Odeon

ZUM4946527: Dec. 12, 1954 - Stars Attend Premiere Of The Film” One Good Turn” At The Odeon / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - Oh! it's part of the welcome: This portrait of the Rev. W.G. White, 76 year old vicar, faces the main door of St. Mary's Church, Haughley, Suffolk.He said yesterday:” I want to make this point that you cannot stuck the snock at God”. The picture illustrates a Bible text: Be not deceived; God is not mocked -Galatians, Chapter VI. v 7
Dec. 12, 1954 - Oh! it's part of the welcome: This portrait of the Rev. W.G. White, 76 year old vicar, faces the main door of St. Mary's Church, Haughley, Suffolk.He said yesterday:” I want to make this point that you cannot stuck the snock at God”. The picture illustrates a Bible text: Be not deceived; God is not mocked -Galatians, Chapter VI. v 7

ZUM4946756: Dec. 12, 1954 - Oh! it's part of the welcome: This portrait of the Rev. W.G. White, 76 year old vicar, faces the main door of St. Mary's Church, Haughley, Suffolk.He said yesterday:” I want to make this point that you cannot stuck the snock at God”. The picture illustrates a Bible text: Be not deceived; God is not mocked -Galatians, Chapter VI. v 7 / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - President Tito of Yugoslavia in India. Picture Shows: Marshal Tito, President of Yugoslavia, takes the salute at the march past during an Army Parade held i his honor i Delhi Cantt. on Wednesday
Dec. 12, 1954 - President Tito of Yugoslavia in India. Picture Shows: Marshal Tito, President of Yugoslavia, takes the salute at the march past during an Army Parade held i his honor i Delhi Cantt. on Wednesday

ZUM4946908: Dec. 12, 1954 - President Tito of Yugoslavia in India. Picture Shows: Marshal Tito, President of Yugoslavia, takes the salute at the march past during an Army Parade held i his honor i Delhi Cantt. on Wednesday / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - Sudanese Leaders visit Egyptian Premier: The Sudanese Prime Minister, Mtre. Ismail El Azhary, accompanied by the two some of Sayed Ali El Mirghany, the Sudan Spiritual Leader - recently paid a visit to Egyptian Premier, Gamal Abdel Nasser
Dec. 12, 1954 - Sudanese Leaders visit Egyptian Premier: The Sudanese Prime Minister, Mtre. Ismail El Azhary, accompanied by the two some of Sayed Ali El Mirghany, the Sudan Spiritual Leader - recently paid a visit to Egyptian Premier, Gamal Abdel Nasser

ZUM4946912: Dec. 12, 1954 - Sudanese Leaders visit Egyptian Premier: The Sudanese Prime Minister, Mtre. Ismail El Azhary, accompanied by the two some of Sayed Ali El Mirghany, the Sudan Spiritual Leader - recently paid a visit to Egyptian Premier, Gamal Abdel Nasser / Bridgeman Images

Dec. 12, 1954 - Six Year old London prodigy off on tour, Danielie Rehearses at London Home: Six year old Danielle Salaman, London's piano prodigy has been invited to give six recitals in Paris and Brussels with the possibilty of T.V. performances in both cities. At the concerts she will play Beethoven; Bach: Purcell and Handel. Panielle learned to write music scores before she could write words - and his already composed more than 40 pieces, including a” Happy Birthday” song for Prince Charles. Her ambition is to compose opera. Before she reached the age of five - Danielle had given recitals in England: France and Israel. Her parent are English. Keystone press shows Danielle Salaman rehearses at the piano in her London home
Dec. 12, 1954 - Six Year old London prodigy off on tour, Danielie Rehearses at London Home: Six year old Danielle Salaman, London's piano prodigy has been invited to give six recitals in Paris and Brussels with the possibilty of T.V. performances in both cities. At the concerts she will play Beethoven; Bach: Purcell and Handel. Panielle learned to write music scores before she could write words - and his already composed more than 40 pieces, including a” Happy Birthday” song for Prince Charles. Her ambition is to compose opera. Before she reached the age of five - Danielle had given recitals in England: France and Israel. Her parent are English. Keystone press shows Danielle Salaman rehearses at the piano in her London home

ZUM4946983: Dec. 12, 1954 - Six Year old London prodigy off on tour, Danielie Rehearses at London Home: Six year old Danielle Salaman, London's piano prodigy has been invited to give six recitals in Paris and Brussels with the possibilty of T.V. performances in both cities. At the concerts she will play Beethoven; Bach: Purcell and Handel. Panielle learned to write music scores before she could write words - and his already composed more than 40 pieces, including a” Happy Birthday” song for Prince Charles. Her ambition is to compose opera. Before she reached the age of five - Danielle had given recitals in England: France and Israel. Her parent are English. Keystone press shows Danielle Salaman rehearses at the piano in her London home / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Parliament Building In Bonn - Surrounded By Floods Headquarters Of West German Government Threaten: Photo shows The scene at Bonn this morning - showing the West German Parliament Building surrounded by the ever rising flood waters - which new threaten to initiate thousands of miles of land throughout Europe. West German Police are seen trying to keep out the waters
Jan. 01, 1955 - Parliament Building In Bonn - Surrounded By Floods Headquarters Of West German Government Threaten: Photo shows The scene at Bonn this morning - showing the West German Parliament Building surrounded by the ever rising flood waters - which new threaten to initiate thousands of miles of land throughout Europe. West German Police are seen trying to keep out the waters

ZUM4947247: Jan. 01, 1955 - Parliament Building In Bonn - Surrounded By Floods Headquarters Of West German Government Threaten: Photo shows The scene at Bonn this morning - showing the West German Parliament Building surrounded by the ever rising flood waters - which new threaten to initiate thousands of miles of land throughout Europe. West German Police are seen trying to keep out the waters / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Dawn Addams leaves nursing home with her baby son: Dawn Addams the film star wife of Italian Prince Vittorio Massimo, left the nursing home this morning with her baby son who was born on January 10
Jan. 01, 1955 - Dawn Addams leaves nursing home with her baby son: Dawn Addams the film star wife of Italian Prince Vittorio Massimo, left the nursing home this morning with her baby son who was born on January 10

ZUM4947302: Jan. 01, 1955 - Dawn Addams leaves nursing home with her baby son: Dawn Addams the film star wife of Italian Prince Vittorio Massimo, left the nursing home this morning with her baby son who was born on January 10 / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Albert Sarrat, President of the Assembly of the French Union, and Pierre Mendes France, President of the Council, are pictured during a reception at the Elysee Palace this morning with President Coty
Jan. 01, 1955 - Albert Sarrat, President of the Assembly of the French Union, and Pierre Mendes France, President of the Council, are pictured during a reception at the Elysee Palace this morning with President Coty

ZUM4947325: Jan. 01, 1955 - Albert Sarrat, President of the Assembly of the French Union, and Pierre Mendes France, President of the Council, are pictured during a reception at the Elysee Palace this morning with President Coty / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Television's” Kissing Boy” arrives from Hollywood. He has a kiss for Hildegarde: Ron Randell - who took over for a short time from Eamon Andrews ad Chairman of Television's “What's My Line” and two created quite a sensation by kissing Barbara Kelly and other participants during the program arrived at London Airport from Hollywood this afternoon. He was met by Swiss Actress Hildegarde Christian who is to appear in” Rosalinda”. Ron Randell is being ~ ~ ~ ~ for who accuses him of” Mistreatment, failure to support her and desertion since November 1953. She is also suing for £35,700 loan
Jan. 01, 1955 - Television's” Kissing Boy” arrives from Hollywood. He has a kiss for Hildegarde: Ron Randell - who took over for a short time from Eamon Andrews ad Chairman of Television's “What's My Line” and two created quite a sensation by kissing Barbara Kelly and other participants during the program arrived at London Airport from Hollywood this afternoon. He was met by Swiss Actress Hildegarde Christian who is to appear in” Rosalinda”. Ron Randell is being ~ ~ ~ ~ for who accuses him of” Mistreatment, failure to support her and desertion since November 1953. She is also suing for £35,700 loan

ZUM4947391: Jan. 01, 1955 - Television's” Kissing Boy” arrives from Hollywood. He has a kiss for Hildegarde: Ron Randell - who took over for a short time from Eamon Andrews ad Chairman of Television's “What's My Line” and two created quite a sensation by kissing Barbara Kelly and other participants during the program arrived at London Airport from Hollywood this afternoon. He was met by Swiss Actress Hildegarde Christian who is to appear in” Rosalinda”. Ron Randell is being ~ ~ ~ ~ for who accuses him of” Mistreatment, failure to support her and desertion since November 1953. She is also suing for £35,700 loan / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - British Cruiser on visit to Calcutta: Vice-Admiral C.F.W. Norris Commander - in - Chief, East Indies Station accompanied by Commander K.K. Mukherjee, Resident Naval Officer come ashore from H.M.S. newfoundland, the Colony Class Cruiser which is on a visit to Calcutta
Jan. 01, 1955 - British Cruiser on visit to Calcutta: Vice-Admiral C.F.W. Norris Commander - in - Chief, East Indies Station accompanied by Commander K.K. Mukherjee, Resident Naval Officer come ashore from H.M.S. newfoundland, the Colony Class Cruiser which is on a visit to Calcutta

ZUM4947415: Jan. 01, 1955 - British Cruiser on visit to Calcutta: Vice-Admiral C.F.W. Norris Commander - in - Chief, East Indies Station accompanied by Commander K.K. Mukherjee, Resident Naval Officer come ashore from H.M.S. newfoundland, the Colony Class Cruiser which is on a visit to Calcutta / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Silvana Mangano gives birthday party for her eldest daughter; Silvana Mangano, the Italian film star, who is expecting a baby in February, gave a birthday party to her eldest daughter, Veronica, on her fifth birthday, at her home in Rome. The party was gay affair Veronica and her three year old sister Isabella, who invited their little friends. Silvana Mangano served all the children and helped Veronica to cut her birthday cake
Jan. 01, 1955 - Silvana Mangano gives birthday party for her eldest daughter; Silvana Mangano, the Italian film star, who is expecting a baby in February, gave a birthday party to her eldest daughter, Veronica, on her fifth birthday, at her home in Rome. The party was gay affair Veronica and her three year old sister Isabella, who invited their little friends. Silvana Mangano served all the children and helped Veronica to cut her birthday cake

ZUM4947511: Jan. 01, 1955 - Silvana Mangano gives birthday party for her eldest daughter; Silvana Mangano, the Italian film star, who is expecting a baby in February, gave a birthday party to her eldest daughter, Veronica, on her fifth birthday, at her home in Rome. The party was gay affair Veronica and her three year old sister Isabella, who invited their little friends. Silvana Mangano served all the children and helped Veronica to cut her birthday cake / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Celebration Of Indian Republic Day. “At Hone” At India House: Mrs. Vimaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian High Commissioner in London and sister of the Indian Prime Minister - held an” At Home” at India House this morning in honour of the Indian Republic Day - which ma ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the 5th. anniversary of the Indian Republic
Jan. 01, 1955 - Celebration Of Indian Republic Day. “At Hone” At India House: Mrs. Vimaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian High Commissioner in London and sister of the Indian Prime Minister - held an” At Home” at India House this morning in honour of the Indian Republic Day - which ma ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the 5th. anniversary of the Indian Republic

ZUM4947594: Jan. 01, 1955 - Celebration Of Indian Republic Day. “At Hone” At India House: Mrs. Vimaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian High Commissioner in London and sister of the Indian Prime Minister - held an” At Home” at India House this morning in honour of the Indian Republic Day - which ma ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the 5th. anniversary of the Indian Republic / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Mayor of Amman visits Mansion House: Fahran Fasha Shbelat, the Mayor of Amman who is here as guest of the British Council today paid a visit to the Mansion House to meet the Lord Mayor of London
Jan. 01, 1955 - Mayor of Amman visits Mansion House: Fahran Fasha Shbelat, the Mayor of Amman who is here as guest of the British Council today paid a visit to the Mansion House to meet the Lord Mayor of London

ZUM4947632: Jan. 01, 1955 - Mayor of Amman visits Mansion House: Fahran Fasha Shbelat, the Mayor of Amman who is here as guest of the British Council today paid a visit to the Mansion House to meet the Lord Mayor of London / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Jeanna Grain leaves for America: Famous film star Jeanne Crain, with her husband, Paul Brinkman, and their four children left Waterloo in the s.s. Liberte boat-train entrout for America
Jan. 01, 1955 - Jeanna Grain leaves for America: Famous film star Jeanne Crain, with her husband, Paul Brinkman, and their four children left Waterloo in the s.s. Liberte boat-train entrout for America

ZUM4947710: Jan. 01, 1955 - Jeanna Grain leaves for America: Famous film star Jeanne Crain, with her husband, Paul Brinkman, and their four children left Waterloo in the s.s. Liberte boat-train entrout for America / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - LANDAU GOLD ABOARD - BOUNDFOR AUSTRALIA. The queen's racehorse, LANDAU, which was sold to Australian, Mr. E.A. Underwood for 21,000 - this morning went aboard the Port Fremantle, at King George V Dock, London, KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - LANDAU seen with apprentice CLIFFORD LINES, 19 - who will ccompany the hords to Australia - seen at King George V Dock, London this morning
Jan. 01, 1955 - LANDAU GOLD ABOARD - BOUNDFOR AUSTRALIA. The queen's racehorse, LANDAU, which was sold to Australian, Mr. E.A. Underwood for 21,000 - this morning went aboard the Port Fremantle, at King George V Dock, London, KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - LANDAU seen with apprentice CLIFFORD LINES, 19 - who will ccompany the hords to Australia - seen at King George V Dock, London this morning

ZUM4947948: Jan. 01, 1955 - LANDAU GOLD ABOARD - BOUNDFOR AUSTRALIA. The queen's racehorse, LANDAU, which was sold to Australian, Mr. E.A. Underwood for 21,000 - this morning went aboard the Port Fremantle, at King George V Dock, London, KEYSTONE PHOTO SHOWS: - LANDAU seen with apprentice CLIFFORD LINES, 19 - who will ccompany the hords to Australia - seen at King George V Dock, London this morning / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Two Injured As B.E.A. Viscount Airliner Crashes On Take-Off At London Airport. The pilot and one passenger were injured when a B.E.A. Viscount airliner crashed on the take-off at London Airport. The aircraft had taken a wrong turning on to a disused runway in mistake for the main take-off runway during the fog. It crashed into a barrier and ended up between a hangar and some builder's huts. One engine was thrown on to a stack of scrap metal. There were 25 passengers aboard the aircraft including two children. Keystone Photo Shows: - The scene at London Airport showing the damaged plane amid the wreckage of the huts
Jan. 01, 1955 - Two Injured As B.E.A. Viscount Airliner Crashes On Take-Off At London Airport. The pilot and one passenger were injured when a B.E.A. Viscount airliner crashed on the take-off at London Airport. The aircraft had taken a wrong turning on to a disused runway in mistake for the main take-off runway during the fog. It crashed into a barrier and ended up between a hangar and some builder's huts. One engine was thrown on to a stack of scrap metal. There were 25 passengers aboard the aircraft including two children. Keystone Photo Shows: - The scene at London Airport showing the damaged plane amid the wreckage of the huts

ZUM4948090: Jan. 01, 1955 - Two Injured As B.E.A. Viscount Airliner Crashes On Take-Off At London Airport. The pilot and one passenger were injured when a B.E.A. Viscount airliner crashed on the take-off at London Airport. The aircraft had taken a wrong turning on to a disused runway in mistake for the main take-off runway during the fog. It crashed into a barrier and ended up between a hangar and some builder's huts. One engine was thrown on to a stack of scrap metal. There were 25 passengers aboard the aircraft including two children. Keystone Photo Shows: - The scene at London Airport showing the damaged plane amid the wreckage of the huts / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - President Coty Meets New President of the French assembly: M. Schneiter (left) the newly elected President of the French Assembly, during the official visit he paid to President Coty (right) with the members of the Bureau of the assembly this morning
Jan. 01, 1955 - President Coty Meets New President of the French assembly: M. Schneiter (left) the newly elected President of the French Assembly, during the official visit he paid to President Coty (right) with the members of the Bureau of the assembly this morning

ZUM4948165: Jan. 01, 1955 - President Coty Meets New President of the French assembly: M. Schneiter (left) the newly elected President of the French Assembly, during the official visit he paid to President Coty (right) with the members of the Bureau of the assembly this morning / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Rehearsals for” The Midsummer Marriage”... Opera that Baffles everybody - even the performers: Rehearsals were held at Covent Garden this morning of” The Midsummer Marriage” - by Michael Tippett. The Stage settings have been designed by sculpture Barbara Hepworth - and the lead is played by Australian soprano Joan Sutherland. After a week of rehearsal - even the singers themselves on finding it difficult to understand the idea behind the opera
Jan. 01, 1955 - Rehearsals for” The Midsummer Marriage”... Opera that Baffles everybody - even the performers: Rehearsals were held at Covent Garden this morning of” The Midsummer Marriage” - by Michael Tippett. The Stage settings have been designed by sculpture Barbara Hepworth - and the lead is played by Australian soprano Joan Sutherland. After a week of rehearsal - even the singers themselves on finding it difficult to understand the idea behind the opera

ZUM4948240: Jan. 01, 1955 - Rehearsals for” The Midsummer Marriage”... Opera that Baffles everybody - even the performers: Rehearsals were held at Covent Garden this morning of” The Midsummer Marriage” - by Michael Tippett. The Stage settings have been designed by sculpture Barbara Hepworth - and the lead is played by Australian soprano Joan Sutherland. After a week of rehearsal - even the singers themselves on finding it difficult to understand the idea behind the opera / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - E.1 Souvenirs can go underground if authorities act; Production of Scottish” Elizabeth 1 'Coronation souvenirs, sponsored by the Covenant Association, will go underground if there is any interference from the authorities and can be switched to another factory within 12 hours, Mr. William Bowie, Edinburg Covenanter, has stated, Meanwhile the manufacture of wool and silk head square continues at the” secret” Edinburgh factory. Mr. Ian Hamilton, of the stone of destiny” fame, travels to Edinburg this week to confer with other Covenanter on additional designs. They hope to” flood” Scotland with” Elizabeth 1” souvenirs and also to distribute them widely in England
Jan. 01, 1955 - E.1 Souvenirs can go underground if authorities act; Production of Scottish” Elizabeth 1 'Coronation souvenirs, sponsored by the Covenant Association, will go underground if there is any interference from the authorities and can be switched to another factory within 12 hours, Mr. William Bowie, Edinburg Covenanter, has stated, Meanwhile the manufacture of wool and silk head square continues at the” secret” Edinburgh factory. Mr. Ian Hamilton, of the stone of destiny” fame, travels to Edinburg this week to confer with other Covenanter on additional designs. They hope to” flood” Scotland with” Elizabeth 1” souvenirs and also to distribute them widely in England

ZUM4948242: Jan. 01, 1955 - E.1 Souvenirs can go underground if authorities act; Production of Scottish” Elizabeth 1 'Coronation souvenirs, sponsored by the Covenant Association, will go underground if there is any interference from the authorities and can be switched to another factory within 12 hours, Mr. William Bowie, Edinburg Covenanter, has stated, Meanwhile the manufacture of wool and silk head square continues at the” secret” Edinburgh factory. Mr. Ian Hamilton, of the stone of destiny” fame, travels to Edinburg this week to confer with other Covenanter on additional designs. They hope to” flood” Scotland with” Elizabeth 1” souvenirs and also to distribute them widely in England / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Arms cargo for Egypt goes aboard” Star of Suez”.: Throughout yesterday dockers worked overtime loading military equipment aboard the” Star of Suez” which is due to sail for Egypt on Friday. The Prime Minister has agreed to meet Mr. Gaitskell, leader of the Opposition today to discuss the issue of arms shipments to the Middle East
Jan. 01, 1955 - Arms cargo for Egypt goes aboard” Star of Suez”.: Throughout yesterday dockers worked overtime loading military equipment aboard the” Star of Suez” which is due to sail for Egypt on Friday. The Prime Minister has agreed to meet Mr. Gaitskell, leader of the Opposition today to discuss the issue of arms shipments to the Middle East

ZUM4948338: Jan. 01, 1955 - Arms cargo for Egypt goes aboard” Star of Suez”.: Throughout yesterday dockers worked overtime loading military equipment aboard the” Star of Suez” which is due to sail for Egypt on Friday. The Prime Minister has agreed to meet Mr. Gaitskell, leader of the Opposition today to discuss the issue of arms shipments to the Middle East / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Preparations In Trinidad For The Arrival of Princess Margaret.. Keystone Photo Shows: - View of Government House, Trinidad where Princess Margaret will stay as guest of H.E. The Governor - Major Gen Sir Hubert Rance and Lady Rance. On right, of picture below flag poles will be Princess Margaret's suite. Her balcony over looks a wonderful garden of exotic plants and trees
Jan. 01, 1955 - Preparations In Trinidad For The Arrival of Princess Margaret.. Keystone Photo Shows: - View of Government House, Trinidad where Princess Margaret will stay as guest of H.E. The Governor - Major Gen Sir Hubert Rance and Lady Rance. On right, of picture below flag poles will be Princess Margaret's suite. Her balcony over looks a wonderful garden of exotic plants and trees

ZUM4948347: Jan. 01, 1955 - Preparations In Trinidad For The Arrival of Princess Margaret.. Keystone Photo Shows: - View of Government House, Trinidad where Princess Margaret will stay as guest of H.E. The Governor - Major Gen Sir Hubert Rance and Lady Rance. On right, of picture below flag poles will be Princess Margaret's suite. Her balcony over looks a wonderful garden of exotic plants and trees / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - French Italian Treaty Signed... Mendes-France in Rome: Photo Shows M. Mendes France the Prime Minister of France and M. Gaetand Martino seen as they signed the French-Italian Treaty - dealing with Immigration and a Joint Policy in Africa - at the Villa Madame, Rome, recently
Jan. 01, 1955 - French Italian Treaty Signed... Mendes-France in Rome: Photo Shows M. Mendes France the Prime Minister of France and M. Gaetand Martino seen as they signed the French-Italian Treaty - dealing with Immigration and a Joint Policy in Africa - at the Villa Madame, Rome, recently

ZUM4948448: Jan. 01, 1955 - French Italian Treaty Signed... Mendes-France in Rome: Photo Shows M. Mendes France the Prime Minister of France and M. Gaetand Martino seen as they signed the French-Italian Treaty - dealing with Immigration and a Joint Policy in Africa - at the Villa Madame, Rome, recently / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - New Pakistan Commissioner Arrives With His Family: The new Pakistan High Commissioner, Mohamed Ikramullah, arrived at Victoria this afternoon with his wife and four children
Jan. 01, 1955 - New Pakistan Commissioner Arrives With His Family: The new Pakistan High Commissioner, Mohamed Ikramullah, arrived at Victoria this afternoon with his wife and four children

ZUM4948485: Jan. 01, 1955 - New Pakistan Commissioner Arrives With His Family: The new Pakistan High Commissioner, Mohamed Ikramullah, arrived at Victoria this afternoon with his wife and four children / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Tug Races To Save Woman Taken From United States Trcopship Off Southampton: A tug made a twelve mile dash from Southampton to meet the American Troopship” Private William H. Thomas” off the coast early this morning to take aboard Mrs. Doryce Pepper wife of an American Army Sgt. Mrs. Pepper had collapsed with heart trouble. When the distress call was received - the tug put to sea - and Flight Lieut. Joseph Jaffe a Doctor rushed 20 miles by car from Tichfield R.A.F. station to meet the tug at Southampton. The woman was taken to Southampton General Hospital
Jan. 01, 1955 - Tug Races To Save Woman Taken From United States Trcopship Off Southampton: A tug made a twelve mile dash from Southampton to meet the American Troopship” Private William H. Thomas” off the coast early this morning to take aboard Mrs. Doryce Pepper wife of an American Army Sgt. Mrs. Pepper had collapsed with heart trouble. When the distress call was received - the tug put to sea - and Flight Lieut. Joseph Jaffe a Doctor rushed 20 miles by car from Tichfield R.A.F. station to meet the tug at Southampton. The woman was taken to Southampton General Hospital

ZUM4948538: Jan. 01, 1955 - Tug Races To Save Woman Taken From United States Trcopship Off Southampton: A tug made a twelve mile dash from Southampton to meet the American Troopship” Private William H. Thomas” off the coast early this morning to take aboard Mrs. Doryce Pepper wife of an American Army Sgt. Mrs. Pepper had collapsed with heart trouble. When the distress call was received - the tug put to sea - and Flight Lieut. Joseph Jaffe a Doctor rushed 20 miles by car from Tichfield R.A.F. station to meet the tug at Southampton. The woman was taken to Southampton General Hospital / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Opening of the Commonwealth Conference: Sir Winston and Australia's Mr. Menzies: Sir Winston Churchill presided over the first meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Minister's Conference at No. 10. Downing Street this afternoon
Jan. 01, 1955 - Opening of the Commonwealth Conference: Sir Winston and Australia's Mr. Menzies: Sir Winston Churchill presided over the first meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Minister's Conference at No. 10. Downing Street this afternoon

ZUM4948566: Jan. 01, 1955 - Opening of the Commonwealth Conference: Sir Winston and Australia's Mr. Menzies: Sir Winston Churchill presided over the first meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Minister's Conference at No. 10. Downing Street this afternoon / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Jan Kiepura opposes British income tax demands, famous singer in Vienna - The world famous singer Jan Kiepura who now has United States Citizenship, is to oppose the United Kingdom Income Tax demands made upon him and which have resulted in an announcement in the London Gazette of the filing of bankruptcy petition against him. The singer, in an interview in Vienna declared that the income tax demanded from him is from an amount which he lost when he left Poland penniless during the war, leaving a fortune behind him. He says that he is to make a counter-claim at the International Court for refund of installments paid him from profits made after the war to reduce the British revenue claims. Keystone Photo Shows: Jan Kiepura and his wife Martha Eggerth in Vienna where he said he was to oppose the claim
Jan. 01, 1955 - Jan Kiepura opposes British income tax demands, famous singer in Vienna - The world famous singer Jan Kiepura who now has United States Citizenship, is to oppose the United Kingdom Income Tax demands made upon him and which have resulted in an announcement in the London Gazette of the filing of bankruptcy petition against him. The singer, in an interview in Vienna declared that the income tax demanded from him is from an amount which he lost when he left Poland penniless during the war, leaving a fortune behind him. He says that he is to make a counter-claim at the International Court for refund of installments paid him from profits made after the war to reduce the British revenue claims. Keystone Photo Shows: Jan Kiepura and his wife Martha Eggerth in Vienna where he said he was to oppose the claim

ZUM4948591: Jan. 01, 1955 - Jan Kiepura opposes British income tax demands, famous singer in Vienna - The world famous singer Jan Kiepura who now has United States Citizenship, is to oppose the United Kingdom Income Tax demands made upon him and which have resulted in an announcement in the London Gazette of the filing of bankruptcy petition against him. The singer, in an interview in Vienna declared that the income tax demanded from him is from an amount which he lost when he left Poland penniless during the war, leaving a fortune behind him. He says that he is to make a counter-claim at the International Court for refund of installments paid him from profits made after the war to reduce the British revenue claims. Keystone Photo Shows: Jan Kiepura and his wife Martha Eggerth in Vienna where he said he was to oppose the claim / Bridgeman Images

Jan. 01, 1955 - Picture From Specially Chartered Aircraft.. The New Guardian of The Goodwins Arrives.. Takes Place of The Ill-Fated Vessel. The £100,000 No.17 - the new South Goodwin Lightship - which takes the place of the ill fated vessel which was wrecked six weeks ago - arrived at her mooring - a mile farther south to mark the southern extremity of the treacherous sands.. Keystone Photo Shows: - As seen from the air the new South Goodwin Lightship arrives at the South Goodwins
Jan. 01, 1955 - Picture From Specially Chartered Aircraft.. The New Guardian of The Goodwins Arrives.. Takes Place of The Ill-Fated Vessel. The £100,000 No.17 - the new South Goodwin Lightship - which takes the place of the ill fated vessel which was wrecked six weeks ago - arrived at her mooring - a mile farther south to mark the southern extremity of the treacherous sands.. Keystone Photo Shows: - As seen from the air the new South Goodwin Lightship arrives at the South Goodwins

ZUM4948864: Jan. 01, 1955 - Picture From Specially Chartered Aircraft.. The New Guardian of The Goodwins Arrives.. Takes Place of The Ill-Fated Vessel. The £100,000 No.17 - the new South Goodwin Lightship - which takes the place of the ill fated vessel which was wrecked six weeks ago - arrived at her mooring - a mile farther south to mark the southern extremity of the treacherous sands.. Keystone Photo Shows: - As seen from the air the new South Goodwin Lightship arrives at the South Goodwins / Bridgeman Images

May 05, 1954 - Britain's Latest Long-Range Submarine Hunting Aircraft The Avro Shackleton - Mark III: Britain's latest long range submarine-hunting aircraft - the Avro Shackleton Mark III - seen during a test flight. The new machine is already in production by A.V. Roe of Manchester of R.A.F. Coastal Command and South African Air Forces. The Mark III is a development of the famous Shackleton II. Its great ocean patrolling range is extended by additional fuel storage and other modifications special sound proofing, improved visibility and tricycle undercarriage
May 05, 1954 - Britain's Latest Long-Range Submarine Hunting Aircraft The Avro Shackleton - Mark III: Britain's latest long range submarine-hunting aircraft - the Avro Shackleton Mark III - seen during a test flight. The new machine is already in production by A.V. Roe of Manchester of R.A.F. Coastal Command and South African Air Forces. The Mark III is a development of the famous Shackleton II. Its great ocean patrolling range is extended by additional fuel storage and other modifications special sound proofing, improved visibility and tricycle undercarriage

ZUM4932312: May 05, 1954 - Britain's Latest Long-Range Submarine Hunting Aircraft The Avro Shackleton - Mark III: Britain's latest long range submarine-hunting aircraft - the Avro Shackleton Mark III - seen during a test flight. The new machine is already in production by A.V. Roe of Manchester of R.A.F. Coastal Command and South African Air Forces. The Mark III is a development of the famous Shackleton II. Its great ocean patrolling range is extended by additional fuel storage and other modifications special sound proofing, improved visibility and tricycle undercarriage / Bridgeman Images

May 05, 1954 - John Cobb's Racing Car Used In Demonstration Of Retractable Aircraft Brake Parachute: Early in 1951, the C.Q. Parachute Company began work on a scheme to dispense with the necessity for jettisoning an aircraft braking parachute at the end of the landing run. A stowage system was devised by which the parachute could be automatically repacked ready for the next operation. It was decided that the parachute should be stowed in a telescopic cylinder, the rear and outer part of the cylinder being arranged to slide forwards over the inner and forward part, at the same time as the canopy was ejected rearwards by a piston engergized by a large coil spring. To retract the parachute it is only necessary to switch on the electirc winch motor. The attachment strop and parachute rigging lines would then be wound on to the drum, and when this action was complete, the telescopic cylinder would automatically extend, shrouding and stowing the parachute canopy. Seeing its possibilities as a test vehicle for aircraft brake parachute, the G.Q. Parachute Company purchased the late John Cobb's record-breaking Napier Railton racing car of 450 h.p
May 05, 1954 - John Cobb's Racing Car Used In Demonstration Of Retractable Aircraft Brake Parachute: Early in 1951, the C.Q. Parachute Company began work on a scheme to dispense with the necessity for jettisoning an aircraft braking parachute at the end of the landing run. A stowage system was devised by which the parachute could be automatically repacked ready for the next operation. It was decided that the parachute should be stowed in a telescopic cylinder, the rear and outer part of the cylinder being arranged to slide forwards over the inner and forward part, at the same time as the canopy was ejected rearwards by a piston engergized by a large coil spring. To retract the parachute it is only necessary to switch on the electirc winch motor. The attachment strop and parachute rigging lines would then be wound on to the drum, and when this action was complete, the telescopic cylinder would automatically extend, shrouding and stowing the parachute canopy. Seeing its possibilities as a test vehicle for aircraft brake parachute, the G.Q. Parachute Company purchased the late John Cobb's record-breaking Napier Railton racing car of 450 h.p

ZUM4932395: May 05, 1954 - John Cobb's Racing Car Used In Demonstration Of Retractable Aircraft Brake Parachute: Early in 1951, the C.Q. Parachute Company began work on a scheme to dispense with the necessity for jettisoning an aircraft braking parachute at the end of the landing run. A stowage system was devised by which the parachute could be automatically repacked ready for the next operation. It was decided that the parachute should be stowed in a telescopic cylinder, the rear and outer part of the cylinder being arranged to slide forwards over the inner and forward part, at the same time as the canopy was ejected rearwards by a piston engergized by a large coil spring. To retract the parachute it is only necessary to switch on the electirc winch motor. The attachment strop and parachute rigging lines would then be wound on to the drum, and when this action was complete, the telescopic cylinder would automatically extend, shrouding and stowing the parachute canopy. Seeing its possibilities as a test vehicle for aircraft brake parachute, the G.Q. Parachute Company purchased the late John Cobb's record-breaking Napier Railton racing car of 450 h.p / Bridgeman Images

May 05, 1954 - Princess Charles and princess Anne watch services parade dog steals the show. Prince Charles and princess anee went ashore at Malta officially today for the first time - when they watched their mother review the combined services parade
May 05, 1954 - Princess Charles and princess Anne watch services parade dog steals the show. Prince Charles and princess anee went ashore at Malta officially today for the first time - when they watched their mother review the combined services parade

ZUM4932446: May 05, 1954 - Princess Charles and princess Anne watch services parade dog steals the show. Prince Charles and princess anee went ashore at Malta officially today for the first time - when they watched their mother review the combined services parade / Bridgeman Images

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