ZUM4886899: Oct. 10, 1953 - Victor Mature comes back and has his bath: Victor Mature who four days ago stalked out of the Savoy Hotel because he could not find his fifth floor favorite room with a shower came back to the same hotel yesterday took a lift to the fifth floor and had his shower. Meantime he had flown 6,000 miles to New York and back / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4886951: Oct. 10, 1953 - Professor Piccard makes record descent: Scientist Professor Piccard is seen wearing life-jacket, as he emerges from the connecting-tower of the bathysphere Trieste, after making a world record dive of 10,335 feet. The dive was made 50 miles from Rinza Island, off the west coast of Italy. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4886963: Oct. 10, 1953 - Professor Piccard makes record depth descent in Bathyscaph off coast of Italy: Professor Auguste Piccard the 69 year old Swiss Born scientist dived to a world record depth of 10,335 feet (nearly two miles) in his Bathyscaph, the” Trieste”, at a point fifty miles from the Island of Ponza off the West Coast of Italy. The previous record depth was 6,889 feet set up by Commander Houch of the French Navy in the Bay of Toulon. Professor Piccard's dive was made in the” Tyrrrhenian Pit” - the deepest point of the Mediterrabeab Basin / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4887144: Oct. 10, 1953 - Jimmy Edwards to Marry: The radio and stage comedian, Jimmy Edwards, of the” Take It From Here” show, is engaged to 21-year old Miss Anne Michelle Caren-Gibbs, a former school teacher. Mr. Edwards, who is 33, has been selected for the third time to appear in the Royal Variety Performance at the London Coliseum next month / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4887796: Oct. 10, 1953 - Investiture at the palace: Photo shows Mr. S.C Tarry, who lost his sight during the Battle of the Somme in 1915, went to the Palace today where he received the M.B.E for his public services. He is a Founder member of the British Legion, was a Councillor of the Battersea Borough Council, and was one of the members of St. Dunstan's. He is seen here showing his award to his daughter in law, Mrs. Parry. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888416: Oct. 10, 1953 - British Troops arrive by air in British Guiana.. Landing aboard commercial viking aircraft: British troops are now guarding and patrolling the streets of Georgetown, British Guiana as the first moves to combat the threats of the Communist factions led by pro-communist Prime Minister Dr. Cheddi Jagan.. They arrived by air in Viking Commercial aircraft and aboard the cruiser Superb and the frigates Bigsbury Bay and Burghead Bay now anchored off the shore. Dr. Jagan has issued a protest demanding the withdrawal of the troops / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888552: Oct. 10, 1953 - Parade Of The Swiss Army And Air Force Armoured Cars And Vampires in Review: Photo Shows The impressive scene during the big parade of the Swiss Army in the Kantonsstrasse near Scolothurn and Biesel.Tanks and armoured vehicles of the Amx type can be seen while flying overhead are Vampire aircraft which are now being produced in licence in Switzerland. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888682: Oct. 10, 1953 - Final Preparation For The London To New Zealand Air Race: Aircraft and crews taking part on the London to New Zealand Air Race which starts on Thursday - were to be seen at London Airport this afternoon.Photo Shows David Shepherd a 22 year old artist from Camberley, Buck - busily at work painting the Royal Dutch Air Lines aircraft D.S.A. This machine a Transport Aircraft is favorite for its section in the race. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888753: Oct. 10, 1953 - End of the Khaki-age: From Nov. 1st the American soldiers in Germany may wear civil clothes during the are off duty. And now it is the question how to dress, thought all PX shops cared for to satisfy the 'civilrequirements' of the soldiers most of them prefer to buy in German shops / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888946: Oct. 10, 1953 - Pre-view of the motor show. The Buick - with T. V. rear mirror.: Photo shows view of the Buick Centurion which is fitted with a Television lens in the rear which shows the driver what is happening behind ~ a dashboard screen at the motor show pre view today, at Earls Court. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888967: Oct. 10, 1953 - Nurses to join British Red Cross teams in Malaysian Re-settlement Villages; Two British Red Cross trained nurses, Miss Dora C. Whitehead, of Broadchalks, nr. Salisbury, Wilt and Miss Maureen Rance, of Catford, leave London next Monday to join the British Red Cross and eams working in the re-settlement villages in Malaya. They are the first Red Cross nurses, going overseas, to be issued with the new Red Cross uniform designed by Mr. Norman Hartnell / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4888639: Oct. 10, 1953 - NATO Adopts Emblem: Lord Ismay, Secretary-General Of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Announced This Afternoon That The North Atlantic Council Had Adopted The Above Design For The Official NATO Flag And Emblem. He Explain That The Symbolism Of The Flag Might Be Described As” A Four-Pointe-Star Representing The Comppass That Keeps Us On The Right Road, The Path Of Peace, And A Circle Representing The Unity That Binds Together The 14 Countries Of NATO”. The Emblem Is White, On A Navy-Blue Background, Henceforward The Official Colours Of The Atlantic Alliance. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4889064: Oct. 10, 1953 - Duke Of Gloucester Starts The Air Race: The Duke of Gloucester dropped a green flag at London Airport this afternoon, and the 12,000-mile air race to New Zealand began. Altogether eight planes are competing. The five machines in the high-speed section are all Canberra jet bombers, three piloted by R.A.F. crews, and two flown by members of the Royal Australian Air Force. But the three planes in the transport section - a B.E.A. Viscount, a K.L.M. Liftmaster and a Royal New Zealand Air Force Hastings, took off first. On board the K.L.M. plane - the first off - were 23 Dutch girls, some going to New Zealand to marry, and some, already married, to settle there / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4889497: Oct. 15, 1953 - Tamara Lees leaves for Rome - after Holiday. wears check suit.: Film star Tamara Lees, after holiday in London with her Italian film director husband, Fulvio Vergari, left Victoria this morning for Rome. During the last three years in Rome, she has appeared in 26 films sometimes making three at once / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4882135: Sep. 23, 1953 -” Lucky” Mike Lithgow prepares for record speed attempt. Takes off for North Africa.: Last minute preparations are being made today in the blazing sunshine of Tripeli for 33 year old test pilot Mike Lithgow's attempt on the world air speed record in his Supermarine Swift jet fighter. The attempt is to be over a course in the desert, 40 miles south of Castle Idris airfield / Bridgeman Images