ZUM4838477: Apr. 20, 1953 - A Welcome for Daddy on Return from Korea? Australians Go Home. It was a great reunion for little Ray Hobman of Mortdale (Sydney Suburb), wearing daddy? s slough hat, as he gets a big welcome hug from his daddy L/CPL. R.B. Hobman on his return from service in Korea with the 1st battalion. The Troops returned to Australia on the? New Australia? / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4838489: Apr. 20, 1953 - Danish Vesel” Kronprins Frederik” Capsizes after Burning All Night Long. The Danish passenger ship” Kronprins Frederik” capsized this morning in her berth at Harwick after fire hade waged in her all night long. Three firemen and two members of the crew were injured. Keystone Photo Shows: View of the” Kronprins Frederik” still smouldering as she lies on her side in her berth at Harwick this morning. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4838587: Apr. 22, 1953 - 22 April, 1953 Jacques Fath returns to Paris to dress French women attending the coronation - Jacques Fath the world renowned Paris couturier hurried back to Paris today aboard the “” Queen Elizabeth”” after being in New York designing dresses for American women. He will finish the dresses he has made for celebrated English women who are invited to the Coronation. OPS: Jacques Fath clutching his lifebelt laughs when he reads some of the farewell telegrams sent to him just before the liner sailed from New York. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4838785: Apr. 23, 1953 - North Korean children in Eastern Germany: As many iron Curtain countries, the” German Democratic Republic” (Germany's Soviet occupied territory) has welcomed North Korean children, ranging in age from 6 to 16 years. These children have lost their parents during the Korean campaign, and it happened in the first days of March when the children arrived in Mortizburg, near Dresden, East Germany. This picture has been taken from the” New Berliner Illustrierte”, a government sponsored weekly in East Germany. The East German People's Police presented the children uniforms and air rifles of many of them according to the paper have already passed proficiency in “Successful Partnership” and other military or para military training, when they were in their native country. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4838987: Apr. 24, 1953 - Queen Presents Awards At International Horse Trials. Alan Oliver Receives Jumping Cup: H.M. The Queen presented awards today at the International Horse Trials being held at Badminton. She presented the cup for the British Show Jumping Competition to Mr. Alan Oliver who won on “Red Star II”. It was at first thought that the winner was Miss Mary Whitehead - but she was declared second when the judges decided that she had made a fault - on her mount” Nobbler” / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839023: Apr. 24, 1953 - Dairy experts from all over Germany have come to Munich to have a quality inspection of goods. The purpose of the check is to determine the performance of some businesses as well as strengthen the trust of the consumer public in the quality of the goods. Pictured: Experts examines the quality of some Emmentaler cheese. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839062: Apr. 25, 1953 - UN Repatriates Leave Communist Ambulances: United Nations returnees released by the Communists during the fourth exchange of POWS at Panmunjom, are shown about to enter receiving tent after unloading from communist ambulances. At right center, is Rear Adm. John C. Daniel, chief UN prisoner of war negotiator. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839109: Apr. 26, 1953 - This old postal carriage is carrying a charming load indeed. Pictured (with a cap) is Miss Germany Vera Marks as she rides the cart through the streets in Frankfurt's inner city. They wanted to show the pedestrians this rare carriage. They were also announcing for a big bathing suit fashion show. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839183: Apr. 28, 1953 - Queen presents new colours to Household Cavalry. Handing over at Home Park, Windsor? H.M. The Queen this morning presented new colours the two regiments of the Household Cavalry, the Life Guards (The Reds) and the Horse Guards (The Blues) in a ceremony at Home Park, Windsor. Keystone Photo Shows: Carrying their new colours, men of? The Blues parade past after the ceremony at Home Park, Windsor, today. JSS/Keystone / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839221: Apr. 28, 1953 - Turkish Foreign Minister Professor K? pr? l? came to Frankfurt on Monday after a NATO conference in Paris. After a meeting with the Turkish ambassador in Bonn, S. H. K? pr? l? flew on to Istanbul. Pictured: Foreign Minister K? pr? l? in conversation with Ambassador Urg? pl? / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839390: Apr. 29, 1953 - Assistant Commissioner To Leaders Coronation Procession: First glimpse the crowds will have of the procession on Coronation day will be Major P.R.Margetson, Assistant Commissioner at Scotland Yard, in ceremonial dress, leading mounted riding a head to clear the route. He will be in command of about 15,000 police who will be on Duty.Photo Shows Major P.R. Margertson, seen in his ceremonial uniform an” Quail” the horse he will ride in the procession. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839528: May 01, 1953 - 1-5-53 Prisoners from Korea land in England. Relative outside the hangar - The first twenty-two prisoners of war from Korea to be released by the Communists were landed at Lyneham R.A.F. Station this afternoon. Keystone Photo Shows: General view showing the friends and relatives awaiting outside the hangar for a glimpse of the P.O.W.s on arrival this afternoon. They were taken into the hangar for a medical on arrival. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839586: May 02, 1953 - Young vegetables from all over the world were viewed with interest by Federal President Professor Heuss, as he made his way on his official tour through the International Garden Exhibition, opened on April 30. Several hundred of the first visitors to the exhibition joined the president in his survey of the exhibition. Our picture shows the president of the Central Association for Vegetable, Fruit, and Gardening, Ernst Schr? der, and the spouse of Hamburg's mayor, Mrs. Brauer. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839617: May 03, 1953 - First picture from behind cloister walls, in Frauenchiem see, Upper Bavaria, South Germany, at the occasion of a virgin's vow.: For the first time in the history of the Catholic Church in Bavaria, a press correspondent was given access to the interior room of the famous, hermetically closed cloister Frauenchiemsee, at the occasion of the solemn vow given by a young virgin who will become a recognized nun and member of her order. His Eminence, Cardinal Archbishop Doctor Wendel, the Archbishop of the Arch-diocesis Munich - Freising, received Sister Johanna yesterday, May 2nd, 1953m and she took the monastic vow / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839766: May 04, 1953 - Annual ale gonning ceremony.: In the days of Queen Elizabeth I, no tavern keper or brewer was permitted to sell ale to the public before it had been sampled by an official alconner. When a new brew was made a pol ~, or alestake, was placed outside the premiers as a sign that the services of the ale-conner were required, and heavy fines were exacted fro failure to do so. The ancient Ale-Conning ceremony, was held today at the Tiger Inn, Tower Hill / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839882: May 05, 1953 - Associated Press correspond William Oatis set liberty! Contrary to all expectations, AP correspondent William Oatis was surprisingly discharged from Czech custody, according to a directive given by the Czech Prime Minister Zapotocky. The discharge went into effect on Saturday. 16 May 1953. In July 1951, William Oatis had been sentenced to ten (10) years prison, due to alleged espionage. On Saturday, 16 May 1953, a few minutes after twelve o'clock, William Oatis crossed the Czech-German border. He was accompanied by US Vice-Consul Mr. Christopher A.Squire and by Mr Nat B. King, a member of the US embassy in Prague, Czechoslovakia. When he arrived at the Czech-German border. Oatis was welcomed by many M.P. ' s, and they eyed him during the trip from the border to Nuremberg, Germany. In the late afternoon hours of Saturday, 16 May 1953, the overtired AP-correspondent gave the first interview to many German and American press, television-, broadcasting-and news-reel-reporters and/or correspondents. In downright words, he expressed his own gratitude and gratefulness to the US Government and to many US citizens Oatis said he was not badly treated when in a Czech prison, but he mentioned. “When they screened me they” used police methods” which are usual in some countries, and in others are unaccostumed!” This is the entrance to the Grand Hotel, Nuremberg, Germany, well guarded by well-armed US Infantry men during the time of his stay here. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4839887: May 05, 1953 - “Little Cowboy Conny”. Is the last and very popular, Us affected song, sung by 9-year old Cornelia Froboess, a surprisingly talented, sweet and audacious kid from Berlin. She received an invitation from the director of the German Museum, Munich, and it was here that she gave her fist real debut. The music has been composed by her father, and Hans Brandtke put it into verses / Bridgeman Images