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Sep. 08, 1954 - 8-9-54 Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain - Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles of the 56th (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain. The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a breakout from a bridgehead against an enemy known to be equipped with Atom bombs. Keystone Photo Shows: The scene at the Crossing of the River Avon as Comet tanks queue up to cross the bridge constructed by the Royal Engineers during the night during the manoeuvres today
Sep. 08, 1954 - 8-9-54 Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain - Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles of the 56th (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain. The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a breakout from a bridgehead against an enemy known to be equipped with Atom bombs. Keystone Photo Shows: The scene at the Crossing of the River Avon as Comet tanks queue up to cross the bridge constructed by the Royal Engineers during the night during the manoeuvres today

ZUM4940967: Sep. 08, 1954 - 8-9-54 Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain - Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles of the 56th (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out Exercise “” London Pride”” on Salisbury Plain. The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a breakout from a bridgehead against an enemy known to be equipped with Atom bombs. Keystone Photo Shows: The scene at the Crossing of the River Avon as Comet tanks queue up to cross the bridge constructed by the Royal Engineers during the night during the manoeuvres today / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 - Horseman's sunday - at Tatteham corner. About four hundred horses and ponies took part in the annual Horseman's Sunday Services at Tattenham Corner, Epsom downs today. The service was conducted by the Bishop of Rochester
Sep. 09, 1954 - Horseman's sunday - at Tatteham corner. About four hundred horses and ponies took part in the annual Horseman's Sunday Services at Tattenham Corner, Epsom downs today. The service was conducted by the Bishop of Rochester

ZUM4941274: Sep. 09, 1954 - Horseman's sunday - at Tatteham corner. About four hundred horses and ponies took part in the annual Horseman's Sunday Services at Tattenham Corner, Epsom downs today. The service was conducted by the Bishop of Rochester / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 - Scenes After The Earth Tremor In Algeria: Mr. Roger Leonard, Governor Of Algeria, Visits A Hospital In Algiers. He Is Seen Here Talking To A Young English Woman. Her Baby Boy Thierry Was Born During The Earthquake At Orleansville
Sep. 09, 1954 - Scenes After The Earth Tremor In Algeria: Mr. Roger Leonard, Governor Of Algeria, Visits A Hospital In Algiers. He Is Seen Here Talking To A Young English Woman. Her Baby Boy Thierry Was Born During The Earthquake At Orleansville

ZUM4941310: Sep. 09, 1954 - Scenes After The Earth Tremor In Algeria: Mr. Roger Leonard, Governor Of Algeria, Visits A Hospital In Algiers. He Is Seen Here Talking To A Young English Woman. Her Baby Boy Thierry Was Born During The Earthquake At Orleansville / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 -” Pre Wetting” Trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. A method of protecting warships against radioactive particles while operating on the outer fringe of a region affected by an underwater atomic bomb explosion, has been the subject of trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. Known as” pre wetting”, it involves the continual washing of all weather surfaces of the ship during and after exposure to contamination, and this picture shows hundreds of tons of water an hour pumped over Cumberland during tests in the Med
Sep. 09, 1954 -” Pre Wetting” Trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. A method of protecting warships against radioactive particles while operating on the outer fringe of a region affected by an underwater atomic bomb explosion, has been the subject of trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. Known as” pre wetting”, it involves the continual washing of all weather surfaces of the ship during and after exposure to contamination, and this picture shows hundreds of tons of water an hour pumped over Cumberland during tests in the Med

ZUM4941465: Sep. 09, 1954 -” Pre Wetting” Trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. A method of protecting warships against radioactive particles while operating on the outer fringe of a region affected by an underwater atomic bomb explosion, has been the subject of trials in H.M.S. Cumberland. Known as” pre wetting”, it involves the continual washing of all weather surfaces of the ship during and after exposure to contamination, and this picture shows hundreds of tons of water an hour pumped over Cumberland during tests in the Med / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 - New anti-submarine frigate launched at Cowes. H.M.S. Grafton.: H.M.S. Grafton, an anti-submarine frigate was launched by Lady Grantham, wife of Admiral Sir Gut Grantham K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. who is to take over from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean-at the Samuel White Shipyard Cowes, this afternoon. The vessel is 310feet long with a beam of 33 feet and is powered by geared system turbines of advanced design, she is armed with three Bofors guns and two three-barrelled anti-submarine mortars of the same design as fitted to H.M.S. Rocket. Each can fire a pattern of large projectiles with great accuracy and the projectiles can be set to explode at a pre-determined depth.Photo shows Lady Grantham, performs the launching ceremony at Cowes today. Her husband is to take order from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean
Sep. 09, 1954 - New anti-submarine frigate launched at Cowes. H.M.S. Grafton.: H.M.S. Grafton, an anti-submarine frigate was launched by Lady Grantham, wife of Admiral Sir Gut Grantham K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. who is to take over from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean-at the Samuel White Shipyard Cowes, this afternoon. The vessel is 310feet long with a beam of 33 feet and is powered by geared system turbines of advanced design, she is armed with three Bofors guns and two three-barrelled anti-submarine mortars of the same design as fitted to H.M.S. Rocket. Each can fire a pattern of large projectiles with great accuracy and the projectiles can be set to explode at a pre-determined depth.Photo shows Lady Grantham, performs the launching ceremony at Cowes today. Her husband is to take order from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean

ZUM4941484: Sep. 09, 1954 - New anti-submarine frigate launched at Cowes. H.M.S. Grafton.: H.M.S. Grafton, an anti-submarine frigate was launched by Lady Grantham, wife of Admiral Sir Gut Grantham K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. who is to take over from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean-at the Samuel White Shipyard Cowes, this afternoon. The vessel is 310feet long with a beam of 33 feet and is powered by geared system turbines of advanced design, she is armed with three Bofors guns and two three-barrelled anti-submarine mortars of the same design as fitted to H.M.S. Rocket. Each can fire a pattern of large projectiles with great accuracy and the projectiles can be set to explode at a pre-determined depth.Photo shows Lady Grantham, performs the launching ceremony at Cowes today. Her husband is to take order from Admiral Lord Mountbatten as C. in C. Mediterranean / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 - International Record breaker; A British Austin Healey” Hundred” recently did a mile at 192.6 m.p.h., official time, on the Bonneville Salt Plate, Utah. At t he wheel was British car designer and racing driver Mr. Donald Healey, who broke all international records for the 5 and 10 kilometer and the 5 and 10 mile distances, class F
Sep. 09, 1954 - International Record breaker; A British Austin Healey” Hundred” recently did a mile at 192.6 m.p.h., official time, on the Bonneville Salt Plate, Utah. At t he wheel was British car designer and racing driver Mr. Donald Healey, who broke all international records for the 5 and 10 kilometer and the 5 and 10 mile distances, class F

ZUM4941686: Sep. 09, 1954 - International Record breaker; A British Austin Healey” Hundred” recently did a mile at 192.6 m.p.h., official time, on the Bonneville Salt Plate, Utah. At t he wheel was British car designer and racing driver Mr. Donald Healey, who broke all international records for the 5 and 10 kilometer and the 5 and 10 mile distances, class F / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 09, 1954 - Exercise” London Pride” On Salisbury Plain. Fusiliers Make An 'Attack': Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles are of the 56th. (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out exercise “London Pride” on Salisbury Plain, The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a break out from a bridge-head-against an enemy known to be equipped with atom bombs
Sep. 09, 1954 - Exercise” London Pride” On Salisbury Plain. Fusiliers Make An 'Attack': Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles are of the 56th. (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out exercise “London Pride” on Salisbury Plain, The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a break out from a bridge-head-against an enemy known to be equipped with atom bombs

ZUM4941734: Sep. 09, 1954 - Exercise” London Pride” On Salisbury Plain. Fusiliers Make An 'Attack': Some 12,000 men and 4,000 vehicles are of the 56th. (London) Armoured Division (T.A.) is carrying out exercise “London Pride” on Salisbury Plain, The exercise is designed to practice the Division in carrying out an approach march followed by an opposed crossing of the River Avon and a break out from a bridge-head-against an enemy known to be equipped with atom bombs / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 21, 1954 - Italy's new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gaetano Martino (right) is speaking to the Assistant Secretary of State Robert Murphy
Sep. 21, 1954 - Italy's new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gaetano Martino (right) is speaking to the Assistant Secretary of State Robert Murphy

ZUM4941889: Sep. 21, 1954 - Italy's new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gaetano Martino (right) is speaking to the Assistant Secretary of State Robert Murphy / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 24, 1954 - Angled Desk Trails at Sea, Aerial view of H.M.S Albion: This aerial view of H.M Aircraft Carrier” Albion” was made at the sea yesterday during flight trials. It clearly shows the new Angled deck of the carrier. On the old conventional flight deck the landing aircraft were arrested by wires or else crashed, this new deck, if the aircraft is unable to pull up in time the pilot merely opens throttle and takes off again. The Angled Deck is British invention first tried out in the United States Navy
Sep. 24, 1954 - Angled Desk Trails at Sea, Aerial view of H.M.S Albion: This aerial view of H.M Aircraft Carrier” Albion” was made at the sea yesterday during flight trials. It clearly shows the new Angled deck of the carrier. On the old conventional flight deck the landing aircraft were arrested by wires or else crashed, this new deck, if the aircraft is unable to pull up in time the pilot merely opens throttle and takes off again. The Angled Deck is British invention first tried out in the United States Navy

ZUM4942014: Sep. 24, 1954 - Angled Desk Trails at Sea, Aerial view of H.M.S Albion: This aerial view of H.M Aircraft Carrier” Albion” was made at the sea yesterday during flight trials. It clearly shows the new Angled deck of the carrier. On the old conventional flight deck the landing aircraft were arrested by wires or else crashed, this new deck, if the aircraft is unable to pull up in time the pilot merely opens throttle and takes off again. The Angled Deck is British invention first tried out in the United States Navy / Bridgeman Images

Sep. 30, 1954 - General Motors president in Germany. The president of General Motors Harlow Curtice visited the opel factories in R? sselsheim in Frankfurt. The Adam Opel A.G. belongs to the General Motors group, but it could be written off as property in an “enemy land” with a value of one dollar. Opel-Director Zdunek (left) greets president Curtice in front of the newest product of the R? sselsheim factory. Mrs. Curtice is in the middle
Sep. 30, 1954 - General Motors president in Germany. The president of General Motors Harlow Curtice visited the opel factories in R? sselsheim in Frankfurt. The Adam Opel A.G. belongs to the General Motors group, but it could be written off as property in an “enemy land” with a value of one dollar. Opel-Director Zdunek (left) greets president Curtice in front of the newest product of the R? sselsheim factory. Mrs. Curtice is in the middle

ZUM4942096: Sep. 30, 1954 - General Motors president in Germany. The president of General Motors Harlow Curtice visited the opel factories in R? sselsheim in Frankfurt. The Adam Opel A.G. belongs to the General Motors group, but it could be written off as property in an “enemy land” with a value of one dollar. Opel-Director Zdunek (left) greets president Curtice in front of the newest product of the R? sselsheim factory. Mrs. Curtice is in the middle / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 01, 1954 - 1-10-54 New Soviet Army Chief in Austria visits British Barracks Schoenbrunn - Colonel-General Shadov the newly appointed Soviet Army Chief in Austria recently paid a visit to the British Army Barracks, Schoenbrunn, Vienna. Keystone Photo Shows: Colonel-General Shadov (right) greeted on his arrival at the Schoenbrunn barracks
Oct. 01, 1954 - 1-10-54 New Soviet Army Chief in Austria visits British Barracks Schoenbrunn - Colonel-General Shadov the newly appointed Soviet Army Chief in Austria recently paid a visit to the British Army Barracks, Schoenbrunn, Vienna. Keystone Photo Shows: Colonel-General Shadov (right) greeted on his arrival at the Schoenbrunn barracks

ZUM4942128: Oct. 01, 1954 - 1-10-54 New Soviet Army Chief in Austria visits British Barracks Schoenbrunn - Colonel-General Shadov the newly appointed Soviet Army Chief in Austria recently paid a visit to the British Army Barracks, Schoenbrunn, Vienna. Keystone Photo Shows: Colonel-General Shadov (right) greeted on his arrival at the Schoenbrunn barracks / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 06, 1954 - Pictured is the president of the parliament of El Salvador, Jose Maria Peralta Salazar, as he meets with Federal President Prof. Heuss of Germany in Bonn. The El Salvadorean was in Europe on an informational trip
Oct. 06, 1954 - Pictured is the president of the parliament of El Salvador, Jose Maria Peralta Salazar, as he meets with Federal President Prof. Heuss of Germany in Bonn. The El Salvadorean was in Europe on an informational trip

ZUM4942266: Oct. 06, 1954 - Pictured is the president of the parliament of El Salvador, Jose Maria Peralta Salazar, as he meets with Federal President Prof. Heuss of Germany in Bonn. The El Salvadorean was in Europe on an informational trip / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 07, 1954 - RSM Brittain And His Successor.: Regimental Sergeant-Major Charles L. Smy, is to succeed RSM R. Brittain, who has the Army's most powerful voice, at Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot. RSM Brittain is to retire early in November
Oct. 07, 1954 - RSM Brittain And His Successor.: Regimental Sergeant-Major Charles L. Smy, is to succeed RSM R. Brittain, who has the Army's most powerful voice, at Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot. RSM Brittain is to retire early in November

ZUM4942321: Oct. 07, 1954 - RSM Brittain And His Successor.: Regimental Sergeant-Major Charles L. Smy, is to succeed RSM R. Brittain, who has the Army's most powerful voice, at Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot. RSM Brittain is to retire early in November / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundreds Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodate, Japan, during the recent typhoon
Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundreds Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodate, Japan, during the recent typhoon

ZUM4942443: Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundreds Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodate, Japan, during the recent typhoon / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundred Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodatre, Japan during the recent typhoon
Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundred Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodatre, Japan during the recent typhoon

ZUM4942471: Oct. 10, 1954 - Hundred Die In Japanese Typhoon: Hundreds of people died when the train ferry Toya Maru overturned at Hakodatre, Japan during the recent typhoon / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Countess Of Harewood Opens Bazaar: The British Epilepay Association Bazaar was opened today at Caxton Hall, by The Countess of Harewood
Oct. 10, 1954 - Countess Of Harewood Opens Bazaar: The British Epilepay Association Bazaar was opened today at Caxton Hall, by The Countess of Harewood

ZUM4942510: Oct. 10, 1954 - Countess Of Harewood Opens Bazaar: The British Epilepay Association Bazaar was opened today at Caxton Hall, by The Countess of Harewood / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Queen Ingrid And Princess Margarethe in London: Queen Ingrid of Denmark, and her 14-years old daughter, Princess Margarethe, heir apparent to the Danish throne - who arrived in this country yesterday - today arrived in London
Oct. 10, 1954 - Queen Ingrid And Princess Margarethe in London: Queen Ingrid of Denmark, and her 14-years old daughter, Princess Margarethe, heir apparent to the Danish throne - who arrived in this country yesterday - today arrived in London

ZUM4942692: Oct. 10, 1954 - Queen Ingrid And Princess Margarethe in London: Queen Ingrid of Denmark, and her 14-years old daughter, Princess Margarethe, heir apparent to the Danish throne - who arrived in this country yesterday - today arrived in London / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - The prime minister of Ceylon arrives in Delhi. official visit to India
Oct. 10, 1954 - The prime minister of Ceylon arrives in Delhi. official visit to India

ZUM4942712: Oct. 10, 1954 - The prime minister of Ceylon arrives in Delhi. official visit to India / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - The Emperor and the Queen Dinner at Ethiopian Embassy: Photo shows Haile Selassie - the Emmanuel of Ethiopia - escorts H.M. The Queen Elisabeth IIAs she left the Ethiopian Embassy, London last night after the dinner held by the Emmanuel in honor of the Queen
Oct. 10, 1954 - The Emperor and the Queen Dinner at Ethiopian Embassy: Photo shows Haile Selassie - the Emmanuel of Ethiopia - escorts H.M. The Queen Elisabeth IIAs she left the Ethiopian Embassy, London last night after the dinner held by the Emmanuel in honor of the Queen

ZUM4942736: Oct. 10, 1954 - The Emperor and the Queen Dinner at Ethiopian Embassy: Photo shows Haile Selassie - the Emmanuel of Ethiopia - escorts H.M. The Queen Elisabeth IIAs she left the Ethiopian Embassy, London last night after the dinner held by the Emmanuel in honor of the Queen / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - New Minister Of Works
Oct. 10, 1954 - New Minister Of Works

ZUM4943013: Oct. 10, 1954 - New Minister Of Works / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - The Bergman Children have fun - in a London Park. Riding their Tricycles: While their famous mother Ingrid Bergman plays the title role in” St. Joan” at the Stoll Theatre, the twins Isabelle and Ingrid with four year old Robertino have a fine time in a London Park
Oct. 10, 1954 - The Bergman Children have fun - in a London Park. Riding their Tricycles: While their famous mother Ingrid Bergman plays the title role in” St. Joan” at the Stoll Theatre, the twins Isabelle and Ingrid with four year old Robertino have a fine time in a London Park

ZUM4943116: Oct. 10, 1954 - The Bergman Children have fun - in a London Park. Riding their Tricycles: While their famous mother Ingrid Bergman plays the title role in” St. Joan” at the Stoll Theatre, the twins Isabelle and Ingrid with four year old Robertino have a fine time in a London Park / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Preview Of The International Motor Show. Laya Raki With The Hudson” Italia”
Oct. 10, 1954 - Preview Of The International Motor Show. Laya Raki With The Hudson” Italia”

ZUM4943154: Oct. 10, 1954 - Preview Of The International Motor Show. Laya Raki With The Hudson” Italia” / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Reception for Ingrid Bergman: A reception for Ingrid Bergman, was held at the Savoy Hotel Today. She arrived in London last night, for her appearance as Joan in Honegger's Opera Joan of Arc at the Stake. which opens at the Stall Theatre on October 20th. Her leading man will be Valentine Dyals
Oct. 10, 1954 - Reception for Ingrid Bergman: A reception for Ingrid Bergman, was held at the Savoy Hotel Today. She arrived in London last night, for her appearance as Joan in Honegger's Opera Joan of Arc at the Stake. which opens at the Stall Theatre on October 20th. Her leading man will be Valentine Dyals

ZUM4943215: Oct. 10, 1954 - Reception for Ingrid Bergman: A reception for Ingrid Bergman, was held at the Savoy Hotel Today. She arrived in London last night, for her appearance as Joan in Honegger's Opera Joan of Arc at the Stake. which opens at the Stall Theatre on October 20th. Her leading man will be Valentine Dyals / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Batsman Is Replaced By Mirror: In use on British aircraft carriers is a new invention which is expected to replace that familiar flight deck figure, the” batsman” It consists of a large curved mirror which the pilot watches when he approaches the carrier from astern. A blob of light is projected into this mirror from a group of lights in the afterpart of the carrier, and if t he pilot keeps this blob in line with a row of lights on either side of the mirror he is sure of landing at the correct angle to the deck
Oct. 10, 1954 - Batsman Is Replaced By Mirror: In use on British aircraft carriers is a new invention which is expected to replace that familiar flight deck figure, the” batsman” It consists of a large curved mirror which the pilot watches when he approaches the carrier from astern. A blob of light is projected into this mirror from a group of lights in the afterpart of the carrier, and if t he pilot keeps this blob in line with a row of lights on either side of the mirror he is sure of landing at the correct angle to the deck

ZUM4943272: Oct. 10, 1954 - Batsman Is Replaced By Mirror: In use on British aircraft carriers is a new invention which is expected to replace that familiar flight deck figure, the” batsman” It consists of a large curved mirror which the pilot watches when he approaches the carrier from astern. A blob of light is projected into this mirror from a group of lights in the afterpart of the carrier, and if t he pilot keeps this blob in line with a row of lights on either side of the mirror he is sure of landing at the correct angle to the deck / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - THE PRESIDENT MAKES THE FIRST STROK.. BILLIARDS CHAMPIONSHIP IN BUENOS AIRES. General Juan D. Peron - Dictator of the Argentina recently inaugurated the World Billiards Championship at the famous Luna Park, Buenos Aires.. Keystone Photo Shows: - General Peron smiles as he makes the first stroke to open the championships
Oct. 10, 1954 - THE PRESIDENT MAKES THE FIRST STROK.. BILLIARDS CHAMPIONSHIP IN BUENOS AIRES. General Juan D. Peron - Dictator of the Argentina recently inaugurated the World Billiards Championship at the famous Luna Park, Buenos Aires.. Keystone Photo Shows: - General Peron smiles as he makes the first stroke to open the championships

ZUM4943298: Oct. 10, 1954 - THE PRESIDENT MAKES THE FIRST STROK.. BILLIARDS CHAMPIONSHIP IN BUENOS AIRES. General Juan D. Peron - Dictator of the Argentina recently inaugurated the World Billiards Championship at the famous Luna Park, Buenos Aires.. Keystone Photo Shows: - General Peron smiles as he makes the first stroke to open the championships / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Emperor of Ethiopia At Westminster Abbey. Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, who arrived in London on a State visit, went to Westminster Abbey, where he laid a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. Bippa Photo Shows: - Haile Selassie seen laying a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey
Oct. 10, 1954 - Emperor of Ethiopia At Westminster Abbey. Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, who arrived in London on a State visit, went to Westminster Abbey, where he laid a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. Bippa Photo Shows: - Haile Selassie seen laying a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey

ZUM4943310: Oct. 10, 1954 - Emperor of Ethiopia At Westminster Abbey. Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, who arrived in London on a State visit, went to Westminster Abbey, where he laid a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. Bippa Photo Shows: - Haile Selassie seen laying a wreath on the Grave of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Italian Film Festival Opens In London Queen Attends Royal Gala Premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy”: The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret attended the Royal Gala premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy” at the Tivali Theatre this evening, to mark the opening of the Italian Film Festival in London
Oct. 10, 1954 - Italian Film Festival Opens In London Queen Attends Royal Gala Premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy”: The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret attended the Royal Gala premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy” at the Tivali Theatre this evening, to mark the opening of the Italian Film Festival in London

ZUM4943475: Oct. 10, 1954 - Italian Film Festival Opens In London Queen Attends Royal Gala Premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy”: The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret attended the Royal Gala premiere of” Neapolitan Fantasy” at the Tivali Theatre this evening, to mark the opening of the Italian Film Festival in London / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - THE COLNE MALE VOICE CHOIR IN LONDON. REHEARSAL ON RAILWAY PLATFORM.. The Cologne Male Voice Choir of 180 singers arrived at Victoria this afternoon and were welcomed by the German Charge D'Affaires.. This is the first post war visit to Britain - and as the choir members are all amateur they are using their annual holiday for the tour. The first performance is at the Festival Hall on October 31st.. Keystone Photo Shows: - Wilhelm Pitz Conducts the Choir on the platform at Victoria Station this afternoon
Oct. 10, 1954 - THE COLNE MALE VOICE CHOIR IN LONDON. REHEARSAL ON RAILWAY PLATFORM.. The Cologne Male Voice Choir of 180 singers arrived at Victoria this afternoon and were welcomed by the German Charge D'Affaires.. This is the first post war visit to Britain - and as the choir members are all amateur they are using their annual holiday for the tour. The first performance is at the Festival Hall on October 31st.. Keystone Photo Shows: - Wilhelm Pitz Conducts the Choir on the platform at Victoria Station this afternoon

ZUM4943532: Oct. 10, 1954 - THE COLNE MALE VOICE CHOIR IN LONDON. REHEARSAL ON RAILWAY PLATFORM.. The Cologne Male Voice Choir of 180 singers arrived at Victoria this afternoon and were welcomed by the German Charge D'Affaires.. This is the first post war visit to Britain - and as the choir members are all amateur they are using their annual holiday for the tour. The first performance is at the Festival Hall on October 31st.. Keystone Photo Shows: - Wilhelm Pitz Conducts the Choir on the platform at Victoria Station this afternoon / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion At The Empire Pool Wembley. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war
Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion At The Empire Pool Wembley. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war

ZUM4943646: Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion At The Empire Pool Wembley. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion at the Empire Pool Wembley: Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, this evening to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war
Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion at the Empire Pool Wembley: Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, this evening to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war

ZUM4943671: Oct. 10, 1954 - The Alamein Reunion at the Empire Pool Wembley: Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery presided over the Alamein Reunion held at the Empire Pool, Wembley, this evening to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of the battle that marked the turning point of the war / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Six members of the moslem brotherhood executed on Cairo for their attempt to assassinate Nasser ~ members of the Revoluntionary Council
Oct. 10, 1954 - Six members of the moslem brotherhood executed on Cairo for their attempt to assassinate Nasser ~ members of the Revoluntionary Council

ZUM4943803: Oct. 10, 1954 - Six members of the moslem brotherhood executed on Cairo for their attempt to assassinate Nasser ~ members of the Revoluntionary Council / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - Russian Athletes In Training At The White City.: Sixty-nine Russian athletes, including eight world records-holders, arrived in London yesterday to compete against a London athletes side at a floodlit match at the White City next Wednesday. They went along there today to do some training
Oct. 10, 1954 - Russian Athletes In Training At The White City.: Sixty-nine Russian athletes, including eight world records-holders, arrived in London yesterday to compete against a London athletes side at a floodlit match at the White City next Wednesday. They went along there today to do some training

ZUM4943920: Oct. 10, 1954 - Russian Athletes In Training At The White City.: Sixty-nine Russian athletes, including eight world records-holders, arrived in London yesterday to compete against a London athletes side at a floodlit match at the White City next Wednesday. They went along there today to do some training / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 10, 1954 - International Motor Show at Earl's Court. Keystone Photo Shows: General view at the International Motor Show at Earl's Court this afternoon after Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery had performed the opening ceremony
Oct. 10, 1954 - International Motor Show at Earl's Court. Keystone Photo Shows: General view at the International Motor Show at Earl's Court this afternoon after Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery had performed the opening ceremony

ZUM4943963: Oct. 10, 1954 - International Motor Show at Earl's Court. Keystone Photo Shows: General view at the International Motor Show at Earl's Court this afternoon after Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery had performed the opening ceremony / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 13, 1954 - 13-10-54 Duke of Edinburgh opens new electronics laboratories. Keystone Photo Shows: The Duke of Edinburgh has a wide grin on his face as he listens to the speech by Mr. J.W. Toothill, General Manager in Scotland, when he opened the new Ferranti Electronics Laboratories in Edinburgh
Oct. 13, 1954 - 13-10-54 Duke of Edinburgh opens new electronics laboratories. Keystone Photo Shows: The Duke of Edinburgh has a wide grin on his face as he listens to the speech by Mr. J.W. Toothill, General Manager in Scotland, when he opened the new Ferranti Electronics Laboratories in Edinburgh

ZUM4944069: Oct. 13, 1954 - 13-10-54 Duke of Edinburgh opens new electronics laboratories. Keystone Photo Shows: The Duke of Edinburgh has a wide grin on his face as he listens to the speech by Mr. J.W. Toothill, General Manager in Scotland, when he opened the new Ferranti Electronics Laboratories in Edinburgh / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 19, 1954 - Boxing at Harringay. Jake Tuli v Dai Dower? The Flyweight Championship of the British Empire between Jake Tuli (South Africa), the holder, and Dai Dower (Wales), took place this evening at Harringay. Bippa Photo Shows: Jake Tuli sends out a right, during the fight tonight
Oct. 19, 1954 - Boxing at Harringay. Jake Tuli v Dai Dower? The Flyweight Championship of the British Empire between Jake Tuli (South Africa), the holder, and Dai Dower (Wales), took place this evening at Harringay. Bippa Photo Shows: Jake Tuli sends out a right, during the fight tonight

ZUM4944240: Oct. 19, 1954 - Boxing at Harringay. Jake Tuli v Dai Dower? The Flyweight Championship of the British Empire between Jake Tuli (South Africa), the holder, and Dai Dower (Wales), took place this evening at Harringay. Bippa Photo Shows: Jake Tuli sends out a right, during the fight tonight / Bridgeman Images

Oct. 25, 1954 - Emperor Of Ethiopia Visits Sandhurst Academy. Duke Of Kent Takes Part In Parade.: Haile Selassie the Emperor of Ethiopia paid a visit to the Royal Military Academy - Sandhurst this afternoon for a tour of inspection
Oct. 25, 1954 - Emperor Of Ethiopia Visits Sandhurst Academy. Duke Of Kent Takes Part In Parade.: Haile Selassie the Emperor of Ethiopia paid a visit to the Royal Military Academy - Sandhurst this afternoon for a tour of inspection

ZUM4944365: Oct. 25, 1954 - Emperor Of Ethiopia Visits Sandhurst Academy. Duke Of Kent Takes Part In Parade.: Haile Selassie the Emperor of Ethiopia paid a visit to the Royal Military Academy - Sandhurst this afternoon for a tour of inspection / Bridgeman Images

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