Floral design of carnations and roses for a silk material to be woven at Spitalfields, by Anna Maria Garthwaite (1690-1763), 1744 (w/c on paper, squared for transfer) / Bridgeman Images
Floral design for silk material with stylized flowers and ground pattern of meanders filled in with tiny seaweeds by William Kilburn, c.1790 / Bridgeman Images
Jonah being Spat Out by the Whale, detail from a decorative pavement depicting christian images and pagan symbols, c.313 AD (mosaic) / Bridgeman Images
The Crucifixion of Our Lord, Russian icon from the Cathedral of St. Sophia, Novgorod School, 15th century (tempera on canvas) / Bridgeman Images
The chapel of Eleonora of Toledo, designed by Bartolomeo Ammannati (1511-92) and decorated by Agnolo Bronzino (1503-72) c.1543 (photo) (for details see 82440-44) / Bridgeman Images
Liane de Pougy appearing as the Indian goddess 'La Yakcha' at the Palace Theatre, London with her attendant, Lallie Pernod, 1901 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images