GNG5276857: Portrait of Francois Rene (1768-1848) Vicomte de Chateaubriand, 1828 (oil on canvas) by De Laval, Pierre Louis (Delaval) - French 19th-century writer Chateaubriand's house in Chatenay-Malabry, France. Pierre-Louis Delaval, Chateaubriand en costume de pair de France, 1828. Oil on canvas. / Bridgeman Images
SEI4303512: Social Movements of May 68: Demonstration of writers Philippe Sollers (born 1936), Marcelin Pleynet (born 1933), Jean Thibaudeau (born 1935), Eugene Guillevic (1907-1997), philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) and poet and mathematician Jacques Roubaud (born 1932). Photograph of 1968. / Bridgeman Images