Cutting up of a seal by Kara, adoptive mother of Paul Emile Victor, and Doumidia, his inuit companion, during polar expedition in Greenland, Kangerdlugssuatsiak, Autumn, 1936 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Catherine Deneuve and Agnes Varda at the Venice Film Festival for presentation of the film Les Creatures, August 30th 1966 / Bridgeman Images
The Premiere of Coccinelle (transsexual comedian and singer, Jacques-Charles Dufresnoy), Olympia, Paris, 2 June 1963 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Romy Schneider with her mother Magda Schneider and her partner Daniel Biasini at Maxim's Restaurant in Paris, 17 May 1975 (photo) / Bridgeman Images