ELD4843867: Celtic antiquite: “” Human sacrifice during a ceremony chaired by a druid in presence of families and warriors in a forest” (Gallic religion, human sacrifice during a ceremony chaired by a druid in presence of families and warriors in a forest) Engraving from “History-Populaire-de-France” by Lahure, 1866 Private collection / Bridgeman Images
ETE4879845: Suez Canal, Great Lake Amer (Egypt) February 15, 1945 - On board the USS Quincy and after the Yalta Conference, King of Arabia Ibn Saud (Abdelaziz ben Abderrahmane Al Saud or Ibn Seoud) (1880-1953) in discussion with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) (right) through the Translator Colonel Bill Eddy. On the left, the Admiral of the American Fleet William D. Leahy / Bridgeman Images