MPX5097452: Black power demonstrators took over a cathedral during a service aimed at easing Springboks tension. A 100-strong congregation were quietly listening to the reading of lessons when six black-uniformed militants strode into the body of the church and interrupted the proceedings. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5097483: World War II Women: Post Office are taking on girls at school from the age of 14 onwards. To do the Xmas sorting. They do a course of instruction and then pass to the actual sorting rooms for work. They work from 9 till 5 and the L.C.C. have assisted the post office by letting the girls off their school courses for this important work which was mainly done by men. Scene in the instruction room. The girls learn with cards marked to various towns. December 1943 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5097588: A huge coil of rope weighing 30tons and 720 feet in length. It is 18 inches in circumference. It is used for Admiralty salvage work and it is capable of taking 70 tons strain The girl is seen tying on a label at the factory of Messrs Hawkins and Tipson in the East end of London. October 1943 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5097879: Freddie Trueman at the new Saxon Motor hotel, Ainley Top, Huddersfield, to take part in the opening ceremony. He declared open the Sportsman's bar, and is seen with left, Sonia Robertson and Andrea Lannyman, two of the hostesses at the Hotel. The Motor hotel itself was opened by Mr. John McConachie Chairman of the Furness Withy company who owns the hotel. January 1972 / Bridgeman Images