MPX5075244: Clothing. Bright flares. The revolution is over. Long live trousers! Now that they are here to stay, trousers have gone all wide and cheeky. Sumptuous in crep, brocade, satin. Flaring really wide from the knee, or ending in cuffs. The bell bottom hip hip hoorays. On top go slinky blouses, glittery jackets, or a demure chemise top. Like the ones we show here. All in the shops now making autumn swing. October 1972 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5075289: Horace The Hideaway Hamster. The hamster which was steadily eating its way through the mini cab of John Daly (D.M. 5th December) has - after taking 40 minutes to do so - been removed by fitter Bert Watson (42), after dismantling the facia of the dashboard. The hamster was bought by 16 year old Daniele, daughter of Lady Beaument, who was travelling in the mini cab when 'Horace' escaped. Fitter Bert Watson with the hamster. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images