ICA4867328: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/05/09 - The Snake and the Lime - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Christian Cross, Fables La Fontaine and others, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Snakes - Animalisation, Tales/Mythology, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4853871: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/12/07 - Formerly and Today - Retirement Workers' Retirements, Anti-Parliamentarism, Religion Faith, Noel, Chamber of Deputes Hemicycle, Fifteen thousand, Parliamentary indemnities, Catholic Catholicism - Nativite - Worker, Deputer - Oppposition/Association, Deputer - Oppposition, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4858636: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/11/05 - A small retreat please - Social, Budget Finance, Retirement Workers' pensions, Destruction of buildings, Debt - Marianne, Misereux, poor, homeless - Allegorie, Boulets, Obstruction, Physical Destruction/Wear, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4856572: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 15/01/05 - Resumption of parliamentary work - Social, Antimaconism Freemaking, Retirement Workers' Retirements, Taxes, Fables La Fontaine and others - Separation of Church and State - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Chevre - Balance/desequilibrium, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857102: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 16/04/05 - What they want to do of our churches - Anticlericalism, Music, Religion Faith, Architecture Urbanism, Dance, Cathedrale Churches, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation of the religious space, Laicisation Laicite Laiques laws, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4854050: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 07/02/04 - M. Flayelle, elected depute of Remiremont by 1200 majority votes - Elections, Alsace Lorraine, Chambre des deputes Hemicycle, Patriotisme, Frontières, Remiremont, Vosges - Depute, Flayelle Maurice (1857-1938), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4854099: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 14/02/04 - Mardi-Gras... ne t'en pas - Religion Faith, Bloc des left, Butter plate, Catholic Catholicism - Ashes - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Jaures Jean, Reaper/Camille, Pelletan (1846-1915), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4853438: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 06/10/07 - Question of the day - Colonization Colonialism Colonism, Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Atheism, Patriotism, Exile, Catholic Catholicism - Settlers, Explorer, Forcats, bagnards, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855981: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 13/11/04 - L'energique depube qui defend l'armee contre les francs-macons - Antimaconisme Franc-Maconnerie, Armee, Chambre des deputes Hemicycle - Depute, Guyot de Villeneuve Jean (1864-1909), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855542: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 04/09/04 - Needs d'argent - Armee, Justice Proces, Religion Faith, Maritime Marine Nautique Balneaire, Bloc des Piete - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Andre Louis (1838-1913), Pelletan Camille (1846-1915), Valle Ernest), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855819: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/10/04 - Three radicals excommunies by the Bloc - Budget Finances, President of the Republic, Maritime Marine Nautique Balneaire, Bloc des lefts, Indochine, Works publics - Doumer Paul (1857-1932), Baudin Pierre (1863-1917), Lockroy Edouard (1838-1913), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921819: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-5-17 - Visit to the Salon - Art, Religion Faith, Revolution, Musee Exhibitions, Painting Salons, Jerusalem, Catholic Catholicism - Joan of Arc, Meline Jules (1838-1925), Communard, Clovis, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921887: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-6-14 - The devotion to Saint Anthony of Padua reunites, before his altar, all classes of society - Religion Faith, Flowers, Cathedrals Churches, Catholic Catholicism - Worker, Military, S Antoine de Padua, Civilians, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4922374: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-11-1 - Different ways of using the time that the good God gives us - Italy, Vatican, Verrerie ouvriere d'Albi - Pelerinages, Laicisation Laicite Lois laiques - Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Leon XIII, Cardinal Cardinal Cardinals, Missionaries, Missionaries, Missionaries, Popes, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images