ICA4856572: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 15/01/05 - Resumption of parliamentary work - Social, Antimaconism Freemaking, Retirement Workers' Retirements, Taxes, Fables La Fontaine and others - Separation of Church and State - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Chevre - Balance/desequilibrium, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855819: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/10/04 - Three radicals excommunies by the Bloc - Budget Finances, President of the Republic, Maritime Marine Nautique Balneaire, Bloc des lefts, Indochine, Works publics - Doumer Paul (1857-1932), Baudin Pierre (1863-1917), Lockroy Edouard (1838-1913), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855981: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 13/11/04 - L'energique depube qui defend l'armee contre les francs-macons - Antimaconisme Franc-Maconnerie, Armee, Chambre des deputes Hemicycle - Depute, Guyot de Villeneuve Jean (1864-1909), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857351: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 28/05/05 - A Careful Man - Anticlericalism, Social, Colonization Colonialism Colonism, Franco-Maconism, Orient, Religion Faith, Left Bloc, Socialism, Protectorate of Eastern Catholicism, Catholic Catholicism - William II - Historical Metaphore, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4922374: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-11-1 - Different ways of using the time that the good God gives us - Italy, Vatican, Verrerie ouvriere d'Albi - Pelerinages, Laicisation Laicite Lois laiques - Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Leon XIII, Cardinal Cardinal Cardinals, Missionaries, Missionaries, Missionaries, Popes, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921819: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-5-17 - Visit to the Salon - Art, Religion Faith, Revolution, Musee Exhibitions, Painting Salons, Jerusalem, Catholic Catholicism - Joan of Arc, Meline Jules (1838-1925), Communard, Clovis, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921887: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-6-14 - The devotion to Saint Anthony of Padua reunites, before his altar, all classes of society - Religion Faith, Flowers, Cathedrals Churches, Catholic Catholicism - Worker, Military, S Antoine de Padua, Civilians, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857102: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 16/04/05 - What they want to do of our churches - Anticlericalism, Music, Religion Faith, Architecture Urbanism, Dance, Cathedrale Churches, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation of the religious space, Laicisation Laicite Laiques laws, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855542: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 04/09/04 - Needs d'argent - Armee, Justice Proces, Religion Faith, Maritime Marine Nautique Balneaire, Bloc des Piete - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Andre Louis (1838-1913), Pelletan Camille (1846-1915), Valle Ernest), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ELD4900897: Cartoon depicting a Marianne, symbolizing the French Republic, carrying the heavy bags of the budget, the ball of debt at the foot, ignoring an old man asking her for money for his retirement - drawing by Lemot pulls from “” Le pelerin”” 1905 (French republic carrying bags of the budget ignoring an old man who asks her money for his retirement, 1905) Private collection, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4867328: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/05/09 - The Snake and the Lime - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Christian Cross, Fables La Fontaine and others, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Snakes - Animalisation, Tales/Mythology, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images