Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) Assets (218 in total)

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Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 18/06/05 - Le Duke d'Audiffret-Pasquier - Academie francaise - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905)
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 18/06/05 - Le Duke d'Audiffret-Pasquier - Academie francaise - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905)

ICA4857456: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 18/06/05 - Le Duke d'Audiffret-Pasquier - Academie francaise - D'Audiffret-Pasquier Gaston (1823-1905), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Le Pelerin, Satirical in Colours, 1905_6_23: About the backyard - Antimaconism, Religion - Separation of Church and State - Geese/Ducks, Rooster - Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909)
Le Pelerin, Satirical in Colours, 1905_6_23: About the backyard - Antimaconism, Religion - Separation of Church and State - Geese/Ducks, Rooster - Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909)

ICA4857551: Le Pelerin, Satirical in Colours, 1905_6_23: About the backyard - Antimaconism, Religion - Separation of Church and State - Geese/Ducks, Rooster - Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/07/05 - The Franco-German conflict the negociators - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Germany Prussia, Morocco, France, Tangier - Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Bulow Bernhard von (1849-1929), Radolin Hugo von (1841-1917), Bihourd Georges)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/07/05 - The Franco-German conflict the negociators - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Germany Prussia, Morocco, France, Tangier - Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Bulow Bernhard von (1849-1929), Radolin Hugo von (1841-1917), Bihourd Georges)

ICA4857644: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/07/05 - The Franco-German conflict the negociators - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Germany Prussia, Morocco, France, Tangier - Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Bulow Bernhard von (1849-1929), Radolin Hugo von (1841-1917), Bihourd Georges), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 31/12/05 - M. Augagneur and his residences in Madagascar - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Madagascar - Augagneur Victor (1855-1931)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 31/12/05 - M. Augagneur and his residences in Madagascar - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Madagascar - Augagneur Victor (1855-1931)

ICA4858810: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 31/12/05 - M. Augagneur and his residences in Madagascar - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Madagascar - Augagneur Victor (1855-1931), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/08/05 - Modern-style internationalist alembic - Antimilitarism, Internationalism, Antimaconism Freemaking, Teaching, Science, Pacifism, Left Bloc - Laicisation Laicite Laiques Lois - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Devil
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/08/05 - Modern-style internationalist alembic - Antimilitarism, Internationalism, Antimaconism Freemaking, Teaching, Science, Pacifism, Left Bloc - Laicisation Laicite Laiques Lois - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Devil

ICA4857922: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/08/05 - Modern-style internationalist alembic - Antimilitarism, Internationalism, Antimaconism Freemaking, Teaching, Science, Pacifism, Left Bloc - Laicisation Laicite Laiques Lois - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Devil, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/07/05 - The Nightmare of Pelletan - Various Facts, Armee, Marine Marine Marine Seaside, Submarine, Disaster Accidents, Alcoholic Alcoholic Alcoholic, Farfadet, Sully, Warships - Fish, Pelletan Camille (1846-1915) - Reve
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/07/05 - The Nightmare of Pelletan - Various Facts, Armee, Marine Marine Marine Seaside, Submarine, Disaster Accidents, Alcoholic Alcoholic Alcoholic, Farfadet, Sully, Warships - Fish, Pelletan Camille (1846-1915) - Reve

ICA4857812: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/07/05 - The Nightmare of Pelletan - Various Facts, Armee, Marine Marine Marine Seaside, Submarine, Disaster Accidents, Alcoholic Alcoholic Alcoholic, Farfadet, Sully, Warships - Fish, Pelletan Camille (1846-1915) - Reve, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/04/05 - Le bon greviculteur - Armee, Greve, Architecture Urban Planning, Red Flag, Industrie Factories Industrial, Limoges, Socialism - Worker Worker, Soldiers
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/04/05 - Le bon greviculteur - Armee, Greve, Architecture Urban Planning, Red Flag, Industrie Factories Industrial, Limoges, Socialism - Worker Worker, Soldiers

ICA4857153: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/04/05 - Le bon greviculteur - Armee, Greve, Architecture Urban Planning, Red Flag, Industrie Factories Industrial, Limoges, Socialism - Worker Worker, Soldiers, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/10/05 - Demonstration failed - Antimilitarism, Demonstration/Barricade, Paris, Gare, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Herve Gustave (1871-1944)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/10/05 - Demonstration failed - Antimilitarism, Demonstration/Barricade, Paris, Gare, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Herve Gustave (1871-1944)

ICA4858330: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/10/05 - Demonstration failed - Antimilitarism, Demonstration/Barricade, Paris, Gare, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Herve Gustave (1871-1944), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/03/05 - Le vrai ballon airship - Balloons airships zeppelins aerostation, Smoking, Medaille, Legion d'honneur, Fonds secrets, Tobacco - Marianne, Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/03/05 - Le vrai ballon airship - Balloons airships zeppelins aerostation, Smoking, Medaille, Legion d'honneur, Fonds secrets, Tobacco - Marianne, Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911)

ICA4856929: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/03/05 - Le vrai ballon airship - Balloons airships zeppelins aerostation, Smoking, Medaille, Legion d'honneur, Fonds secrets, Tobacco - Marianne, Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-11-22 - A torch that will roast a few more before turning out - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Ferry Jules, Gambetta Leon, Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Insects, Goblet Rene (1828-1905) - Eteignoir - Animation, Shadow/Light
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-11-22 - A torch that will roast a few more before turning out - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Ferry Jules, Gambetta Leon, Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Insects, Goblet Rene (1828-1905) - Eteignoir - Animation, Shadow/Light

ICA4922491: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-11-22 - A torch that will roast a few more before turning out - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Ferry Jules, Gambetta Leon, Rochefort Henri (1831-1913), Insects, Goblet Rene (1828-1905) - Eteignoir - Animation, Shadow/Light, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-8-16 - Preparatives - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Denmark, Official Visit, Catholic Catholicism - Marianne
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-8-16 - Preparatives - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Denmark, Official Visit, Catholic Catholicism - Marianne

ICA4922138: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-8-16 - Preparatives - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Denmark, Official Visit, Catholic Catholicism - Marianne, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 05/08/06 - Courier La Poste, Bomb - Postal Factor
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 05/08/06 - Courier La Poste, Bomb - Postal Factor

ICA4944330: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 05/08/06 - Courier La Poste, Bomb - Postal Factor, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 28/10/06 - Miscellaneous facts, Automobile
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 28/10/06 - Miscellaneous facts, Automobile

ICA4944364: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 28/10/06 - Miscellaneous facts, Automobile, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/02/09 - Pillages - Medical, Religion Faith, Taxation, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Congregations - Vulture, Medicine, Taxpayer, Monks
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/02/09 - Pillages - Medical, Religion Faith, Taxation, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Congregations - Vulture, Medicine, Taxpayer, Monks

ICA4947259: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/02/09 - Pillages - Medical, Religion Faith, Taxation, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Congregations - Vulture, Medicine, Taxpayer, Monks, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 25/04/09 - Voltaire est pas content - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques laws - Voltaire, Joan of Arc
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 25/04/09 - Voltaire est pas content - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques laws - Voltaire, Joan of Arc

ICA4947392: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 25/04/09 - Voltaire est pas content - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques laws - Voltaire, Joan of Arc, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Freemasonry is the enemy (spider weaving his web on France) - in “” Le Pelerin”” of 28/04/1907
Freemasonry is the enemy (spider weaving his web on France) - in “” Le Pelerin”” of 28/04/1907

LSE4100904: Freemasonry is the enemy (spider weaving his web on France) - in “” Le Pelerin”” of 28/04/1907, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Radical-Socialists (socialist radicals): cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - a worker crashes under the burden of taxes, taxes and inconveniences resulting from the mismanagement of the government and Georges Clemenceau - strikes, demonstrations, deficit, anticlericalism, disasters theft, confiscation, evictions, Dreyfus case...
Radical-Socialists (socialist radicals): cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - a worker crashes under the burden of taxes, taxes and inconveniences resulting from the mismanagement of the government and Georges Clemenceau - strikes, demonstrations, deficit, anticlericalism, disasters theft, confiscation, evictions, Dreyfus case...

PCT4283347: Radical-Socialists (socialist radicals): cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - a worker crashes under the burden of taxes, taxes and inconveniences resulting from the mismanagement of the government and Georges Clemenceau - strikes, demonstrations, deficit, anticlericalism, disasters theft, confiscation, evictions, Dreyfus case..., Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

It was, however, well-stocked when I gave it to you cartoon showing Pierre Marie Rene Waldeck-Rousseau (Waldeck Rousseau) (1846-1904), a French politician unable to complete the national budget in 1901. Cartoon of Lemot.
It was, however, well-stocked when I gave it to you cartoon showing Pierre Marie Rene Waldeck-Rousseau (Waldeck Rousseau) (1846-1904), a French politician unable to complete the national budget in 1901. Cartoon of Lemot.

XEE4403975: It was, however, well-stocked when I gave it to you cartoon showing Pierre Marie Rene Waldeck-Rousseau (Waldeck Rousseau) (1846-1904), a French politician unable to complete the national budget in 1901. Cartoon of Lemot., Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Socialist deputy promising the moon (retirement) to a poor proletarian (carpenter), in Le Pelerin, Catholic weekly N°1391 of 30 August 1903 by A. Lemot (drawing)
Socialist deputy promising the moon (retirement) to a poor proletarian (carpenter), in Le Pelerin, Catholic weekly N°1391 of 30 August 1903 by A. Lemot (drawing)

PCT4256340: Socialist deputy promising the moon (retirement) to a poor proletarian (carpenter), in Le Pelerin, Catholic weekly N°1391 of 30 August 1903 by A. Lemot (drawing), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

The results: one lyceen suicide in Clermont, another in Bourg: results of morality without God at school! - Cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - opposition of Laique and religious teaching (Catholic) - an official of the Republic wearing the insignia of Franchmacon branched portraits of children victims of Laicite by trampling the cross of Christ - in the background, a worker hammered the cross of a pediment school - education - separation of church and state -
The results: one lyceen suicide in Clermont, another in Bourg: results of morality without God at school! - Cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - opposition of Laique and religious teaching (Catholic) - an official of the Republic wearing the insignia of Franchmacon branched portraits of children victims of Laicite by trampling the cross of Christ - in the background, a worker hammered the cross of a pediment school - education - separation of church and state -

PCT4283847: The results: one lyceen suicide in Clermont, another in Bourg: results of morality without God at school! - Cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin (1909) - opposition of Laique and religious teaching (Catholic) - an official of the Republic wearing the insignia of Franchmacon branched portraits of children victims of Laicite by trampling the cross of Christ - in the background, a worker hammered the cross of a pediment school - education - separation of church and state -, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/05/05 - Princess Margaret of Connaught and her fiance Prince Gustave-Adolphe of Sweden - Monarchy, Medal, Foreign Sovereign, Sweden - De Connaught Margaret (1882-1920), Gustave IV Adolphe of Sweden (1882-1973)
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/05/05 - Princess Margaret of Connaught and her fiance Prince Gustave-Adolphe of Sweden - Monarchy, Medal, Foreign Sovereign, Sweden - De Connaught Margaret (1882-1920), Gustave IV Adolphe of Sweden (1882-1973)

ICA4857291: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/05/05 - Princess Margaret of Connaught and her fiance Prince Gustave-Adolphe of Sweden - Monarchy, Medal, Foreign Sovereign, Sweden - De Connaught Margaret (1882-1920), Gustave IV Adolphe of Sweden (1882-1973), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 19/02/05 - Who sowed the wind recolte the tempete - Bomb, Socialism, Humanite (newspaper), Antipatriotism - Jaures Jean
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 19/02/05 - Who sowed the wind recolte the tempete - Bomb, Socialism, Humanite (newspaper), Antipatriotism - Jaures Jean

ICA4856760: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 19/02/05 - Who sowed the wind recolte the tempete - Bomb, Socialism, Humanite (newspaper), Antipatriotism - Jaures Jean, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/02/05 - Medaille commemorative - Antimaconism Freemaking, Affaire des fiche, Bloc des gauche - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Marianne - Casserole
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/02/05 - Medaille commemorative - Antimaconism Freemaking, Affaire des fiche, Bloc des gauche - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Marianne - Casserole

ICA4856790: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/02/05 - Medaille commemorative - Antimaconism Freemaking, Affaire des fiche, Bloc des gauche - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Marianne - Casserole, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 16/07/05 - Peace negotiations between Russia and Japan - Russia, Japan, Peace, Russo-Japanese War - Baron Roman de Rosen (1847-1921), Baron de Komura (Komura Jutaro) (1855-1911), Mouravieff, Tykahira
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 16/07/05 - Peace negotiations between Russia and Japan - Russia, Japan, Peace, Russo-Japanese War - Baron Roman de Rosen (1847-1921), Baron de Komura (Komura Jutaro) (1855-1911), Mouravieff, Tykahira

ICA4857647: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 16/07/05 - Peace negotiations between Russia and Japan - Russia, Japan, Peace, Russo-Japanese War - Baron Roman de Rosen (1847-1921), Baron de Komura (Komura Jutaro) (1855-1911), Mouravieff, Tykahira, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 07/05/05 - Invitation to disarming - Social, Antimilitarism, Armee, Greve, Industrial Factories, Barricades, General Greve - Worker, Soldiers
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 07/05/05 - Invitation to disarming - Social, Antimilitarism, Armee, Greve, Industrial Factories, Barricades, General Greve - Worker, Soldiers

ICA4857232: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 07/05/05 - Invitation to disarming - Social, Antimilitarism, Armee, Greve, Industrial Factories, Barricades, General Greve - Worker, Soldiers, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/04/05 - French Cardinals who Protest Against Separation - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Separation of Church and State - Richard Mgr (1819-1908), Perraud Cardinal (1828-1906), Lecot Cardinal (1831-1908), Laboure Cardinal (1841-1906), Llie Cardinal (1829-1912)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/04/05 - French Cardinals who Protest Against Separation - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Separation of Church and State - Richard Mgr (1819-1908), Perraud Cardinal (1828-1906), Lecot Cardinal (1831-1908), Laboure Cardinal (1841-1906), Llie Cardinal (1829-1912)

ICA4857025: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/04/05 - French Cardinals who Protest Against Separation - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Separation of Church and State - Richard Mgr (1819-1908), Perraud Cardinal (1828-1906), Lecot Cardinal (1831-1908), Laboure Cardinal (1841-1906), Llie Cardinal (1829-1912), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 15/10/05 - La lutte contre le terrible fleau de tuberculosis - Medical, Congres, Tuberculosis - Lannelongue Odillon-Marc (1840-1911), Herard Hippolyte (1819-1913), Kock Robert (1843-1910), Letulle Maurice (1853-1929)
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 15/10/05 - La lutte contre le terrible fleau de tuberculosis - Medical, Congres, Tuberculosis - Lannelongue Odillon-Marc (1840-1911), Herard Hippolyte (1819-1913), Kock Robert (1843-1910), Letulle Maurice (1853-1929)

ICA4858226: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 15/10/05 - La lutte contre le terrible fleau de tuberculosis - Medical, Congres, Tuberculosis - Lannelongue Odillon-Marc (1840-1911), Herard Hippolyte (1819-1913), Kock Robert (1843-1910), Letulle Maurice (1853-1929), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/10/05 - The Sovereign Friends of France - Spain, Portugal, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign, Official Visit - Alfonso XIII, Carlos I Charles I (1863-1908), Marie-Amelie (Amelie d'Orleans, 1865-1951)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/10/05 - The Sovereign Friends of France - Spain, Portugal, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign, Official Visit - Alfonso XIII, Carlos I Charles I (1863-1908), Marie-Amelie (Amelie d'Orleans, 1865-1951)

ICA4858321: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/10/05 - The Sovereign Friends of France - Spain, Portugal, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign, Official Visit - Alfonso XIII, Carlos I Charles I (1863-1908), Marie-Amelie (Amelie d'Orleans, 1865-1951), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/07/05 - How to fulfill his program - Social, Misere, Gastronomy cook, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Depute, Homemans - Food Metaphore, Oppposition/Association
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/07/05 - How to fulfill his program - Social, Misere, Gastronomy cook, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Depute, Homemans - Food Metaphore, Oppposition/Association

ICA4857781: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 23/07/05 - How to fulfill his program - Social, Misere, Gastronomy cook, Socialism - Jaures Jean, Depute, Homemans - Food Metaphore, Oppposition/Association, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/05/04 - Comedy in two acts - Restaurant Cafes, Gastronomy cooking, Socialism - Boys de cafe, Truffle - Fat/lean
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/05/04 - Comedy in two acts - Restaurant Cafes, Gastronomy cooking, Socialism - Boys de cafe, Truffle - Fat/lean

ICA4854850: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 22/05/04 - Comedy in two acts - Restaurant Cafes, Gastronomy cooking, Socialism - Boys de cafe, Truffle - Fat/lean, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/05/04 - The last two victims of the ministry - Armee, Ministere de la guerre, Patriotisme - Laicisation Laicite Lois laiques - Marchand Jean-Baptiste (1863-1924), General Generaux, Jeannerod Gaspard Francois Joseph (1839-1920)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/05/04 - The last two victims of the ministry - Armee, Ministere de la guerre, Patriotisme - Laicisation Laicite Lois laiques - Marchand Jean-Baptiste (1863-1924), General Generaux, Jeannerod Gaspard Francois Joseph (1839-1920)

ICA4854866: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/05/04 - The last two victims of the ministry - Armee, Ministere de la guerre, Patriotisme - Laicisation Laicite Lois laiques - Marchand Jean-Baptiste (1863-1924), General Generaux, Jeannerod Gaspard Francois Joseph (1839-1920), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/01/04 - M. Corrard des essarts and M. L'abbe Delsor - Religion Faith, Flag tricolore, Catholic Catholicism - Coq, Delsor Nicolas (1847-1927), Corrard des Essarts Jules (1865-1911)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/01/04 - M. Corrard des essarts and M. L'abbe Delsor - Religion Faith, Flag tricolore, Catholic Catholicism - Coq, Delsor Nicolas (1847-1927), Corrard des Essarts Jules (1865-1911)

ICA4853980: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/01/04 - M. Corrard des essarts and M. L'abbe Delsor - Religion Faith, Flag tricolore, Catholic Catholicism - Coq, Delsor Nicolas (1847-1927), Corrard des Essarts Jules (1865-1911), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 17/04/04 - Forgive Him, Lord - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Good Friday, Crucifixion - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Jesus - Clear
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 17/04/04 - Forgive Him, Lord - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Good Friday, Crucifixion - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Jesus - Clear

ICA4854643: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 17/04/04 - Forgive Him, Lord - Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques, Good Friday, Crucifixion - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Jesus - Clear, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/04/04 - Queen Isabelle, who just died in Paris - Paris, Spain, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign - Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/04/04 - Queen Isabelle, who just died in Paris - Paris, Spain, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign - Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904)

ICA4854687: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 24/04/04 - Queen Isabelle, who just died in Paris - Paris, Spain, Monarchy, Foreign Sovereign - Isabella II of Spain (1830-1904), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 12/06/04 - Two valiant leaders of French Catholic youth - Religion Faith, Francaise Catholic Youth, Catholic Catholicism - Bazire Henri (d. 1919), Lerolle Jean (1873-1962)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 12/06/04 - Two valiant leaders of French Catholic youth - Religion Faith, Francaise Catholic Youth, Catholic Catholicism - Bazire Henri (d. 1919), Lerolle Jean (1873-1962)

ICA4854983: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 12/06/04 - Two valiant leaders of French Catholic youth - Religion Faith, Francaise Catholic Youth, Catholic Catholicism - Bazire Henri (d. 1919), Lerolle Jean (1873-1962), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/08/06 - Surprise desagreable - Clerical/antirepublican, Religion Faith, Vatican, Expressions, Catholic Catholicism - Encyclical - Batracian Frog - Animalisation
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/08/06 - Surprise desagreable - Clerical/antirepublican, Religion Faith, Vatican, Expressions, Catholic Catholicism - Encyclical - Batracian Frog - Animalisation

ICA4852324: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 26/08/06 - Surprise desagreable - Clerical/antirepublican, Religion Faith, Vatican, Expressions, Catholic Catholicism - Encyclical - Batracian Frog - Animalisation, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images

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