Lemot, Achille (1846-1909)

Creator details

Lemot, Achille (1846-1909)
Achille Lemot was a French sculptor born in 1846. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and became known for his realistic and expressive sculptures. Lemot's work often depicted historical and mythological figures, as well as contemporary subjects. He was awarded the Prix de Rome in 1873, which allowed him to study in Italy for several years. Lemot's most famous work is the statue of Joan of Arc in the Place des Pyramides in Paris. He also created several other public monuments, including a statue of Louis Pasteur in Dole and a monument to the French Revolution in Nantes. Lemot died in 1909, leaving behind a legacy of impressive sculptures that continue to be admired and studied today.

Assets (218 in total)

Operation indispensable - Franc Maconnerie, here's the enemy! - Cartoon Achille Lemot in “” Le-Pelerin”” of April 1907
The Freemaking Maconnerie
Le Monde pour rire, 1868_5_23 - Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909): Lecoq c'est moi Lecoq des novelists - Literature, Romances - Coq, Gaboriau Emile
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 01/12/07 - Choice of a career - Teaching, Religion Faith, Architecture Urban Planning, School, Catholic Catholicism - Teaching, Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Teacher Teacher, Lycean student, collegian
The great duel announces between the Maconry and the Church Doubtful Issue - The godfather of the Franc-Macon: You catch him, you put him under, you hold him firm and you hit him until he asks for forgiveness, it's no harder than that! - Cartoon by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, n°1345, October 12, 1902
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 07/08/04 - The two auspures - Antimaconism Freemaking, Religion Faith, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laicite Laicisation
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/04/07 - The Struggle for Life - Socialism, Radical-Socialism - Animalisation
The powers of money manipulating the Freemason who manipulates the elected representatives of the Senate and the Assembly - by Lemot, in “” Le Pelerin””, 1909
The two schools: caricature on the differences between the confessional school and the laique school - by Lemot, in “” Le Pelerin”” of 04/04/1909.
Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 03/12/05 - Le deconvenue du Petite Père - Paris, Religion Faith, Catholicism Catholique - Separation of Church and State, Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Pius X, Cures, Popes, Gardey Osmin (1836-1914)
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/06/09 - In perdition - Radicalism, Elections, Antimaconism Freemaking, Maritime Marine Seaside, Fifteen thousand, Parliamentary indemnities, Radical and Radical Socialist Party - Fish, Shark - Animalisation, Drowning
Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/11/04 - Four new victims of the Bloc hatreds - Armee, Affaire des fiche, Patriotisme - Rollin colonel, Mareschal captain, Dautriche, Francois captain

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