ICA4857324: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 21/05/05 - Vocal and instrumental concert - Russia, Germany Prussia, Music, England Great Britain, Europe, Japan, Peace, Morocco, Diplomacy, Three-color flag, Bloc des lefts, Singing singers, Patriotism - Marianne, Dog, Snakes, Cat, Lion/Tiger, Peschard - Animalisation, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4922609: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-12-6 - Triumph of the cabinet - Religion Faith, President of the Republic, Government, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation Laicite Laiques - Millerand Alexandre (1859-1943) Dog, Goblet Rene (1828-1905) - Animalisation, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4921860: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 1896-5-31 - The Feasts of the Holy Virgin The Feasts of the Pentecote Reims The Fetes of the Bapteme of Clovis Russia Czar Corronation Feasts - Russia, Religion Faure Faure, President of the Republic, Reims, Jerusalem, Catholic Catholicism - Mary, Catholic Catholicism - Mary, Mary, Nicolas II, Clovis, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4854932: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 29/05/04 - La rentree des rooms - Religion Faith, Cemetery, Bloc des lefches, Mourning Obseques Funerailles, Pere Lachaise, Catholic Catholicism - Laicisation of the religious space, Laicite Laiques Lois - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4947229: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 17/01/09 - Clemenceau conduit - Retraite retraites ouveres, Impots, Mountain Mountaineering Climbing, Economy, Caleche Fiacre Cab - Clemenceau George, Marianne, Ane, France (Allegorie de), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4929553: Le Triboulet, 1887_6_5 - Illustration by (Achille Lemot) Lilio (1846-1909): The triumph of the Great U Union of the Left - President of the Republic - Ferry Jules, Grevy Jules (1807-1891), Freycinet Charles de (1828-1923), Floquet Charles (1828-1896), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857922: Illustration by Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 20/08/05 - Modern-style internationalist alembic - Antimilitarism, Internationalism, Antimaconism Freemaking, Teaching, Science, Pacifism, Left Bloc - Laicisation Laicite Laiques Lois - Combes Emile (1835-1921), Devil, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857644: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 09/07/05 - The Franco-German conflict the negociators - Colonization Colonialism Colonies, Germany Prussia, Morocco, France, Tangier - Rouvier Maurice (1842-1911), Bulow Bernhard von (1849-1929), Radolin Hugo von (1841-1917), Bihourd Georges), Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4857812: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 30/07/05 - The Nightmare of Pelletan - Various Facts, Armee, Marine Marine Marine Seaside, Submarine, Disaster Accidents, Alcoholic Alcoholic Alcoholic, Farfadet, Sully, Warships - Fish, Pelletan Camille (1846-1915) - Reve, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images
ICA4855426: Illustration of Achille Lemot (1846-1909) in Le Pelerin, 14/08/04 - En attendant les retireites ouvrieres - Social, Teaching, Retirement Workers' Retirements, Misere, Paternite, Posters Display - Laicisation Laicite Laicite Laiques Lois - Worker, Lemot, Achille (1846-1909) / Bridgeman Images