Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) Assets (275 in total)

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ELD5619637: "The Sleeping beauty" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images


DUV7206975: YOLE ZOUAVE HOLIDAY ALPHABET, 1920 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

A B: Andree, Bertrand and Bernard
A B: Andree, Bertrand and Bernard

DUV6345606: A B: Andree, Bertrand and Bernard, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

C: Charles and Catherine play hoop and rope
C: Charles and Catherine play hoop and rope

DUV6345608: C: Charles and Catherine play hoop and rope, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

E F: Elisabeth and Etienne, Felix, François and Fernand
E F: Elisabeth and Etienne, Felix, François and Fernand

DUV6345613: E F: Elisabeth and Etienne, Felix, François and Fernand, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

F: Felix, François and Fernand play football
F: Felix, François and Fernand play football

DUV6345614: F: Felix, François and Fernand play football, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

G: Germaine and Genevieve are greedy
G: Germaine and Genevieve are greedy

DUV6345615: G: Germaine and Genevieve are greedy, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

H: Helene and Henri are afraid of a lobster
H: Helene and Henri are afraid of a lobster

DUV6345617: H: Helene and Henri are afraid of a lobster, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

J: Jacques admires John reading a newspaper
J: Jacques admires John reading a newspaper

DUV6345620: J: Jacques admires John reading a newspaper, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

U V: Urban, Veronica, Victorin, Virginia and Victoire
U V: Urban, Veronica, Victorin, Virginia and Victoire

DUV6345637: U V: Urban, Veronica, Victorin, Virginia and Victoire, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

W X: William and Xavier
W X: William and Xavier

DUV6345640: W X: William and Xavier, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Z: Zephirin runs like a zebra
Z: Zephirin runs like a zebra

DUV6345644: Z: Zephirin runs like a zebra, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

G H I: General - Heros - Infantry
G H I: General - Heros - Infantry

DUV6345322: G H I: General - Heros - Infantry, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

J K: Joy - Kleber (1753-1800)
J K: Joy - Kleber (1753-1800)

DUV6345324: J K: Joy - Kleber (1753-1800), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

B: Bulldog, Beef
B: Bulldog, Beef

DUV6345384: B: Bulldog, Beef, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

E F: Squirrel, Elephant, Pheasant, Falcon
E F: Squirrel, Elephant, Pheasant, Falcon

DUV6345393: E F: Squirrel, Elephant, Pheasant, Falcon, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

F: Pheasant, Falcon
F: Pheasant, Falcon

DUV6345397: F: Pheasant, Falcon, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

G H: Giraffe, Gorilla, Hippo
G H: Giraffe, Gorilla, Hippo

DUV6345399: G H: Giraffe, Gorilla, Hippo, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

G: Giraffe, Gorilla
G: Giraffe, Gorilla

DUV6345400: G: Giraffe, Gorilla, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

H: Hippo
H: Hippo

DUV6345402: H: Hippo, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

K L: Kangaroo, Rabbit, Leo
K L: Kangaroo, Rabbit, Leo

DUV6345409: K L: Kangaroo, Rabbit, Leo, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

M N: Marabout, Nest, Nichee
M N: Marabout, Nest, Nichee

DUV6345414: M N: Marabout, Nest, Nichee, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

O P: Orangutang, Bear, Pelican
O P: Orangutang, Bear, Pelican

DUV6345419: O P: Orangutang, Bear, Pelican, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

P: Pelican
P: Pelican

DUV6345423: P: Pelican, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Q A: Quadrumane, Rat, Fox
Q A: Quadrumane, Rat, Fox

DUV6345424: Q A: Quadrumane, Rat, Fox, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

A: Rat, Fox
A: Rat, Fox

DUV6345427: A: Rat, Fox, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images


DUV6345444: X, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Z: Zebra
Z: Zebra

DUV6345449: Z: Zebra, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Aladdin, 1933 (illustration)
Aladdin, 1933 (illustration)

CCI1950847: Aladdin, 1933 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Aladdin and the lamp, 1933 (illustration)
Aladdin and the lamp, 1933 (illustration)

CCI1950852: Aladdin and the lamp, 1933 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)
Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho)

LLM2796121: Illustration for Le Rire (colour litho), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letters O and P, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving)
Letters O and P, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving)

DUV4208341: Letters O and P, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letters U and V, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving)
Letters U and V, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving)

DUV4208361: Letters U and V, in ABC des jouets, 1929 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letters W and X: wagons, xylophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)
Letters W and X: wagons, xylophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)

DUV4208365: Letters W and X: wagons, xylophone. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letters A and B: ostrich, plane, ene, agent, automobile, bilboquet, balloon, ball, bicycle, beef, sheep, boat, 1931 (engraving)
Letters A and B: ostrich, plane, ene, agent, automobile, bilboquet, balloon, ball, bicycle, beef, sheep, boat, 1931 (engraving)

DUV4208297: Letters A and B: ostrich, plane, ene, agent, automobile, bilboquet, balloon, ball, bicycle, beef, sheep, boat, 1931 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Letter H: hood, hippo. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)
Letter H: hood, hippo. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving)

DUV4208324: Letter H: hood, hippo. Engraving in ' ABC of toys''. , 1931 (engraving), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

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