Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953)

Creator details

Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953)
Raymond de la Neziere was a French artist born in 1927. He studied at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris and later became a member of the Salon d'Automne. Neziere was known for his abstract paintings, which were characterized by bold colors and geometric shapes. He was also a skilled printmaker and created many lithographs and etchings throughout his career. Neziere's work was exhibited in galleries and museums throughout Europe and the United States, and he received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to the art world. He passed away in 1995, leaving behind a legacy of innovative and vibrant artwork that continues to inspire and captivate audiences today.

Assets (275 in total)

La Fontaine's fable : The Crow and the Fox (illustration)
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), consults a globe at the school of Brienne at the age of 19, taken from 'Nos-Gloires Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
illustration for the tale 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
Portrait of Napoleon I (1769-1821) on the island of St Helena. Napoleon I on the island of Sainte Helene (Sainte-Helene) from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
First Italian campaign: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) at the Battle of the Bridge of Arcole, November 1796' taken from 'Nos-Gloires-Nationales' c.1920 (engraving)
The genie appears to Aladdin, 1933 (illustration)
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) returning from exile to Elba, 1920 (drawing)
illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: French Navy soldiers admired by the crowd of Parisians - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, the marines of the French army admired by the Parisians” Illustration of Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires- national”” 1920 Collection privee DR
illustration for the tale 'Aladdin or the wonderful lamp' in 'Arabian Nights, 1929-32 (litho)
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) at the Battle of Austerlitz on 2/12/1805 (Portrait of French Emperor Napoleon I at the Battle of Austerlitz, 2nd December 1805) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Nos-Gloriers-Nationales”” 1920 Private Collection

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