Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) Assets (275 in total)

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ELD5619280: "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619295: "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619303: "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619344: "Peau d'ane" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619359: "Barbe-Bleue" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619368: "Little Red Riding Hood" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619392: "Little Red Riding Hood" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619632: "The Sleeping beauty" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619640: "The Sleeping beauty" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619648: "The Sleeping beauty" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619249: "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619263: "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: Moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires National”” 1920 DR Private Collection
First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: Moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires National”” 1920 DR Private Collection

ELD4859033: First World War: The Defile of Victory on Avenue des Champs-Elysees in Paris on 14/07/1919: Moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch - (WWI: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, moroccan infantry parading before marshal Foch”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires National”” 1920 DR Private Collection, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

World War I: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, spahis, african light cavalry regiments of the French army”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires-nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection
World War I: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, spahis, african light cavalry regiments of the French army”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires-nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection

ELD4859070: World War I: victory parade on the Champs Elysees avenue, 14th July 1919, spahis, african light cavalry regiments of the French army”” Illustration by Raymond de la Neziere in “” Nos-gloires-nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) with his son the Aiglon (1811-1832) (King of Rome Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt) (French emperor Napoleon I with his son Napoleon II) Illustration of Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-Glories-Nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection
Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) with his son the Aiglon (1811-1832) (King of Rome Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt) (French emperor Napoleon I with his son Napoleon II) Illustration of Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-Glories-Nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection

ELD4862939: Portrait of Emperor Napoleon I (1769-1821) with his son the Aiglon (1811-1832) (King of Rome Napoleon II, Duke of Reichstadt) (French emperor Napoleon I with his son Napoleon II) Illustration of Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-Glories-Nationales”” 1920 DR Private Collection, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) child in Ajaccio, Corsica (Young Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio, Corsica) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-glories-nationales””” 1920 Private collection DR
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) child in Ajaccio, Corsica (Young Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio, Corsica) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-glories-nationales””” 1920 Private collection DR

ELD4862790: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) child in Ajaccio, Corsica (Young Napoleon Bonaparte in Ajaccio, Corsica) Illustration by Raymond de Neziere in “” Our-glories-nationales””” 1920 Private collection DR, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: N O P, 1920 (illustration)
OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: N O P, 1920 (illustration)

DUV7206733: OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: N O P, 1920 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: X Y Z, 1920 (illustration)
OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: X Y Z, 1920 (illustration)

DUV7206737: OUR ANIMALS ALPHABET: X Y Z, 1920 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

DONKEYS HOLIDAY ALPHABET, Boy Scout, 1920 (illustration)
DONKEYS HOLIDAY ALPHABET, Boy Scout, 1920 (illustration)

DUV7206964: DONKEYS HOLIDAY ALPHABET, Boy Scout, 1920 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images


DUV7206970: SEA SWIMMERS HOLIDAY ALPHABET, 1920 (illustration), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

OUR ANIMALS - ALPHABET A B, 1928 (illustration
OUR ANIMALS - ALPHABET A B, 1928 (illustration

DUV7207069: OUR ANIMALS - ALPHABET A B, 1928 (illustration, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

La Vie Parisienne Magazine Plate, France, 1920s (print)
La Vie Parisienne Magazine Plate, France, 1920s (print)

BAD3459421: La Vie Parisienne Magazine Plate, France, 1920s (print), Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619257: "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5618969: "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5618970: "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5618972: "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5618978: "Cinderella" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5618996: "Riquet a la Houppe" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619254: "Le Petit Poucet" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619269: "Le Chat Botte" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619317: "Peau d'Ane" illustration for the Fairy Tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619348: "Barbe-Bleue" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619356: "Peau d'ane" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619367: "Barbe-Bleue" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619380: "Little Red Riding Hood" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

ELD5619389: "Little Red Riding Hood" from the fairy tales by Charles Perrault (illustration) circa 1920, Neziere, Raymond de la (1865-1953) / Bridgeman Images

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